Tag: resist

Romans 13:2 – Authoritative Submission

Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has ordained, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

Truth to Learn

We are to submit ourselves to those in authority over us, or we will find ourselves resisting what God has put in place.


Behind the Words

The first occurrence of the word “resists” is translated from antitassō, which is made up of anti, meaning “against” and tassō, which we looked at in the previous verse meaning “to place in order.” Therefore, we see that antitassō means “to put in an orderly arrangement against.” It is the word that is used of an army put in battle formation against the enemy.

“Ordained” is from the Greek word diatagē, which is made up of dia, meaning “through,” but which also implies thoroughness, and a form of tassō, “to arrange.” Hence, this word refers to something that is “thoroughly arranged” or “ordained.’

The second occurrence of “resists” and the word “resist” are both translated from the Greek word anthestemi, which is another compound word. This one is made up of anti, meaning “against” and histemi, meaning “to stand.” Thus we see that these two words both mean “to take a stand against” or “to resist.”

“Bring” is from a form of the Greek word lambanō, meaning “to take.” It is in the active voice in this verse indicating that it is something being actively taken as opposed to something being passively received.


Meaning Explained

Before we talk about this verse, notice the heavy use of the root word tassō (to set in an orderly arrangement) in both the previous verse and this one. It is as if the Apostle Paul is making a stark contrast between what God has put in place and what mankind tries to put in place. Paul is very fond of using such a “play on words” to emphasize the point he is making. This is especially poignant given the fact that he spent the entire last chapter teaching us to be living sacrifices, not seeking our own will, but God’s.

In the previous verse he warned us to submit ourselves to the authorities that are over us, whether religious, occupational, or civil. We are not to fight against authority, and in this verse he tells us why:

Therefore whoever opposes the authority is standing against the orderly arrangement that God has set in place, and those who take such a stand will take judgment on themselves.

In other words, if we are contemplating the resisting of any authority that we are under, whether it is religious, occupational, or civil, we had better make absolutely certain that we are not resisting what God has put in place. Remember, that the only example that God gives us where we are to resist authority is when that authority is asking us to act contrary to God’s specific instructions to us, such as an authority telling us not to witness concerning salvation through Jesus Christ.



We do not have to respect or even like people who are in authority over us, but we are to respect their position of authority and submit to them. Otherwise, we are resisting what God has put in place.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 9:19 – No Fault Sovereignty

You will say to me then, "Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?"

Truth to Learn

It is completely fair for God to do as He decides.


Behind the Words

The Greek verb translated “find fault”  is memphomai, meaning “to find fault, to blame, or to censure.”

“Resisted” is translated from anthistēmi. This is a compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” So, quite literally, this word means “to stand against.” Understand, however, that the emphasis of this word is on the result rather than the process. In its usage here, Paul is not saying, “who has put up a fight against God’s will” but “who has prevailed against His will.”

“Will” is from boulēma. This is the noun form of boulomai, which we compared with thelō back in verse sixteen. It refers to “intention or purpose.”


Meaning Explained

Paul has been very methodically and meticulously describing God’s sovereignty in choosing some and not choosing others. Every Jew knows that God chose Abraham and called him out of Ur of the Chaldeans. From there Paul showed that Isaac was the chosen son of promise rather than Ishmael, the first born of his flesh. He then gives the example of Jacob and Esau. Even though Esau was the first born, God said “Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated.” And He did so without taking into account anything either of them did in their lives.

His next example is Pharaoh. Pharaoh had a hardened heart toward God and His chosen people as a result of his sin nature (which we all have). But God hardened Pharaoh’s heart even further so that He (God) might receive praise and glory. Thus Paul declares

He has mercy on whom He determines, and whom He determines He hardens.

From our human perspective we look at this and say, “That’s not fair!” This is the first objection most people have to God’s sovereignty. Paul now gets to the other objection. If God is in total control and no one can resist His will in election, then why does he condemn sinners? Why doesn’t He just forgive everyone their sins and not send anyone to Hell for being a sinner?

Actually, this is just another way of saying, “That’s not fair! God shouldn’t choose some to go to Heaven and allow others to go to Hell.” Paul will address this in his response in the next verse. So as not to take all the wind out of his sails, let me simply state that the problem with this objection is that it assumes that we know better than God. But, how can we who are finite beings with a sin nature ever suppose that we know better than an infinite, loving, holy, righteous God.



We have no right to criticize God for the way He chooses to run His creation. Instead of complaining and fighting His will for us, we need to better understand Him and His will for us. As we do, we will fall on our knees asking for forgiveness for even questioning His will and His sovereignty.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 5:9 – Brotherhood of Suffering

Resist him firmly in the faith, knowing that your brotherhood in the world are undergoing the same sufferings.

Truth to Learn

You are not alone in your suffering for Christ.


Behind the Words

“Resist” is translated from the Greek word anthistēmi, which is a compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” Hence, it literally means “to stand against.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command. It is also expressed as a plural verb, indicating that it is to church members collectively, not individually.

The word “firmly” is from stereos, meaning “firm” or “solid.” Figuratively, it means “strong” or “immovable.” It also carries the idea of compactness. This is an adverb, modifying the verb anthistēmi. Since the verb is expressed in the plural, this implies that Christians are to “close ranks,” put on a solid front of resistance, and stand firm against the Devil.

The expression “are undergoing” is from epiteleō, which is a compound of epi, used as an intensifier and teleō, meaning “to complete.” It is expressed as a present infinitive, implying that the suffering is continually being accomplished throughout the body of Christ.

“Sufferings” is translated from the Greek word pathēma, which means “suffering.” The –ma ending means that this is referring to that which is suffered. In other words, it refers to the feelings you experience as you suffer.


Meaning Explained

Beyond simply being alert and vigilant regarding our opponent the Devil, as we saw in yesterday’s verse, we are to work together with other Christians to resist him firmly.

Joining this part of today’s verse with the previous three, we see that we are to … allow ourselves to be humbled under God’s mighty hand, without worrying, being alert and vigilant regarding our enemy, and when we do encounter our enemy we are to stand firmly against him in the faith. And what happens when we do this?

Therefore be submitted to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

When we try to stand against the Devil in our own strength, we are certain to fail, but if we stand in the belief that God is with us, and we are humbled under His mighty hand, Satan doesn’t want anything to do with us because he knows that he is certain to fail. Peter then finishes off this verse with a word of encouragement,

knowing that your brotherhood in the world are undergoing the same sufferings.

 We always seem to be able to withstand hardships a little easier if we know that we are not being singled out for the pain. Not only does God know what we’re going through (in fact it may be part of His plan), but we are not alone. There are other Christians who are undergoing the same suffering we are now.



Are you feeling the pain and anguish of faithful suffering right now? As a Christian, you know that God is aware of your pain and there are other Christians who are feeling the same pain and anguish as you. Why not take a minute to pray for them!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 4:7 – Resistance Through Submission

Therefore be submitted to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Truth to Learn

Submitting to God is the only way to resist our enemy.

Behind the Words

The word translated “submit” is the Greek word, hupotassō which is made up of hupo (or hypo), which means “under,” as in hypodermic (under the skin), and tassō, which means “to place in an orderly manner.” Therefore, to submit means to place yourself under. This is a military term which means to place yourself in a lower rank than someone else, committed to obeying your superior’s orders. It is used here in the passive voice implying action done to the subject (you) and in the imperative mood, indicating that it is a command.

We saw the word “resist” in the previous verse. It is translated from the Greek word antitassō, meaning “to set-up battle lines against an enemy.” This word is also in the imperative mood indicating a command.

The word translated “flee”; is the Greek word pheugō, which means “to run away” or “to vanish.”

Meaning Explained

I hope we’re all prepared to hear James’ message about submission, because he’s going to say it more than once. He is saying that since God sets Himself against the proud and gives grace to the humble, we should allow ourselves to be placed under God (be submitted to Him) and stand firm against the devil. If we do these two things, we are told that the devil will run away. The scene I imagine is of a little child who has been harassed by the town bully. The child then runs to the biggest, strongest person around (who just happens to be his or her dad) and stands there in his shadow smiling confidently at the bully who runs away when he sees the child’s dad.

If we take this in context with the preceding verses, it is clear that James is telling us that when we are filled with envy and the lust to have more of what the world has to offer (the worldly lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of position and power), we need to be humbled before our God and resist these temptations. These desires for stuff, pleasure, and power are an integral part of the world system of which Satan is the prince.

Notice, however, that James does not simply say that we are to resist the Devil. Trying to resist the Devil without being submitted to God is like the child trying to resist the bully on his own. We all know what happens to the child when his or her father is not around. We are no different in our spiritual warfare against Satan and his world system. We cannot take him on by ourselves. It is only as we are submitted to God’s will and committed to doing things His way that we can have victory over our adversary.


I have learned from experience that when I try to stand like a lone gladiator against the temptations that this world throws at me, I fail miserably. However, when I recognize my weakness from the start and fall on my knees before God, seeking His victory over the temptation, it often vanishes into thin air. Try it yourself, even today. When you find yourself tempted by this bullying world system, submit your will to your Heavenly Father and resist! For His glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 5:9 – Brotherhood of Suffering

1 Peter 5:9

Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

Truth to Learn

You are not alone in your suffering for Christ.

Behind the Words

Resist” is translated from the Greek word anthistēmi, which is a compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” Hence, it literally means “to stand against.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command. It is also expressed as a plural verb, indicating that it is to church members collectively, not individually.

The word “steadfast” is from stereos, meaning “firm” or “solid.” Figuratively, it means “strong” or “immovable.” It also carries the idea of compactness. This is an adverb, modifying the verb anthistēmi. Since the verb is expressed in the plural, this implies that Christians are to “close ranks,” put on a solid front of resistance, and stand firm against the Devil.

Sufferings” is translated from the Greek word pathēma, which means “suffering.” The –ma ending means that this is referring to that which is suffered. In other words, it refers to the feelings you experience as you suffer.

The expression “are experienced” is from epiteleō, which is a compound of epi, used as an intensifier and teleō, meaning “to complete.” It is expressed as a present infinitive, implying that the suffering is continually being accomplished throughout the body of Christ.

Meaning Explained

Beyond simply being alert and vigilant regarding our opponent the Devil, as we saw in yesterday’s verse, we are to work together with other Christians to resist him firmly.

Joining this part of today’s verse with the previous three, we see that we are to … allow ourselves to be humbled under God’s mighty hand, without worrying, being alert and vigilant regarding our enemy, and when we do encounter our enemy we are to stand firmly against him in the faith. And what happens when we do this?

Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

When we try to stand against the Devil in our own strength, we are certain to fail, but if we stand in the belief that God is with us, and we are humbled under His mighty hand, Satan doesn’t want anything to do with us because he knows that he is certain to fail. Peter then finishes off this verse with a word of encouragement,

knowing that the same afflictions in the world are being completed in your brotherhood.

We always seem to be able to withstand hardships a little easier if we know that we are not being singled out for the pain. Not only does God know what we’re going through (in fact it may be part of His plan), but we are not alone. There are other Christians who are undergoing the same suffering we are now.


Are you feeling the pain and anguish of faithful suffering right now? As a Christian, you know that God is aware of your pain and there are other Christians who are feeling the same pain and anguish as you. Why not take a minute to pray for them!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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