Tag: bastadzo

Romans 15:1 – Strong or Weak

But we who are strong ought to bear with the weaknesses of the weak, and not simply please ourselves.

Truth to Learn

The strong in faith are obligated to help the weaker Christian.


Behind the Words

The word translated “strong” is dunatos, meaning “powerful or capable.” It refers to those who have the ability or authority to do something.

“Ought” is from the Greek verb opheilō, meaning “to be indebted.” Metaphorically, it means “to be bound or obligated to perform a duty.” The problem with the English word “ought” is that it is thought of as “we probably should.” The meaning of opheilō, however, is much stronger than that. It is not simply a suggestion, but an obligation.

The word “bear” is the translation of the verb bastadzō, which means “to raise up and put on a pedestal.” By application it means “to lift up and provide support.”

“Weaknesses” is translated from the Greek word asthenēma, which is from the same root as the verb astheneō, meaning “to be without strength.” The noun form in the current verse refers to “the results of being weak.” As the Complete Word Study Dictionary says, “it refers to the scruples which arise by being weak in the faith.” The problem with this definition is that most of us don’t know what the word “scruples” really means. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition says that the word “scruple” means, “An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action.”


Meaning Explained

In talking about the weaknesses of the weak, Paul is referring to the uneasy feelings that those who are weak in faith have when they are presented with a spiritual decision that is beyond their maturity level. Because they are weak in faith, they don’t know what the proper response should be. In a similar situation, mature Christians will tend to err on the conservative side and not do that which they aren’t sure about (as Paul taught in the previous chapter). Those who are weak in the faith, however, are likely to go ahead and do that thing which they aren’t certain about because they don’t know any better.

Those of us who are more mature in our Christian faith should not insist that our weaker brother or sister do something that we know is appropriate and acceptable if they are not convinced it is. Instead, we should, for conscience sake, not do ourselves what our weaker brother thinks is inappropriate or unacceptable. In other words, we should bow our will to theirs instead of pleasing ourselves. It goes back to what Paul said in the previous chapter:

It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. (Romans 14:21)

If we always have the highest good of our brother or sister in view, then we will always be doing the right thing.



The Christian who is young in the faith often looks to those who are older in the faith to develop his or her walk with the Lord. What kind of an example are you to Christian brothers and sisters around you? Are you lifting them up, or are you dragging them down?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 11:18 – No Proud Branches

do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, notice that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.

Truth to Learn

We should not boast about ourselves or our position, because it is God who is responsible for who and what we are.


Behind the Words

The word translated “boast” is the Greek word katakauchaomai, which is a compound word made up of kata, meaning “against” and a form of kouchaomai which means “to boast.” Hence, this word means “to boast against.” Webster defines the word “boast” as “To brag, or vaunt one's self; to make an ostentatious display, in speech, of one's own worth, property, or actions.Katakauchaomai is expressed here in the middle person (indicating action done to oneself), and the imperative mood (indicating a command). It is preceded by the word , a conditional negative particle. As we have pointed out previously, word order in Greek is used for emphases. The fact that precedes katakauchaomai indicates emphasis on . Therefore, we could translate this as “Stop boasting about yourself!” We could paraphrase it as, “Get out of the habit of boasting about yourself against the branches!”

“Support” is from the Greek word bastadzō, which is derived from basis, meaning “foot.” Bastadzō refers to “lifting something up and placing it on a solid footing.” As it is used here, it refers to something that is providing both support and sustenance.


Meaning Explained

Paul is talking metaphorically about an olive tree; a tree which gets its holiness from the root. In the previous verse he talked about the natural branches being broken off and the Gentiles being grafted in. Obviously, the tree represents God’s family. It began with the Jews (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) and from this tree came the Messiah, Himself.

Paul will declare in verse twenty that the branches that were broken off were broken off because of unbelief. That is, the Jews were rejected because they did not believe the Messiah when He came. And because of their unbelief, the gospel was subsequently proclaimed to the Gentiles (by the Apostles, who were Jews).

Paul now warns us Gentile believers not to boast against the Jews. What he is saying is, in effect, “Don’t consider yourselves more worthy than the Jews, who were rejected.” The reason he tells us not to boast is because we are not the ones who sustain the root (God), but it is the root that sustains and supports us. You see, we didn’t graft ourselves into the tree, God engrafted us. We were not of the original family of blessing (the Jews), and we have done nothing to make ourselves worthy of being included in their blessings.

Remember that it is God who is the author and finisher of our faith. He chose us, we did not choose Him. He is the one who declared us righteous; we did not earn our righteousness. Without God’s action we are nothing and we are destined for Hell because of our lack of righteousness. We have absolutely nothing to boast about.



Let me ask you, “Have you ever met a proud Christian?” That’s a contradiction of terms, isn’t it?

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may lift you up in due time, (I Peter 5:6)

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 15:1 – Strong or Weak

Romans 15:1 – Strong or Weak

We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

Truth to Learn

The strong in faith are obligated to help the weaker Christian.

Behind the Words

The word translated “strong” is dunatos, meaning “powerful or capable.” It refers to those who have the ability or authority to do something.

Ought” is from the Greek verb opheilō, meaning “to be indebted.” Metaphorically, it means “to be bound or obligated to perform a duty.” The problem with the English word “ought” is that it is thought of as “we probably should.” The meaning of opheilō, however, is much stronger than that. It is not simply a suggestion, but an obligation.

The word “bear” is the translation of the verb bastadzō, which means “to raise up and put on a pedestal.” By application it means “to lift up and provide support.”

Scruples” is translated from the Greek word asthenēma, which is from the same root as the verb astheneō, meaning “to be without strength.” The noun form in the current verse refers to “the results of being weak.” As the Complete Word Study Dictionary says, “it refers to the scruples which arise by being weak in the faith.” The problem with this definition is that most of us don’t know what the word “scruples” really means. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition says that the word “scruple” means, “An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action.”

Meaning Explained

In talking about the scruples of the weak, Paul is referring to the uneasy feelings that those who are weak in faith have when they are presented with a spiritual decision that is beyond their maturity level. Because they are weak in faith, they don’t know what the proper response should be. In a similar situation, mature Christians will tend to err on the conservative side and not do that which they aren’t sure about (as Paul taught in the previous chapter). Those who are weak in the faith, however, are likely to go ahead and do that thing which they aren’t certain about because they don’t know any better.

Those of us who are more mature in our Christian faith should not insist that our weaker brother or sister do something that we know is appropriate and acceptable if they are not convinced it is. Instead, we should, for conscience sake, not do ourselves what our weaker brother thinks is inappropriate or unacceptable. In other words, we should bow our will to theirs instead of pleasing ourselves. It goes back to what Paul said in the previous chapter:

It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. (Romans 14:21)

If we always have the highest good of our brother or sister in view, then we will always be doing the right thing.


The Christian who is young in the faith often looks to those who are older in the faith to develop his or her walk with the Lord. What kind of an example are you to Christian brothers and sisters around you? Are you lifting them up, or are you dragging them down?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 11:18 – No Proud Branches

Romans 11:18 – No Proud Branches

do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.

Truth to Learn

We should not boast about ourselves or our position, because it is God who is responsible for who and what we are.

Behind the Words

The word translated “boast” is the Greek word katakauchaomai, which is a compound word made up of kata, meaning “against” and a form of kouchaomai which means “to boast.” Hence, this word means “to boast against.” Webster defines the word “boast” as “To brag, or vaunt one’s self; to make an ostentatious display, in speech, of one’s own worth, property, or actions.Katakauchaomai is expressed here in the middle person (indicating action done to oneself), and the imperative mood (indicating a command). It is preceded by the word , a conditional negative particle. As we have pointed out previously, word order in Greek is used for emphases. The fact that precedes katakauchaomai indicates emphasis on . Therefore, we could translate this as “Stop boasting about yourself!” We could paraphrase it as, “Get out of the habit of boasting about yourself against the branches!”

Support” is from the Greek word bastadzō, which is derived from basis, meaning “foot.” Bastadzō refers to “lifting something up and placing it on a solid footing.”

Meaning Explained

Paul is talking metaphorically about an olive tree; a tree which gets its holiness from the root. In the previous verse he talked about the natural branches being broken off and the Gentiles being grafted in. Obviously, the tree represents God’s family. It began with the Jews (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) and from this tree came the Messiah, Himself.

Paul will declare in verse twenty that the branches that were broken off were broken off because of unbelief. That is, the Jews were rejected because they did not believe the Messiah when He came. And because of their unbelief, the gospel was subsequently proclaimed to the Gentiles (by the Apostles, who were Jews).

Paul now warns us Gentile believers not to boast against the Jews. What he is saying is, in effect, “Don’t consider yourselves more worthy than the Jews, who were rejected.” The reason he tells us not to boast is because we are not the ones who sustain the root (God), but it is the root that sustains and supports us. You see, we didn’t graft ourselves into the tree, God engrafted us. We were not of the original family of blessing (the Jews), and we have done nothing to make ourselves worthy of being included in their blessings.

Remember that it is God who is the author and finisher of our faith. He chose us, we did not choose Him. He is the one who declared us righteous; we did not earn our righteousness. Without God’s action we are nothing and we are destined for Hell because of our lack of righteousness. We have absolutely nothing to boast about.


Let me ask you, “Have you ever met a proud Christian?” That’s a contradiction of terms, isn’t it?

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, (I Peter 5:6)

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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