Tag: weaknesses

Romans 15:1 – Strong or Weak

But we who are strong ought to bear with the weaknesses of the weak, and not simply please ourselves.

Truth to Learn

The strong in faith are obligated to help the weaker Christian.


Behind the Words

The word translated “strong” is dunatos, meaning “powerful or capable.” It refers to those who have the ability or authority to do something.

“Ought” is from the Greek verb opheilō, meaning “to be indebted.” Metaphorically, it means “to be bound or obligated to perform a duty.” The problem with the English word “ought” is that it is thought of as “we probably should.” The meaning of opheilō, however, is much stronger than that. It is not simply a suggestion, but an obligation.

The word “bear” is the translation of the verb bastadzō, which means “to raise up and put on a pedestal.” By application it means “to lift up and provide support.”

“Weaknesses” is translated from the Greek word asthenēma, which is from the same root as the verb astheneō, meaning “to be without strength.” The noun form in the current verse refers to “the results of being weak.” As the Complete Word Study Dictionary says, “it refers to the scruples which arise by being weak in the faith.” The problem with this definition is that most of us don’t know what the word “scruples” really means. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition says that the word “scruple” means, “An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action.”


Meaning Explained

In talking about the weaknesses of the weak, Paul is referring to the uneasy feelings that those who are weak in faith have when they are presented with a spiritual decision that is beyond their maturity level. Because they are weak in faith, they don’t know what the proper response should be. In a similar situation, mature Christians will tend to err on the conservative side and not do that which they aren’t sure about (as Paul taught in the previous chapter). Those who are weak in the faith, however, are likely to go ahead and do that thing which they aren’t certain about because they don’t know any better.

Those of us who are more mature in our Christian faith should not insist that our weaker brother or sister do something that we know is appropriate and acceptable if they are not convinced it is. Instead, we should, for conscience sake, not do ourselves what our weaker brother thinks is inappropriate or unacceptable. In other words, we should bow our will to theirs instead of pleasing ourselves. It goes back to what Paul said in the previous chapter:

It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. (Romans 14:21)

If we always have the highest good of our brother or sister in view, then we will always be doing the right thing.



The Christian who is young in the faith often looks to those who are older in the faith to develop his or her walk with the Lord. What kind of an example are you to Christian brothers and sisters around you? Are you lifting them up, or are you dragging them down?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 8:26 – Our Prayer Partner

In the same way the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Truth to Learn

The Holy Spirit knows when we don’t know what or how to pray and takes over for us, praying to the Father on our behalf.


Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “helps” is sunantilambanomai, which is a double compound word made up of sun, meaning “together,” anti, meaning “against” or “mutually,” and a form of lambanō, which means “to take, or to hold.” Literally, this means “to take hold of another mutually as by the hand,” that is “to grasp hands with someone so as to keep them from falling.”

The word translated “weaknesses” is astheneia, which literally means “without strength” but by application means “weakness or sickness.” In the context of these verses we would have to conclude that it refers to weakness rather than sickness.

 “Intercession” is the Greek word huperentugchanō, which is made up of “huper” meaning “over” or “on behalf of” and entugchanō” meaning “to turn to” or “to appeal.” This is a legal term used to express what an attorney does when speaking in behalf of the client. As a legal representative, the attorney speaks in place of and with the authority of the client. The attorney, in fact, becomes the legal voice of his or her client.


Meaning Explained

You will recall that we’re talking about Christians enduring suffering during this lifetime. Paul has just said that it is our faith, the hope of future glory, which makes it possible for us to endure these sufferings. He also told us back in verse nine that the Holy Spirit dwells in us and he said that we should live by and be led by the Spirit.

We have all suffered at times because of our faith. Sometimes this suffering is so deep that we don’t know how we will ever recover. And often in those times of suffering we don’t even have the strength of faith to be able to pray or we don’t know how to pray about the situation. We may be so deep in the pit of despair that all we can do is cry out to God, “Help me, God, please!” Paul tells us that in those times of weakness, whether it is physical or spiritual, the Holy Spirit of God helps us.

He starts off this verse with, “In the same way.” Now we have to ask ourselves, “In the same way as what?” In order to answer this question we have to go back to verse twenty-three. There Paul was talking about those of us who have the Spirit of God in us groaning under our suffering until we receive our adoption and the redemption of our bodies.

Now he is telling us that in those times of suffering when we are too weak to pray (physically or spiritually), or when we are in such depression or dejection that we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit steps in, taking our hand, and speaks to the Father for us in a manner that is unspeakable or unutterable for us. When we are groaning in weakness not knowing what to do the Spirit groans and speaks for us.



What a blessed promise! Have you had those times when you didn’t know what or how to pray? When we are in that pit of doubt and despair, without us even asking Him, the Holy Spirit steps-in and takes over for us. Who could ask for a better prayer partner when we need it the most?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved