Tag: contraty

1 Peter 3:9 – Blessings for Insults

not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but on the contrary blessing, because you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.

Truth to Learn

The proper response when someone insults you is to bless them.


Behind the Words

The word translated “returning” is the Greek word, apodidantes, which means “to give away” or, as in this case, “to give back.” The notion is that it is not self-initiated action but reaction.

The word “evil” is from kakos, which means “worthless, bad, or evil.”

“Insult” is translated from loidoria, which refers to “insulting language or verbal abuse.”

The expression “on the contrary” is from the Greek word tounantion, which literally means “the opposite.”

The word translated “blessing” comes from our old friend, eulogeo, which literally means “good words.”

“Inherit” is translated from the verb klēronomeō, which is made up of klēros, meaning “a lot” or “a portion” and nemō, meaning “to hold” or “to distribute.” klēronomeō refers to the distribution of an inheritance to those who rightfully deserve it.


Meaning Explained

After telling us how we should behave, Peter now tells us how we shouldn’t behave. Few of us go around looking for people we can do bad things to or people we can cast a vicious insult at. On the other hand, how quickly we seem to react to the pain inflicted by others with a little pain infliction of our own. How effortlessly we can deliver a quick and powerful (and stinging) response to others when we are simply defending ourselves.

However, Peter says we should do just the opposite. We should respond with a blessing when we are insulted or when someone does something bad to us. We should eulogize them, we should respond with kind words (Yeah, right! That’s what I want to do when someone slams me!) The point is, the action we should take is not what we want to do, it is what God tells us to do.

“Why should I say something nice to someone who just did something bad to me?” you may ask. Peter says, in effect, that this is our purpose in life. Unto this we were called. Here’s what the Apostle Paul said to the Christians in Rome:

But whom He predestinated, these He also called; and whom He called, those He also justified. And whom He justified, these He also glorified. (Romans 8:39)

Because God chose us and called us, He also declared us as just, or righteous, and in God’s mind at least, He has already glorified us. Because of this calling, however, we are also expected to behave in a certain manner. We were called to inherit a blessing, that is, justification, glorification, and salvation! Therefore, we certainly should return a blessing on those who do bad things to us in light of what God has already done for us and in light of what He is going to do for us.



The next time someone does something bad to you or insults you try saying something nice to them in return. You may be surprised by what happens!

In God's service, for His glory,

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