Tag: builds on

1 Corinthians 3:10 – Construction Gifts

According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.

Truth to Learn

Christians are to use their gifts to build up the church.

Behind the Words

Grace” is translated from the Greek word charis, which refers to an unearned and undeserved favor done without expectation of anything in return. When used in reference to God, it denotes the absolutely free expression of the loving kindness of God in his gifts to His children.

Wise” is from sophos, which means “wise.” In its New Testament usage, it implies a fear of God and an understanding of His ways.

The words “master builder” are translated from the Greek noun architektōn (from which we get our English word “architect”). It is composed or archi, indicating a high rank or degree and tektōn, meaning “a builder” or “a workman.” In Greek, it means more than just a designer. It refers to a master builder.

The words “I have laid” are from the verb tithēmi, which means “to set” or “to put in place.”

Foundation” is translated from themelios, referring to “that which is put in place.”

Epoikodomeō is the word translated “builds on.” It is composed of epi, meaning “upon” and oikodomeō, meaning “to build a structure.”

Meaning Explained

Paul now builds on his architectural metaphor with regard to God’s temple, the body of Christ, the church. Notice first, that Paul gives the credit for his abilities to God. He states very clearly that he is a master builder of the church. But he says that the wisdom, knowledge, and ability to begin construction of the church are a direct result of the gift(s) that God has given him.

You will recall that this whole discussion began because of the divisions that had formed in the church in Corinth. Some people claimed to be followers of Paul and other claimed to be followers of Apollos, or Peter, or Christ. However, Paul recognizes that the building of the church is not done by one person, but many. He also recognizes that each person has his or her own part to do in the construction project. The body of Christ grows as we all work together and it is destroyed if we do not all work together.

The apostle tells the Corinthians, and us, that through the gift given to him by God, he laid the foundation. That was the task assigned to him and, along with this assignment God gave him the ability to do it. It is now up to others, like Apollos (and you and me), to build on that foundation. At this point, he gives us all a warning: we are all to be aware and careful how we build on that foundation. In verses twelve through fifteen he will tell us why we need to be aware of how we build.


God has gifted every Christian with abilities that are to be used in building up the church. Whatever gifts we have been given are not for our own personal use. They have been specifically given to us for building the Body of Christ. We must use the gifts we’ve been given to build the church, it’s our assignment.

In God's service, for His glory,

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