Tag: makarios

Romans 14:22 – In His Presence

The faith that you have, have it to yourself before God. Blessed is the person who does not condemn himself in what he approves.

Truth to Learn

Living in God’s presence affects our decisions and choices.


Behind the Words

The word translated “faith” is pistis, which means “that about which we have been persuaded” or “that which we believe.”

“Before” is translated from enōpion. This is made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of ops, which literally refers to the eyes but figuratively refers to the face. Hence, enōpion means “in the face of, in the presence of, or before.”

The word “blessed” is translated from the Greek word makarios. Some translations us the word “happy.” The problem with this translation is that happy (from the root hap meaning “luck as a favorable circumstance”) actually refers to the joy that comes from good fortune. Makarios, on the other hand, refers to a state of blessedness in which peace and satisfaction come from God, not favorable circumstances.


Meaning Explained

Now Paul tells us how to discern whether or not we should do something. This is of extreme importance as it applies to all those things which are not specifically identified as wrong in the New Testament. This would include such things as: Should I accept an offer for a new job? Should I buy a particular house or a new car at this time? Is it okay if I drink a glass of wine? None of these things are strictly forbidden and we are not likely to hear the voice of God giving us direct revelation regarding these things.

Since Paul is talking to believers, he knows that they have faith. But how that faith is demonstrated is important. He says, “Have it to yourself before God.” That is, since you are saved and have a relationship with God, make it a personal relationship. Believe what you believe because God has convicted you and converse with God about everything you do, especially those things about which specific direction is not given in the Bible. Live your life in His presence. That is, live your life with the awareness that God is present with you at all times.

Finally, Paul tells us that we are blessed, that is, at peace with God, when we do not condemn ourselves for those things which we approve. There are many decisions that we make daily. When we follow through with a personal decision we are “approving” the decision and acting on it. Blessing, or peace with God, comes when we are not judging our own actions to be wrong in the presence of God. As the Apostle John said:

Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God. (I John 3:21)

We Christians should live our lives recognizing that we are always in God’s presence. As His servants we are to obey him. As His children we should want to please Him, so we should make our decisions in a manner that will please Him. If what we are about to do is wrong, He will let us know because our conscience will be troubled. Paul will finish these thoughts in the next verse.



Are you living your life in the presence of God? Doing so will have an impact on how you live your life. Remember, ignoring God doesn’t mean you aren’t in His presence!

Ephesians 1:3 – Spiritual Blessings

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,

Truth to Learn

God has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing.


Behind the Words

There are two Greek words translated “blessed” in the New Testament. The first is makarios, meaning “fortunate, well off, or happy.” The other one is eulogētos, from which we get our English word eulogy. It is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and a form of logos, meaning “a word.” Hence, eulogētos means “good words” or “well-spoken of.” When used as God blessing a person, eulogētos means “to look on with favor, to act in a person’s life and accomplish His purposes instead of allowing the person to have his or her own way.” In the current verse, both words translated “blessed” and the word translated “blessing” are forms of eulogētos.

“Spiritual” is translated from pneumatikos, which is derived from pneuma, meaning “spirit.” Thus, pneumatikos means “that which pertains to the spiritual realm as opposed to the earthly or physical realm.”

The words “heavenly places” are translated from epouranios, which is made up of epi, meaning “above, over, or on” and a form of ouranos which refers “heaven.” Epouranios means “that which pertains to heaven” or “the heavenly realm.”


Meaning Explained

Paul starts out this verse by giving praise to God the Father. He states very clearly here that, although Jesus Christ is God and part of the trinity, He is subservient to the Father since he refers to Him as “the God and Father” of Jesus Christ. Since all Christians are “in Christ” (Romans 12:3, 2Corinthians 5:17), He is also our God and Father.

There is some discussion among Biblical scholars as to the exact meaning of Paul’s expression “spiritual blessing.” Some claim that he is referring to “every blessing of the Holy Spirit,” especially since that would make mention of all three persons of the Godhead in this verse. Others (with whom I would agree) see this as an expression of spiritual blessing as opposed to worldly or material blessing. This makes more sense since the realm of the blessing is “in the heavenlies.” Notice that in the Old Testament, from Abraham onward, God’s promise of blessing was focused on material, earthly things. Not so, in the New Testament. The blessings He promises us are not fame and fortune; they are spiritual riches like eternal life, adoption as sons by God, and reigning with Him. Keep in mind that our citizenship is in heaven, not this world (Philippians 3:20).

Finally, Paul tells us that these spiritual blessings, which we have already been blessed with, are in Christ. Our blessings are not in religion, good works, or obedience; they are in Christ Jesus our Lord and they are acquired by faith.



We live in a physical world and we are surrounded by the world system, characterized by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. But we are commanded not to love the things of this world (1John 2:15). Instead, Paul will describe a number of spiritual blessings because he wants us to focus on our spiritual blessings, not the material ones.

Where are you looking for your blessings, my Christian friend? In the things of this world? Or in the things of God?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 14:22 – In His Presence

Romans 14:22 – In His Presence

Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.

Truth to Learn

Living in God’s presence affects our decisions and choices.

Behind the Words

The word translated “faith” is pistis, which means “that about which we have been persuaded” or “that which we believe.”

Before” is translated from enōpion. This is made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of ops, which literally refers to the eyes but figuratively refers to the face. Hence, enōpion means “in the face of, in the presence of, or before.”

The word “happy” is translated from the Greek word makarios. This is an unfortunate translation because happy (from the root hap meaning “luck as a favorable circumstance”) actually refers to the joy that comes from good fortune. Makarios, on the other hand, refers to a state of blessedness in which peace and satisfaction come from God, not favorable circumstances.

Meaning Explained

Now Paul tells us how to discern whether or not we should do something. This is of extreme importance as it applies to all those things which are not specifically identified as wrong in the New Testament. This would include such things as: Should I accept an offer for a new job? Should I buy a particular house or a new car at this time? Is it okay if I drink a glass of wine? None of these things are strictly forbidden and we are not likely to hear the voice of God giving us direct revelation regarding these things.

Paul starts off by asking, “Do you have faith?” In other words, “aren’t you saved by faith and through faith have a relationship with God?” This, of course, is a rhetorical question and the answer is obviously, “Yes!” He goes on to say, “Have it to yourself before God.” That is, since you are saved and have a relationship with God, make it a personal relationship. Believe what you believe because God has convicted you and converse with God about everything you do, especially those things about which specific direction is not given in the Bible. Live your life in His presence. That is, live your life with the awareness that God is present with you at all times.

Finally, Paul tells us that we are blessed, that is, at peace with God, when we do not condemn ourselves for those things which we approve. There are many decisions that we make daily. When we follow through with a personal decision we are “approving” the decision and acting on it. Blessing, or peace with God, comes when we are not judging our own actions to be wrong in the presence of God. As the Apostle John said:

Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. (IJohn 3:21)

We Christians should live our lives recognizing that we are always in God’s presence. As His servants we are to obey him. As His children we should want to please Him, so we should make our decisions in a manner that will please Him. If what we are about to do is wrong, He will let us know because our conscience will be troubled. Paul will finish these thoughts in the next verse.


Are you living your life in the presence of God? Doing so will have an impact on how you live your life. Remember, ignoring God doesn’t mean you aren’t in His presence!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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