Tag: eisodon

1 Thessalonians 2:1 – Opposition Will Come

For you yourselves know, brothers, that our coming to you was not in vain.

Truth to Learn

An effective Christian ministry will encounter opposition.


Behind the Words

“Know” is translated from the Greek verb eidō, which literally means “to see,” but as in English, it carries the meaning of “to see with perception.” Hence, it means “to know.” It is expressed in the perfect tense (past completed action with an ongoing effect, where the emphasis is on the effect) as a second person plural (you) verb. Since the verb already expresses the idea of “you (plural) know”, it is not necessary to include the pronoun autoi (you, plural) in order to convey that meaning. However, the fact that Paul used the personal pronoun indicates emphasis on it and it is here translated as “yourselves.”

The word “coming” is from the Greek noun eisodon, which we saw in verse nine of chapter one. It is made up of eis, meaning “in” or “into” and hodos, meaning “a road” or “a way.” Thus, eisodon literally means “a way in.” So, we could have translated this as “… that our way in to you …”

“In vain” is the translation of kenos, which literally means “empty,” “hollow,” or “fruitless.” In this case it could be a reference to Paul’s preaching being without merit or deceitful, or it could be a reference to a lack of success. Based on the subject matter of the latter half of the previous chapter it probably refers to “a lack of success.”

The verb “was” is translated from ginomai, which means “to begin to be” or “to come into existence.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense which indicates past completed action with an ongoing effect, the emphasis being on the effect. We could, therefore, interpret the ending of this verse as “that our coming to you has shown itself to be fruitful.


Meaning Explained

Having spent most of the first part of this letter praising the Thessalonian Christians for their testimony, Paul now turns to a more serious topic. Based on the subject matter of this second chapter we can surmise that there were some people who had made charges against the way that Paul and his associates behaved. From verse three we can conclude that their accusers had claimed that Paul used deceitful means or false, flattering words in his preaching. From verses five and six it also appears that Paul was accused of trying to take advantage of the Thessalonians for his own selfish benefit. Also, from verses seventeen through twenty, it appears that Paul and his companions were accused of hastily abandoning the Church in Thessalonica after they got what they wanted from them.

So, to get a better understanding of the background of Paul’s ministry to these dear saints, read Acts 16:9-17:10. There you will see that Paul and Silas (Silvanus) were persecuted and thrown in jail while ministering in Philippi. The reason they had been imprisoned was not because they preached the Gospel, but because they cast out a demon from a young girl who was being selfishly used by others to make money from her demon possession and resulting fortune telling. After leaving Philippi and coming to Thessalonica, Paul preached in the synagogue and a large number of people believed. But, because of the jealousy of the Jews there, he was forced to leave and go to Berea. The Jews in Thessalonica then pursued Paul and his companions, again stirring up the crowds against them, causing Paul and Silvanus to flee from Berea as well.

In today’s verse Paul is pointing out to the Thessalonian Christians that his ministry there was not without merit or fruit. In fact, in Acts 17:4 we see that some of the Jews and a large number of Greeks got saved as a result of Paul’s ministry.



Paul and Silvanus didn’t let opposition and persecution stop them from serving God in the ministry He had called them to. Likewise, don’t let opposition to your ministry cause you to get discouraged or to give up. Remember, greater is He who is in us than he who is against us!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 1:9 – Turn From Idols

For they themselves declare about us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,

Truth to Learn

We need to turn from idols and give all our devotion to God.


Behind the Words

“Declare” is from the Greek verb apangellō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” and angellō, meaning “to announce” or “to declare.” This word literally means “to bring a message from any person or place.”

The word “entry” is from the Greek noun eisodon, which is made up of eis, meaning “in” or “into” and hodos, meaning “a road” or “a way.” Thus, eisodon literally means “a way in.”

Epistrephō is the verb translated “turned.” It is composed of epi, meaning “above, over, on, or motion toward something” and strephō, meaning “to turn.” Thus, epistrephō means “to turn on something” or “to turn toward something.”

The word translated “idols” is eidōlon, which refers to “an image or representation of some other thing.”

“God” is translated from theos, which was originally used by the heathen to refer to their gods (idols). It is based on the noun theteres, meaning “placers.” The heathen Greeks thought their gods were the makers and disposers (placers) of all things. For instance, the god of money was referred to as mammon, which Jesus referred to in Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13. In the New Testament, when you see word “god” it refers to a false god (see 1Corinthians 1:20) but when spelled “God” it refers to the one true God.


Meaning Explained

In this letter to the church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul has been praising the members of the church there for the manner in which they have been living their lives and proclaiming the gospel message. In yesterday’s verse he told them that the witness of their faith living has gone out into the entire world; so much so, in fact, that Paul says he and his associated don’t have to tell anyone about it.

Now he adds to that praise by saying the reason the Apostles don’t have to tell anyone about the Christian character of the Thessalonians is because people everywhere are talking about it. He tells us that these people are talking about the way that Paul and his companions initially came to the people of Thessalonica. He also says that people are talking about how the Christians in Thessalonica turned from idol worship to become dedicated followers of Jesus Christ.

This makes this church somewhat unique among the churches that Paul planted. Most of them were primarily converts from Judaism, but it appears that the Thessalonian Christians were pagans before hearing and believing the gospel message.



Do you have idols in your life that are more important than Jesus Christ? What’s more important to you, money, clothes or other possessions, family, success at work, sports, your reputation …? Whatever it is, if it demands more of your time and devotion than serving God, it’s an idol and you need to turn from it to serve the living and true God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 2:1 – Opposition Will Come

For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain.

Truth to Learn

An effective Christian ministry will encounter opposition.

Behind the Words

The word “entry” is from the Greek noun eisodon, which we saw in verse nine of chapter one. It is made up of eis, meaning “in” or “into” and hodos, meaning “a road” or “a way.” Thus, eisodon literally means “a way in.”

In vain” is the translation of kenos, which literally means “empty,” “hollow,” or “fruitless.” In this case it could be a reference to Paul’s preaching being without merit or deceitful, or it could be a reference to a lack of success. Based on the subject matter of the latter half of the previous chapter it probably refers to “a lack of success.”

The verb “was” is translated from ginomai, which means “to begin to be” or “to come into existence.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense which indicates past completed action with an ongoing effect, the emphasis being on the effect. We could, therefore, interpret the ending of this verse as “that our coming to you has shown itself to be fruitful.

Meaning Explained

Having spent most of the first part of this letter praising the Thessalonian Christians for their testimony, Paul now turns to a more serious topic. Based on the subject matter of this second chapter we can surmise that there were some people who had made charges against the way that Paul and his associates behaved. From verse three we can conclude that their accusers had claimed that Paul used deceitful means or false, flattering words in his preaching. From verses five and six it also appears that Paul was accused of trying to take advantage of the Thessalonians for his own selfish benefit. Also, from verses seventeen through twenty, it appears that Paul and his companions were accused of hastily abandoning the Church in Thessalonica after they got what they wanted from them.

So, to get a better understanding of the background of Paul’s ministry to these dear saints, read Acts 16:9-17:10. There you will see that Paul and Silas (Silvanus) were persecuted and thrown in jail while ministering in Philippi. The reason they had been imprisoned was not because they preached the Gospel, but because they cast out a demon from a young girl who was being selfishly used by others to make money from her demon possession and resulting fortune telling. After leaving Philippi and coming to Thessalonica, Paul preached in the synagogue and a large number of people believed. But, because of the jealousy of the Jews there, he was forced to leave and go to Berea. The Jews in Thessalonica then pursued Paul and his companions, again stirring up the crowds against them, causing Paul and Silvanus to flee from Berea as well.

In today’s verse Paul is pointing out to the Thessalonian Christians that his ministry there was not without merit or fruit. In fact, in Acts 17:4 we see that some of the Jews and a large number of Greeks got saved as a result of Paul’s ministry.


Paul and Silvanus didn’t let opposition and persecution stop them from serving God in the ministry He had called them to. Likewise, don’t let opposition to your ministry cause you to get discouraged or to give up. Remember, greater is He who is in us than he who is against us!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 1:9 – Turn From Idols

For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,

Truth to Learn

We need to turn from idols and give all our devotion to God.

Behind the Words

Declare” is from the Greek verb apangellō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” and angellō, meaning “to announce” or “to declare.” This word literally means “to bring a message from any person or place.” The form of this verb indicates continual action.

The word “entry” is from the Greek noun eisodon, which is made up of eis, meaning “in” or “into” and hodos, meaning “a road” or “a way.” Thus, eisodon literally means “a way in.”

Epistrephō is the verb translated “turned.” It is composed of epi, meaning “above, over, on, or motion toward something” and strephō, meaning “to turn.” Thus, epistrephō means “to turn on something” or “to turn toward something.”

The word translated “idols” is eidōlon, which refers to “an image or representation of some other thing.”

God” is translated from theos, which was originally used by the heathen to refer to their gods (idols). It is based on the noun theteres, meaning “placers.” The heathen Greeks thought their gods were the makers and disposers (placers) of all things. For instance, the god of money was referred to as mammon, which Jesus referred to in Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13. In the New Testament, when you see word “god” it refers to a false god (see 1Corinthians 1:20) but when spelled “God” it refers to the one true God.

Meaning Explained

In this letter to the church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul has been praising the members of the church there for the manner in which they have been living their lives and proclaiming the gospel message. In yesterday’s verse he told them that the witness of their faith living has gone out into the entire Christian world; so much so, in fact, that Paul says he and his associated don’t have to tell anyone about it.

Now he adds to that praise by saying the reason the Apostles don’t have to tell anyone about the Christian character of the Thessalonians is because people everywhere are talking about it. He tells us that these people are talking about the way that Paul and his companions initially came to the people of Thessalonica. He also says that people are talking about how the Christians in Thessalonica turned from idol worship to become dedicated followers of Jesus Christ.

This makes this church somewhat unique among the churches that Paul planted. Most of them were primarily converts from Judaism, but it appears that the Thessalonian Christians were pagans before hearing and believing the gospel message.


Do you have idols in your life that are more important than Jesus Christ? What’s more important to you, money, clothes or other possessions, family, success at work, sports, your reputation …? Whatever it is, if it demands more of your time and devotion than serving God, it’s an idol and you need to turn from it to serve the living and true God.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved