Tag: law of sin

Romans 7:21 – The “Badness” Law

Romans 7:21

I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good.

Truth to Learn

There is a “law of sin” that can control our actions.

Behind the Words

The word translated “a law” is the Greek word nomos, which means “something that has been parceled out.” In the Greek text there is a definite article before this word, so literally it says “the law.”

The word translated “evil” is the Greek word kakos, which means, “something that is bad or worthless.” It is not the word usually translated “evil.” That word is poneros, which means “malicious or indicating willful harm to others.” So, although it is not really a word, I guess we could translate kakos in this verse as “badness” to distinguish it from evil.

Is present” is a translation of the Greek word parakeimai, which means “it lies near” or “it is nearby.” It is expressed here in the present tense, active voice, indicative mood which implies present continuous action, not a past event or a onetime event.

Meaning Explained

One confusing part about the current verse is Paul’s reference to “a law.” There has been considerable debate about what he means by this expression. The usual sense of “a law” is something to which we are subject, something that is imposed by a superior, something that binds, controls, or influences us. There are many things we call laws that really aren’t laws; rather they are things that we have learned by observation. We refer, for instance, to such things as the laws of physics, the law of gravity, or the scientific laws of thermodynamics. These are not really laws in the sense that some legislative or ruling body has declared them so and which has assigned officials to enforce these laws (unless, of course, you consider them as having been imposed by God Himself).

The law that Paul is talking about in today’s verse is just such a law. He is saying that he finds an unwritten law which seems to say that badness is constantly present, close at hand, ready to take over whenever he desires to do right. And, once again, we see the word “wills” which is from thelō, indicating not just a wish or a desire to do good, but a determination to do good.

Although we have said it before, this is an apt description of our sin nature, or our tendency to sin. Whenever we want to do the right thing, when we are determined to be obedient to God and to do His will, our sin nature is ever present and ready to lead us into doing the wrong thing instead.

In just a few verses Paul will refer to this sin nature, to this law that makes badness ever present when we’re determined to do good, as the law of sin.

If I were allowed to vote on this law, I would vote that we repeal it and make life a lot easier on all of us!


Lord, help us to see this battle that is going on within us. Help us to recognize that even though we are saved through the blood of Christ and we are determined to obey You and do Your will, our sin nature keeps dragging us away from You. Lord, give us strength to resist our sin nature and give us the desire to submit ourselves completely to You. Amen!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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