Tag: flee

James 4:7 – Resistance Through Submission

Therefore be submitted to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Truth to Learn

Submitting to God is the only way to resist our enemy.

Behind the Words

The word translated “submit” is the Greek word, hupotassō which is made up of hupo (or hypo), which means “under,” as in hypodermic (under the skin), and tassō, which means “to place in an orderly manner.” Therefore, to submit means to place yourself under. This is a military term which means to place yourself in a lower rank than someone else, committed to obeying your superior’s orders. It is used here in the passive voice implying action done to the subject (you) and in the imperative mood, indicating that it is a command.

We saw the word “resist” in the previous verse. It is translated from the Greek word antitassō, meaning “to set-up battle lines against an enemy.” This word is also in the imperative mood indicating a command.

The word translated “flee”; is the Greek word pheugō, which means “to run away” or “to vanish.”

Meaning Explained

I hope we’re all prepared to hear James’ message about submission, because he’s going to say it more than once. He is saying that since God sets Himself against the proud and gives grace to the humble, we should allow ourselves to be placed under God (be submitted to Him) and stand firm against the devil. If we do these two things, we are told that the devil will run away. The scene I imagine is of a little child who has been harassed by the town bully. The child then runs to the biggest, strongest person around (who just happens to be his or her dad) and stands there in his shadow smiling confidently at the bully who runs away when he sees the child’s dad.

If we take this in context with the preceding verses, it is clear that James is telling us that when we are filled with envy and the lust to have more of what the world has to offer (the worldly lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of position and power), we need to be humbled before our God and resist these temptations. These desires for stuff, pleasure, and power are an integral part of the world system of which Satan is the prince.

Notice, however, that James does not simply say that we are to resist the Devil. Trying to resist the Devil without being submitted to God is like the child trying to resist the bully on his own. We all know what happens to the child when his or her father is not around. We are no different in our spiritual warfare against Satan and his world system. We cannot take him on by ourselves. It is only as we are submitted to God’s will and committed to doing things His way that we can have victory over our adversary.


I have learned from experience that when I try to stand like a lone gladiator against the temptations that this world throws at me, I fail miserably. However, when I recognize my weakness from the start and fall on my knees before God, seeking His victory over the temptation, it often vanishes into thin air. Try it yourself, even today. When you find yourself tempted by this bullying world system, submit your will to your Heavenly Father and resist! For His glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

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