Tag: accpted

1 Thessalonians 2:13 – God’s Effective Work

For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also works in you who believe.

Truth to Learn

Any success we might have is because of God, not us.


Behind the Words

The words “we … thank” are translated from the verb eucharisteō, which is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and a form of charidzomai, meaning “to grant” or “to give.” The basic meanings of this word include “to show oneself to be pleased or grateful” or “to give thanks.”

Adialeiptōs is the Greek word translated “without ceasing.” It is a double compound word made up of a, meaning “without,” dia, meaning “through” or “between,” and a form of the verb leipō, meaning “to leave.” Thus, adialeiptōs literally means “without leaving space between.” In other words, it means doing something without pausing or stopping.

“You received” is from the Greek verb paralambanō. This word is made up of para, meaning “from” and lambanō, meaning “to take” or “to receive.” This word means “to receive from someone else” or “to receive to oneself.”

“You accepted” is translated from dechomai, which means “to accept something deliberately and readily.”

The word “works” is from the verb energeō. This word is based on energēs, meaning “operative, active, or working.” Thus, energeō means “to be at work” or “to be effective.”


Meaning Explained

One of the hallmarks of the Apostle Paul’s ministry is his repeated thankfulness to God. He realized, without a doubt, that his ministry, its effectiveness, and its result were all due to God’s working in him, not his own efforts. He also realized that his message was not something that he made up or delivered in his own personal eloquent style. He knew that he was not the originator of the message, simply the messenger. As a result, he reminded the Christians in Thessalonica that the message they heard from him is not of human origin, but God’s word.

You may recall from the first chapter of this letter that these believers were undergoing persecution (a point which he will reiterate in the upcoming verses). Under similar persecution, Christians of all ages have found comfort and encouragement in the words of Holy Scripture. Paul also reminds his readers here that God’s word is truth. Notice that in His closing prayer at the last supper, Jesus declared plainly that it is the truth which sets us apart from the rest of the world (John 17:17). In similar fashion, throughout the apostolic teaching in the New Testament, the writers give testimony that God’s word is truth (2 Corinthians 4:2, 6:7; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5; 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:18; 1 John 3:18).



Let us all remember that we are here to serve God, not ourselves. In whatever ministry we find ourselves, our responsibility is to represent our King and it is His message we deliver. Therefore, any success which we might have is the result of His working, not ours. Give Him thanks and praise!

In God's service, for His glory,

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