Tag: opheile

Romans 13:8 – The Love Payment

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

Truth to Learn

We are to be constantly paying off our love debt.


Behind the Words

The word that is translated “Owe” is the Greek word opheilē, which was translated as “due” in the previous verse. It means “to be indebted to someone else.” In fact, the first part of the previous verse could be translated as “Pay back to everyone what is owed them.”


Meaning Explained

This is one of those verses that is frequently taken out of context and often misapplied. How many times have you heard it said that a Christian should never take out a loan because we are not to be indebted to anyone? I have even heard well-meaning Christians say that we are not to take out a mortgage to purchase a house because we are commanded not to owe anyone anything.

“But,” you may say, “isn’t that what this verse says, “Owe no one anything?” If that was all that there was to this verse I might agree with you. However, that is not an independent clause; rather, it is a dependent clause that needs the next clause to complete its meaning. “Own no one anything, except to love one another.” If this verse were teaching us that we are not to be indebted to anyone, then the previous verse wouldn’t make any sense (Pay to everyone what is owed them). Rather, the emphasis in this verse is not on “Owe no one anything,” but on, “love one another.” This is supported by the second half of the verse, “for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.”

I would paraphrase this verse as: “Your obligation to others should first and foremost be to pay them the debt of love you owe them, because this is what the Law is all about.’

A certain level of debt is necessary to be fully productive in our society today, but it should never get to the level that you can’t make your regularly scheduled payments. Over-extending your debt is, in effect, lying to your debtors because you are giving your word to them that you will pay them off in a prescribed manner. If you were truly showing them love, you would deny yourself rather than make an agreement that you can’t fulfill.

There is a debt that we all owe to each other according to Paul. It is one which can never be fully repaid. Like a house payment or a car payment, this debt requires regular payments. Unlike our loan payments, however, this is one which requires payment every day, even multiple times per day.

Remember, the emphasis of this verse is on loving one another, and that is an “agape” type of love, which is more concerned for the welfare of the object of love than it is for self. So, instead of feeling guilty for being in debt the next time you pay your mortgage payment, you should feel guilty whenever you express yourself in any but a loving way to another member of the body of Christ.



Most of us wouldn’t think of not paying our house payment each month. Are we that committed to making our love payment each and every day? That’s something to think about!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 13:7 – Yes, Taxes! Really!

Therefore give to everyone what is due to them: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

Truth to Learn

Christians should submit to all authorities and pay taxes.


Behind the Words

“Give” is translated from the Greek word apodidōmi, which is made up of apo, meaning “off or away” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” Hence, apodidōmi means “to give away” or “to give over.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

The word “due” is from opheilē, which means “indebtedness or that which is owed.”

The word “taxes” is from the Greek noun phoros, which we looked at in the previous verse. Today we would call it a property tax or a sales tax.

“Customs” is from the Greek word telos, which properly means “the end, termination, or completion of a thing.” Figuratively, however, it refers to “a toll, custom, or tribute, particularly what is paid for public purposes for the maintenance of the state.” This can be roughly equated to our national income tax. In the New Testament a “publican” or “tax collector” was referred to as a telōnēs (literally, a tax farmer).


Meaning Explained

Since all of those in authority over us are put there by God, including those government officials who are corrupt or dishonest, we need to show the proper submission and respect to their position. The Apostle Paul says that we are to give them what is due them (what we owe them). This is encompassed in four areas according to Paul. The first two areas are taxes imposed by authorities, including such taxes as sales tax, property tax, and state and federal income taxes.

The next area, Paul tells us, is that we are to show fear those to whom fear is due. That is, we should have a respectful fear of those who have the task of keeping the public peace and order. This most likely refers to police or military personnel who are assigned to keep the public safety. And finally, Paul tells us that we are to give honor to whom honor is due. The difference between honor and fear is that honor denotes reverence, veneration, and respect, whereas fear is that which arises from the dread of punishment.”

Jesus gave us a couple of good examples of a couple of these types of submission. The first is in Matthew 22:15-21. In this passage Jesus was challenged by the Pharisees and Herodians, asking whether or not it is proper to give tribute to Caesar. Jesus’ response was:

Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things which are God's.

The second is at the end of the 17th chapter of Matthew. When the temple tax collectors came and challenged Peter about paying the drachma (the temple tax). Jesus told Peter to cast a fishing line into the sea and catch a fish. In the fish’s mouth was found precisely the amount to pay the temple tax for both Peter and Jesus, and it was paid.



If Jesus was willing to pay tribute to Caesar and pay the temple tax to corrupt religious leaders, then we should gladly follow His example!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 13:8 – The Love Payment

Romans 13:8 – The Love Payment

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.

Truth to Learn

We are to be constantly paying off our love debt.

Behind the Words

The word that is translated “Owe” is the Greek word opheilē, which was translated as “due” in the previous verse. It means “to be indebted to someone else.” In fact, the first part of the previous verse could be translated as “Pay back to everyone what is owed them.”

Meaning Explained

This is one of those verses that is frequently taken out of context and often misapplied. How many times have you heard it said that a Christian should never take out a loan because we are not to be indebted to anyone? I have even heard well-meaning Christians say that we are not to take out a mortgage to purchase a house because we are commanded not to owe anyone anything.

“But,” you may say, “isn’t that what this verse says, “Owe no one anything?” If that was all that there was to this verse I might agree with you. However, that is not an independent clause; rather, it is a dependent clause that needs the next clause to complete its meaning. “Own no one anything, except to love one another.” If this verse were teaching us that we are not to be indebted to anyone, then the previous verse wouldn’t make any sense (Pay to everyone what is owed them). Rather, the emphasis in this verse is not on “Owe no one anything,” but on, “love one another.” This is supported by the second half of the verse, “for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.”

I would paraphrase this verse as: “Your obligation to others should first and foremost be to pay them the debt of love you owe them, because this is what the Law is all about.’

A certain level of debt is necessary to be fully productive in our society today, but it should never get to the level that you can’t make your regularly scheduled payments. Over-extending your debt is, in effect, lying to your debtors because you are giving your word to them that you will pay them off in a prescribed manner. If you were truly showing them love, you would deny yourself rather than make an agreement that you can’t fulfill.

There is a debt that we all owe to each other according to Paul. It is one which can never be fully repaid. Like a house payment or a car payment, this debt requires regular payments. Unlike our loan payments, however, this is one which requires payment every day, even multiple times per day.

Remember, the emphasis of this verse is on loving one another, and that is an “agape” type of love, which is more concerned for the welfare of the object of love than it is for self. So, instead of feeling guilty for being in debt the next time you pay your mortgage payment, you should feel guilty whenever you express yourself in any but a loving way to another member of the body of Christ.


Most of us wouldn’t think of not paying our house payment each month. Are we that committed to making our love payment each and every day? That’s something to think about!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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