Tag: keimai

1 Thessalonians 3:3 – Suffering From God

that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed unto this.

Truth to Learn

Some of our suffering is because God has determined it.


Behind the Words

“No one” is translated from mēdeis. This word is made up of , which is a conditional negative particle meaning “not,” de, meaning “but” or “and,” and heis, the numeral “one.” Thus, this word literally means “and not one” or “no one.”

The words “should be shaken” are from the verb sainō, meaning “to move back and forth as a dog wags its tail.” Figuratively, this word means “to move back and forth in the mind,” that is, “to be mentally agitated.”

“Afflictions” is from the Greek word thlipsis, which is based on the verb thilbō, meaning “to squeeze” or “to crush.” Thus, thlipsis refers to “pressure, stress, trouble, or affliction.”

The word translated “appointed” is keimai, which literally means “to lie down” or “to set in place.” So, we could paraphrase this as, “that we were put in place for this purpose.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul told the Thessalonians that he had sent Timothy to them, since he was hindered from going there himself. And, he says that he sent Timothy with the expressed purpose of helping them to become firmly established and grounded in their faith. Since Paul had spent such a short time in Thessalonica, he had not been able to instruct them completely in the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. Knowing how critical good doctrine is to a sound Christian faith and a victorious Christian life, Paul wanted to ensure that the Thessalonians began their faith walk on firm footing.

The other reason that Paul had sent Timothy was to comfort and encourage them. In today’s verse we get a hint of why Paul wanted the Thessalonians to be grounded and comforted. It was because of “these afflictions.” Now the question we have to ask ourselves is, “What afflictions is Paul talking about?” Some people may mistakenly think he’s talking about the persecution the Thessalonian Christians are going through at the hands of their countrymen. However, based on the rules of grammar and the context of surrounding verses, it is apparent that Paul is talking about the affliction that he and his companions were suffering in being hindered from returning themselves.

Paul now makes an interesting statement. He says that the Thessalonians were fully aware that these afflictions had been laid out for them. What does he mean by that? From the book of Acts we learn that at the time of Paul’s (Saul’s) conversion, the Lord told Ananias this about Paul:

For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake. (Acts 9:16)

The obvious conclusion, therefore, is that Jesus Himself determined ahead of time that Paul was going to suffer in his ministry for God.



I’ve heard a number of Christians say, “Why is God allowing this to happen to me? I’m being faithful. I’m following His leading. I’m being obedient.” The reason for these afflictions (some of them at least) is not because of rebellious sinfulness, but because God determined ahead of time that they would happen. Why? So that we will get stronger and so He will get all the glory for everything we do in His name.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 3:11 – A Sure Foundation

For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Truth to Learn

The church can only be as strong as its foundation.

Behind the Words

The word translated “other” is allos, meaning “another of the same kind.” A similar Greek word, heteros, means “another of a different kind.” Allos is expressed here as a masculine adjective that is connected to “foundation,” indicating that the foundation he is referring to is a person, not a thing.

Dunamai is the verb translated “can.” It refers to having the authority or ability to do something.

Than” is from the Greek preposition para, meaning “beside” or “alongside.”

The verb “laid” is from keimai, which means “to lay something down.” This is a different verb that that which is translated “lay.” This verb is tithēmi, which we saw in the previous verse, meaning “to set in place.”

Christos is the word transliterated “Christ,” which is based on the verb chrio, meaning “to anoint.” Thus, christos literally means “the anointed one.” It is equivalent to the Hebrew word mashiach, or Messiah.

Meaning Explained

A literal translation of this verse could be, “For no one is able to place any other foundation alongside the one having been laid down, who is Jesus Christ.”

In using this architectural metaphor, Paul wants to make a couple of things very clear. The first is the fact that the foundation is the most important fundamental part of any structure. If it is laid carelessly, or made out of the wrong material, the building that is constructed on top of it will be weak and unstable. So it is with the church. A church that is built carelessly, or built upon anything other than the person and work of Jesus Christ, will be weak and unstable. The other thing that Paul is making clear is that there can only be one foundation of the church. Anything other than the person and work of Jesus Christ that is laid alongside the original foundation is not part of God’s plan for the church. It will not make the church solid but will cause divisions within the church instead of unity.

The apostle tells us that the foundation that has already been laid for the church is Jesus Christ. The central issue of Christian faith is that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Son of God, and as such He is God. Because He is God, He is sinless (righteous), and it is because He is without sin that his death is sufficient payment for our sins. This is the truth that the church is built on. If we add anything to that foundation, whether it be a message from some gifted preacher or even an angel, or the teaching from another religion or religious book, we are building on a false foundation and the church will not stand strong.


Many churches today have added to the foundation that Paul laid and are teaching a salvation based on something else in order to make the message more palatable to people. Every church split is the result of foundation issues. How is your church? Is it strong? Is it built on Jesus Christ and Him alone?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved