Tag: generations

Ephesians 3:21 – Praise God!

to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Truth to Learn

God deserves all our praise!


Behind the Words

The word “glory” is translated from doxa, from which we get our English word doxology. It is derived from the verb dokeō, meaning “thought or opinion, especially favorable human opinion.” The word doxa refers to “honor, praise, glory, splendor, excellence, or renown.”

“Church” is from the Greek word ekklēsia, a compound word made up of ek, meaning “out” or “out of” and a form of kaleō, meaning “to call someone.” Therefore, ekklēsia refers to “a called out group of people.” In the first century, it was a common term referring to a church congregation or to “citizens who were called out to assemble for a public meeting.”

The word “generations” is translated from genea, which is derived from the verb ginomai, meaning “to come into being.” Initially this word simply meant “a generation,” but later it came to refer to “a space of time” or “a circle of time.” As it is used in this verse, it clearly refers to “generations.”

“Forever and ever” is an interesting expression. The Greek words are tou aiōnos tōn aiōnōn, which literally translate to “of the age of the ages.” So technically, “forever and ever” is a paraphrase, but it is probably the closest English expression to expressing the idea of the Greek words.


Meaning Explained

Paul is now closing the prayer for the members of the church in Ephesus (and by extension for all Christians). This prayer, which began in verse fourteen, contains four petitions:

  1. That the Father would strengthen us internally by the Holy Spirit
  2. That Christ would settle in and dwell in our hearts through faith
  3. That we might experientially know the love of Christ
  4. That we would be filled with all the fullness of God

Take a minute to recognize how effective Paul’s prayer is. All of us who are committed Christians experience all four of those things that Paul prayed for. Thank you, Paul!

In closing his prayer, the Apostle first proclaimed that God has more than enough power to do far more than we could ever ask or think, indicating how mighty He is. Now he proclaims a statement of the recognition that God deserves.

Notice that Paul proclaims the renown, the honor, and the praise that God is due (and which He receives) within the church. Outside the church, however, we see that God receives very little recognition for who He is or for what He has done. Outside the church, God is. Outside the church God’s name is not glorified, it is used as a curse word. For the most part, those outside the church simply want to ignore God and pretend that He doesn’t exist. Like ostriches, they think that if they hide their head in the sand by denying their own sinfulness or God’s sovereignty, they won’t have to face the consequences of their sins. How wrong they are, and how horrified they will be when they finally discover the truth and their fate. However, by then it will be too late!



Like Paul, let us give God the recognition, honor, and praise that He is due. He deserves it all, and we owe Him all that we can possibly give to Him.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 3:5 – God’s Revealed Word

which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations, as it now was revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit:

Truth to Learn

We have the Word of God in our possession.


Behind the Words

“Made known” is from gnoridzō, which we saw a couple of verses earlier. It means “to become known.” It is expressed here in the passive voice (action done to the subject). And, it is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating action that occurred at a point in time in the past.

The words “the sons of men” are a literal translation of the Greek words, “tois huiois tōn anthrōpōn.” It is a reference to those who are men by nature. It is contrasted to the apostles and prophets to whom the mystery was revealed by the Holy Spirit.

The word translated “other” is heteros, which means “another of a different kind.” There is another Greek word, allos, which means “another of the same kind.” The use of heteros implies that the age we live in is different from previous ages.

“Generations” is from the Greek noun genea. It is derived from the verb ginomai, meaning “to become” or “to begin to be.” The original meaning of genea was that of “a generation,” but in New Testament Greek it sometimes refers simply to “a period of time.”

Apostolos is the word from which we get “apostles.” As you can see it is a transliteration (a word brought over directly from one language to another). It is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and a form of the verb stellō, meaning “to send forth.” Apostolos means “one who is sent forth from God.”

The word “prophets” is also a transliteration. It is transliterated from the Greek word prophetēs, which is made up of pro, meaning “before, in place or time” and a form of phēmi, meaning “to tell.” Thus, a prophet is “someone who declares God’s message before the people or before it happens.”


Meaning Explained

Previously, Paul told us that the mystery that he is talking about was revealed to him, not by a human teacher, but by God Himself. Now he informs us that through his ministry this mystery is also being revealed to us in the church age. This mystery (that Gentiles and Jews are both part of God’s chosen people) was unknown before Paul’s preaching.

If you read through the third chapter of his letter to the church in Rome, you will see that before the church age, the Jews had a great advantage over the Gentiles. Here’s what he said:

What, then is the superiority of the Jew? Or what is the profit of circumcision? Much in every way! Chiefly because they were entrusted with the oracles of God. (Romans 3:1, 2)

The word translated “oracles” here is logion, which refers to “an utterance.” So, what Paul is saying is that the advantage the Jews had was that God spoke directly to them. His laws and commandments were given to them and not to anyone else.

But now, because of the preaching of the Apostles and Prophets since the time of Christ, all nations of the world can hear and understand God’s truth. And, it is through this truth, now written in the New Testament, that we all have an opportunity to hear and believe God’s promise of salvation.



Do you recognize how precious the truths in the Bible are? Both the Old Testament and the New Testament contain information directly from God. That’s why it is often called “the Word of God.” Treasure it – and thank God for it!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved