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Romans 8:34 – Our Defense Attorney

Romans 8:34 – Our Defense Attorney

Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.

Truth to Learn

We are represented by the greatest defense attorney of all.

Behind the Words

The words “and furthermore” are from the Greek words mallon de. The word de is a conjunction that is most often translated as either “but” or “and.” It is always “post-positive,” that is, it always comes as the second word in a phrase although we translate it in English as the first word. The word mallon is an adverbial comparative which means “more than that.”

Intercession” is from entugchanō, which means “to confer with,” but by extension it means “to speak in behalf of.”

Meaning Explained

Paul now makes a somewhat startling declaration. He has just told us that no one can bring anything to the charge of God’s chosen people because God has already justified us. That is, He has declared that we are righteous. Now Paul asks another of his rhetorical questions, “Who is he who condemns?” And his answer is that Christ is the only one who can get away with condemning because he has paid for our righteousness with his blood. In fact, what Paul says regarding the only one who can get away with condemning is, “It is Christ who died.” That is Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Perfect One who died to pay for the sins of the whole world.

Christ’s death is significant for sure, but Paul adds, “but more than that is also risen.” Christ’s resurrection is of even greater significance than His death because it is His resurrection that demonstrates that He is the Anointed One, the Christ. He is not a dead Savior, He is alive!

Paul continues with his description of Jesus as the only one who can legally condemn by saying that Christ is now “at the right hand of God,” He has already assumed the position of power over all of creation and is the One in the position of judgment. Only He can judge; only He can condemn!

But we Christians cannot be charged with any offense since God has already declared us as righteous and Paul has shown that the only one who can condemn is Christ himself (who will not condemn those of us whom the Father has already declared as righteous). But, there are some whom Christ does condemn: those who refuse his offer of salvation.

Paul now makes one final statement regarding our living Savior who is at the right hand of God. He says that Christ is the one “who also makes intercession for us.” Not only has the Father declared us righteous, but Christ is there at the heavenly court as our defense attorney making all of the legal arguments in our defense when the enemy accuses us.

However, that doesn’t mean we can sin all we want just because we’re already forgiven. If we are truly saved then we don’t want to sin and, in fact, we want to keep His commandments. That’s what John said in 1 John 2:3.


Thank you Lord for saving me, for declaring me as righteous, and for defending my righteousness when I need it most!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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