Tag: brotherhood

1 Peter 2:17 – Christ-like Behavior

Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.

Truth to Learn

Treating others respectfully is not an option for Christians; we are commanded to do it! Jesus Christ is our example.


Behind the Words

The word translated “honor” is timaō, which means “to place a value on” or “to revere.” The first use of this verb in the current verse is in the aorist tense and imperative mood, implying the command, “in every case render the honor due.” The other three verbs in this verse (Love, Fear, and Honor) are all in the present tense, imperative mood, indicating continual and habitual action that we are commanded to do.

“Love,” from the Greek word agapaō, refers to the self-sacrificing, God-type love that is more focused on the good of the loved one than on self.

The word “brotherhood” is adelphotēs, a form of adelphos (brother) that refers to a collective of brothers, hence a fraternity or brotherhood. This word is rarely found in Greek writings other than religious texts. It is used as a specific reference to fellow Christians.

The word translated “fear” is phobeō (from which we get the English word “phobia”). It literally means “to frighten.” In the passive voice, as it is here, it means either “to be afraid of” or “to be in awe of.” Peter probably means both.


Meaning Explained

Peter here continues the discourse that he started in verse eleven. This is how we should conduct our lives while here on this earth. We are not to be contrarians, against everything everyone else stands for, rather we are to live as obedient servants representing well the One who has called us and to Whom we belong.

We are to honor each person with the specific honor due him or her. We are to continually demonstrate self-sacrificing love to other Christians, being more concerned for their welfare than we are for our own. This characteristic has distinguished Christians from all other people throughout the centuries since the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

We are also to continually fear God (both in the sense of being in awe of Him and fearing His position and power). And we are to continually honor those in civil authority over us. The apostle Paul said a very similar thing in his letter to the Christians in Rome:

Let every soul be subject to higher authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the existing authorities are appointed by God. … Give therefore to all their due: tax to whom taxes are due, tribute to whom tribute is due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due. (Romans 13:1, 7)



Let me challenge each of you to stop right now and take stock of how you behave toward others. Do you treat all people with respect, independent of their appearance? Do you demonstrate that special self-sacrificing love toward your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you have a holy fear of our God? And do you show respect to civil authorities?  Hmmmm!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 5:9 – Brotherhood of Suffering

1 Peter 5:9

Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

Truth to Learn

You are not alone in your suffering for Christ.

Behind the Words

Resist” is translated from the Greek word anthistēmi, which is a compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” Hence, it literally means “to stand against.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command. It is also expressed as a plural verb, indicating that it is to church members collectively, not individually.

The word “steadfast” is from stereos, meaning “firm” or “solid.” Figuratively, it means “strong” or “immovable.” It also carries the idea of compactness. This is an adverb, modifying the verb anthistēmi. Since the verb is expressed in the plural, this implies that Christians are to “close ranks,” put on a solid front of resistance, and stand firm against the Devil.

Sufferings” is translated from the Greek word pathēma, which means “suffering.” The –ma ending means that this is referring to that which is suffered. In other words, it refers to the feelings you experience as you suffer.

The expression “are experienced” is from epiteleō, which is a compound of epi, used as an intensifier and teleō, meaning “to complete.” It is expressed as a present infinitive, implying that the suffering is continually being accomplished throughout the body of Christ.

Meaning Explained

Beyond simply being alert and vigilant regarding our opponent the Devil, as we saw in yesterday’s verse, we are to work together with other Christians to resist him firmly.

Joining this part of today’s verse with the previous three, we see that we are to … allow ourselves to be humbled under God’s mighty hand, without worrying, being alert and vigilant regarding our enemy, and when we do encounter our enemy we are to stand firmly against him in the faith. And what happens when we do this?

Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

When we try to stand against the Devil in our own strength, we are certain to fail, but if we stand in the belief that God is with us, and we are humbled under His mighty hand, Satan doesn’t want anything to do with us because he knows that he is certain to fail. Peter then finishes off this verse with a word of encouragement,

knowing that the same afflictions in the world are being completed in your brotherhood.

We always seem to be able to withstand hardships a little easier if we know that we are not being singled out for the pain. Not only does God know what we’re going through (in fact it may be part of His plan), but we are not alone. There are other Christians who are undergoing the same suffering we are now.


Are you feeling the pain and anguish of faithful suffering right now? As a Christian, you know that God is aware of your pain and there are other Christians who are feeling the same pain and anguish as you. Why not take a minute to pray for them!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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