Tag: metamorphoo

Romans 12:2 – Transformed, Not Conformed

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, to prove in you what the good and pleasing and perfect will of God is.

Truth to Learn

Don’t be like everyone around you and don’t let others tell you what you should be. Instead, let God transform you to into the image of His Son.


Behind the Words

“Do not be conformed” is from me suschematidzesthe. Me is the conditional negation particle and suschematidzesthe is a compound made up of sun, meaning “together” and a form of schēmatidzo, from which we get our English word schematic. It refers to the pattern or outward appearance of something. So Paul is telling us not to allow ourselves to look, and act, like the world around us.

The word translated “world” is not kosmos (world system) as one might expect. Rather, it is from the Greek word aion, which refers to” the age or time” in which we live. So, Paul is saying, “… do not be conformed to this present age.”

“Transformed” is from metamorphoō, from which we get our English word metamorphosis, meaning not simply a change in outward appearance, but “to completely change form.” This is the same word that is used in both Matthew 17:2 and Mark 9:2 when referring to Jesus’ transfiguration before Peter, James, and John.

“Prove” is translated from the Greek word dokimadzō, which means “to test something with the intent of finding its value.” It is the notion of proving gold by subjecting it to extreme heat, thus removing the dross and leaving the pure, valuable gold only. Some translations say “that you may prove.” The problem with this is that dokimadzō is expressed as an infinitive (to prove), and the word translated “you” is not in the form of a subject, rather it is in the form of an indirect object. Therefore, we should translate this as “to prove in you.”


Meaning Explained

At the end of the previous verse Paul told us that we should offer ourselves as living sacrifices because it is only logical and reasonable that we should serve God in this way. Now he continues on. Not only should we offer ourselves as God’s slaves, once and for all, but we should allow God to reshape our thinking instead of letting the world in which we live do so.

We should not take on the same appearance, habits, and attitudes as all the people around us. Instead of being this kind of a conformist, we need to “be transformed.” This transformation is one of the mind, from being worldly minded, focusing on the thing of this world, to being heavenly minded, focusing on what God is doing to and through us. And our ultimate objective is that of giving glory to God Himself. The reason that we are to be transformed instead of conformed is so that God can “prove in us what His will is.

As we are transformed by God in our minds, we become more like His son. That is, we become more Christ-like in our attitudes and actions, which is, in fact, what God’s will is for our lives.



What Paul has told us in these two verses is that we need to surrender our physical lives to God for His use. We are to do so by not letting the things of this age influence our thoughts and actions. Instead, we are to let His Spirit transform us to be more like He wants us to be, like Jesus Christ our Lord.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:17 – A Father Well Pleased

For having received honor and glory from God the Father such a voice was brought to him from the majestic glory, saying, "This is my Beloved Son, with him I am well pleased."

Truth to Learn

God the Father is, and has always been, pleased with His Son.


Behind the Words

The word “honor” is a translation of the Greek word timē, which also occurred back in verse 4 of this chapter. It refers to “having value.” In verse 4 it was used in reference to the promises that have been given to us and there it was translated as “precious,” i.e. very valuable. In today’s verse it is translated as “honor.” According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, the word honor means, “High respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem” but this doesn’t quite carry the same sense as the Greek word. It is more than respect or esteem, it is recognition of His value in the order of creation, He is preeminent, that is, the highest, most valuable, and greatest!

The word “glory” is from the Greek word doxan, which refers to “glory, dignity, or honor.” There is a subtle but distinct difference in these two words that Peter used (glory and honor). The first refers to His worth as a being and the second refers to recognition for what He has done.

The word translated “Majestic” is from the Greek word megaloprepēs, which is a compound made up of  megas, meaning “great or big” and a form of prepō, meaning “that which is right or proper.” In English, this word implies something “resplendent, glorious, magnificent, or majestic.”


Meaning Explained

Peter has just talked about his eyewitness account of the transfiguration of Christ on the mountaintop. In today’s verse he recounts some of the details of that event. Before we talk about his details, however, let’s look at the word translated “transfigured” from Matthew 17:2. It is the Greek word metamorphoō, which is a compound word made up of meta, which means “a change of place or condition” and morphoō, which means “to form.” So Matthew is telling us that he didn’t simply change appearance, he actually changed in form on that mountaintop.

In today’s verse Peter tells us that Jesus Christ received “honor and glory from God the Father.” He then tells us how glory and honor were bestowed on Jesus. There was an audible voice carried forth from the majestic (or magnificent) glory saying, “This is my son – the beloved, with whom I was well pleased” (literal translation). Jesus received glory in that God the Father referred to Him as “my Son” (the Son of God), and He received honor from God the Father when He proclaimed, “with him I was well pleased.” This does not mean that the Father is no longer pleased with the Son. Rather, it means that He has been pleased with the Son of God since eternity past.



Although we will never attain the same position as Jesus (i.e. we will never be God), we who have accepted Christ as Savior have had His righteousness bestowed upon us and we have been adopted into the same family. And, if we are faithful and diligent in our efforts for Him during this life, we may someday hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Is that what you want to hear from your Heavenly Father? I know I do!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 12:2 – Transformed, Not Conformed

Romans 12:2 – Transformed, Not Conformed

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Truth to Learn

Don’t be like everyone around you and don’t let others tell you what you should be. Instead, let God transform you to into the image of His Son.

Behind the Words

Do not be conformed” is from me suschematidzesthe. Me is the conditional negation particle and suschematidzesthe is a compound made up of sun, meaning “together” and a form of schēmatidzo, from which we get our English word schematic. It refers to the pattern or outward appearance of something. So Paul is telling us not to allow ourselves to look, and act, like the world around us.

The word translated “world” is not kosmos (world system) as one might expect. Rather, it is from the Greek word aion, which refers to” the age or time” in which we live.

Transformed” is from metamorphoō, from which we get our English word metamorphosis, meaning not simply a change in outward appearance, but “to completely change form.” This is the same word that is used in both Matthew 17:2 and Mark 9:2 when referring to Jesus’ transfiguration before Peter, James, and John.

Prove” is translated from the Greek word dokimadzō, which means “to test something with the intent of finding its value.” It is the notion of proving gold by subjecting it to extreme heat, thus removing the dross and leaving the pure, valuable gold only. Our translation says “that you may prove.” The problem with this is that dokimadzō is expressed as an infinitive (to prove), and the word translated “you” is not in the form of a subject, rather it is in the form of an indirect object. Therefore, we should translate this as “to prove in you.

Meaning Explained

At the end of the previous verse Paul told us that we should offer ourselves as living sacrifices because it is only logical and reasonable that we should serve God in this way. Now he continues on. Not only should we offer ourselves as God’s slaves, once and for all, but we should allow God to reshape our thinking instead of letting the age in which we live do so.

We should not take on the same appearance, habits, and attitudes as all the people around us. Instead of being this kind of a conformist, we need to “be transformed.” This transformation is one of the mind, from being worldly minded, focusing on the thing of this world, to being heavenly minded, focusing on what God is doing to and through us. And our ultimate objective is that of giving glory to God Himself. The reason that we are to be transformed instead of conformed is so that God can “prove in us what His will is.

As we are transformed by God in our minds, we become more like His son. That is, we become more Christ-like in our attitudes and actions, which is, in fact, what God’s will is for our lives.


What Paul has told us in these two verses is that we need to surrender our physical lives to God for His use. We are to do so by not letting the things of this age influence our thoughts and actions. Instead, we are to let His Spirit transform us to be more like He wants us to be, like Jesus Christ our Lord.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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