Tag: kataxioo

2 Thessalonians 1:5 – A Kingdom Viewpoint

which is manifest evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer;

Truth to Learn

Christians know God’s merciful judgment and can keep God’s kingdom in view when we suffer persecution and tribulation.

Behind the Words

The words “manifest evidence” are translated from the Greek noun endeigma, which is composed of en, meaning “in” or “to” and a form of deiknumi, meaning “to show.” Endeigma means “the state of something being shown for what it really is.”

 “Judgment” is from the Greek word krisis. This is based on the verb krinō, meaning “to judge.” Krisis refers to a judgment or a decision. In this case it refers to God’s judgment.

The words “you may be counted worthy” are translated from the verb kataxioō, which is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and axioō, meaning “to think of someone or something as worthy or deserving.” Therefore, we could translate this as “you may be considered entirely deserving.”

Basileia is the Greek word translated “kingdom.” It is based on the noun basileus, meaning “a king.” Thus, basileia refers to “the dominion or realm of a king.”

Meaning Explained

The first word of this verse is another connecting word, so we need to see what it is referring to. In this case, it is referring back to “your patience and faith” in the previous verse. So, Paul is saying that the patience and faith of the Thessalonian Christians is evidence that God’s judgment is just. You will recall that the Thessalonians were being persecuted and were suffering as a result of that persecution. But as evidence of their genuine faith, they were “hanging in there” and not giving up in the face of it.

What Paul says here is that their patience and faith were visible evidence that God’s judgment is righteous. There are really two aspects of this judgment that Paul is referring to. The first is that God is righteous in the coming judgment against all those who reject Jesus Christ as Savior. The other aspect of His righteous judgment is in regards to the Thessalonian believers (and by extension, all believers). God’s decision (judgment) to be merciful to all who believe is righteous (it is the right thing for Him to do). And, as a result of that merciful judgment, we who believe are seen as fully deserving of His kingdom.

Keep in mind that there are three distinct aspects of “the kingdom of God.” The first is the spiritual kingdom that exists right now. All believers are part of the realm in which God is currently reigning as King. The second aspect of the kingdom of God is the kingdom that will be in place during the millennial reign of Christ. The third aspect of His kingdom is the eternal kingdom in which believers will fully experience God’s blessing in the presence of the King of Kings.


As Christians, we should recognize our total unworthiness because of our sins. At the same time we should recognize that through our faith, God considers us as worthy as Jesus Christ. Therefore, the thought that we will spend eternity in His kingdom should humble us and give us strength to endure even in times of persecution and tribulation. Praise be to God!

In God's service, for His glory,

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