Tag: perish

Romans 2:12 – With or Without the Law

For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned within law will be judged by law

Truth to Learn

We have all sinned and are unrighteous, deserving of God’s condemnation.


Behind the Words

The expression “without law” is from the Greek word anomōs, which is a compound word made up of the privative a, implying negation and a form of nomos, meaning “law.” Although it can refer to any law in general, in the Biblical text it is almost always a reference to God’s revealed law as contained in the writings of Moses and the prophets.

 “Perish” is translated from the Greek word apolountai, which is made up of apo meaning “away from” or “completely” and a form of ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Hence, “utterly perish” would be a good translation of this word.


Meaning Explained

Paul is now giving further explanation to what he said in the previous verse (Romans 2:11,) the fact that God is not a respecter of persons. And, we saw that verse 11 was an explanation of the repeated phrase, “to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” God will not take into account who our parents or other ancestors are when He judges us. All He will be concerned about is whether we are righteous or not. Also, keep in mind what Paul will tell us later in Romans:

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. (Romans 3:10)

Righteousness, in God’s view, is the characteristic of always doing what is right. Since we don’t always do what is right, we are unrighteous, whether we are Jewish or Gentile. As Paul is talking to the Jewish Christians in Rome, he is telling them that those who have sinned without law will perish without law (because they are unrighteous). He is saying that those who do not have the Law as laid out in the Old Testament will perish (into the lake of fire) without the law.

At this point the Jewish believers are likely to get a bit prideful knowing that they do, indeed, have the Law. So Paul drops the other shoe. He tells them that those who have the Law and transgress the Law will be judged through the precepts laid out in the Law. Since there is only one who satisfied all the Law (Jesus Christ, the righteous one), Paul is telling these Jews that they are just as condemned (and unrighteous) as the Gentiles who commit sin apart from the Law.

This particular treatise of Paul’s is going to show that obeying rules and statutes is impossible for sinful man to do whether he is a Jew or a Gentile. He will, in fact, eventually demonstrate to these Roman Christians that all of us are sinners and worthy of death apart from the grace of God. In other words, if God does not get involved in our lives and save us through His grace, we will all justly be sentenced to the lake of fire.



Deep down inside we all know that we are unrighteous in and of ourselves. Thanks be to God that He declares us righteous when we believe the good news about His Son.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 2:12 – God’s Precious Word

But these men, as irrational beasts, having been natural born for capture and corruption, blaspheme in matters of which they are ignorant. In their own corruption they shall utterly perish.

Truth to Learn

Those who do not respect God’s word will perish.


Behind the Words

The expression “irrational beasts” comes from the Greek aloga zōa. Aloga means “one who does not reason” or “irrational” and zōa (from which we get our English word zoo) refers to “a living creature or “an animal.” Hence they are irrational animals.

The words “corruption” and “perish” are both from the root phthora, meaning “corruption, destruction, ruin, or decay.” It is a picture of a piece of rotting fruit sitting out in the hot sun; in fact, Peter uses words from this root three times in this verse. And, as the end of this verse says, “in their own corruption they shall utterly perish.” In other words, “in their rottenness, they shall completely rot away.”


Meaning Explained

Peter now gives a very graphic description of these false teachers, what drives them, and what will ultimately happen to them. He says that they are “like irrational beasts.” In other words, Peter says that they are irrational animals who are totally controlled by physical impulses and desires without intellectual reasoning of any kind. And, like animals, they were born only to be caught and destroyed, which is precisely what God will do to them at the end of their lives.

He also says “these men blaspheme in matters of which they are ignorant.” These teachers are not at all shy about condemning and speaking evil of others, even though they have no real understanding of the things about which they speak so disrespectfully.

Peter is not very kind at all in his description of these false teachers. He says they take the precious message of hope and peace from a loving God and turn it into a watered down, warm and fuzzy, feel-good-about-yourself message that is designed simply to provide for their own physical desires. These foolish people are totally missing the spiritual implications of what they are supposed to be doing. Peter says that they will rot like spoiled fruit.

We all have jobs to provide income to feed and clothe us and our families. These false teachers saw their ministry as simply a job, and they were just making a living. So what’s wrong with that? Anyone who teaches or preaches the Word of God should not be doing what they do because it is a job or to earn a living. They need to recognize that it is a ministry that they are entrusted with by God, the Creator of heaven and earth. It is a sacred responsibility with eternal consequences both for the minister and those being ministered to.



How do you view the Word of God? Do you look at the Bible with respect and awe; a message for mankind from God Himself?

Keep in mind that God will not treat with kindness those who treat His message as anything but precious and sacred!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:10 – Unrighteous Deception

and with all deception of unrighteousness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Truth to Learn

The world ruler during the Tribulation will be a great deceiver.


Behind the Words

Apatē is the Greek word translated “deception.” It refers to that which is deceitful or a delusion (something that is perceived despite strong evidence to the contrary).

The word “unrighteousness” is from adikia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and dikē, meaning “that which is right or just.” Thus, adikia means “not right” or “not just.”

 “Perish” is from the Greek verb apollumi, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Therefore, apollumi means “to completely destroy.” The word does not imply complete annihilation (cessation of being), but physical destruction.

The word “receive” is translated from the verb dechomai, which means “to take to oneself” or “to deliberately and readily accept something offered.”

“Saved” is translated from sodzō, which means “to preserve safe from danger, loss, or destruction.”


Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has been teaching the Christians in Thessalonica about the Day of the Lord. False teachers had told them that this day of God’s judgment against the “permanent earth dwellers” had already arrived. Why do I call them “permanent earth dwellers?” Because throughout the book of Revelation, the unbelievers are referred to as katoikountes epi tēs gēs , which means “those who are permanently dwelling on the earth.” This expression is in contrast to believers who are said to be “sojourners and pilgrims” (1 Peter 2:11)

In response to the false teaching about the Day of the Lord, Paul explained that this time of God’s wrath would not happen until two specific events occurred. The first is the apostasia, either a reference to a great “falling away” from true faith or to the rapture of the church. The second event is the revealing of “the lawless one,” the antichrist.

He taught that this “lawless one” would become evident because of great signs and miraculous deeds which will be performed through the power of our great adversary, Satan. Paul now gives some more details about how this future world ruler will become evident.

The antichrist will be a great deceiver who, like a modern day illusionist, will use deception to convince people that he is righteous. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:4, he will declare himself to be a god, and the great signs and wonders that he and his false prophet perform will convince many that he really is a god. To a Bible believing Christian, this seems hard to believe. We know that there is only one true God, but those who reject the truth taught in the Bible (the permanent earth dwellers) will readily accept this imposter for who he claims to be.

True Christians not only believe the truth about God and His Son, Jesus Christ, but they have a love of the truth taught in Scripture. We love to read our Bibles and we love to learn the truth about God’s desire to have a personal relationship with us. But, the unbelievers in the last days will not have this love of the truth and will be easily deceived. As a result, they will not receive salvation, but will, instead, perish in the lake of fire for all eternity.



Do you love the truth of God’s Word? If so, hold fast to sound Biblical teaching. If not, prepare yourself to be easily deceived.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:10 – Unrighteous Deception

and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Truth to Learn

The world ruler during the Tribulation will be a great deceiver.

Behind the Words

The word “unrighteousness” is from adikia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and dikē, meaning “that which is right or just.” Thus, adikia means “not right” or “not just.”

Apatē is the Greek word translated “deception.” It refers to that which is deceitful or a delusion (something that is perceived despite strong evidence to the contrary).

Perish” is from the Greek verb apollumi, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Therefore, apollumi means “to completely destroy.” The word does not imply complete annihilation (cessation of being), but physical destruction.

The word “receive” is translated from the verb dechomai, which means “to take to oneself” or “to deliberately and readily accept something offered.”

Saved” is translated from sodzō, which means “to preserve safe from danger, loss, or destruction.”

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has been teaching the Christians in Thessalonica about the Day of the Lord. False teachers had told them that this day of God’s judgment against the “permanent earth dwellers” had already arrived. In response to that, Paul explained that the time of God’s wrath would not happen until two specific events occurred. The first is the apostasia, either a reference to a great “falling away” from true faith or the rapture of the church. The second event is the revealing of “the lawless one,” the antichrist.

He taught that this “lawless one” would become evident because of great signs and miraculous deeds which will be performed through the power of our great adversary, Satan. Paul now gives some more details about how this future world ruler will become evident.

The antichrist will be a great deceiver who, like a modern day illusionist, will use deception to convince people that he is righteous. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:4, he will declare himself to be a god, and the great signs and wonders that he and his false prophet perform will convince many that he really is a god. To a Bible believing Christian, this seems hard to believe. We know that there is only one true God, but those who reject the truth taught in the Bible will readily accept this imposter for what he claims to be.

True Christians not only believe the truth about God and His Son, Jesus Christ, but they have a love of the truth taught in Scripture. We love to read our Bibles and we love to learn the truth about God’s desire to have a personal relationship with us. But, the unbelievers in the last days will not have this love of the truth and will be easily deceived. As a result, they will not receive salvation, but will, instead, perish in the lake of fire for all eternity.


Do you love the truth of God’s Word? If so, hold fast to sound Biblical teaching. If not, prepare yourself to be easily deceived.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Romans 2:12 – With or Without the Law

Romans 2:12

For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law

Truth to Learn

We have all sinned and are unrighteous, deserving of God’s condemnation.

Behind the Words

The expression “without law” is from the Greek word anomōs, which is a compound word made up of the privative a, implying negation and a form of nomos, meaning “law.” Although it can refer to any law in general, in the Biblical text it is almost always a reference to God’s revealed law as contained in the writings of Moses and the prophets.

Perish” is translated from the Greek word apolountai, which is made up of apo meaning “away from” or “completely” and a form of ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Hence, “utterly perish” would be a good translation of this word.

Meaning Explained

Paul is now giving further explanation to what he said in the previous verse (Romans 2:11,) the fact that God is not a respecter of persons. And, we saw that verse 11 was an explanation of the repeated phrase, “to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” God will not take into account who our parents or other ancestors are when He judges us. All He will be concerned about is whether we are righteous or not. Also, keep in mind what Paul will tell us later in Romans:

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. (Romans 3:10)

Righteousness, in God’s view, is the characteristic of always doing what is right. Since we don’t always do what is right, we are unrighteous, whether we are Jewish or Gentile. As Paul is talking to the Jewish Christians in Rome, he is telling them that those who have sinned without law will perish without law (because they are unrighteous). He is saying that those who do not have the Law as laid out in the Old Testament will perish (into the lake of fire) without the law.

At this point the Jewish believers are likely to get a bit prideful knowing that they do, indeed, have the Law. So Paul drops the other shoe. He tells them that those who have the Law and transgress the Law will be judged through the precepts laid out in the Law. Since there is only one who satisfied all the Law (Jesus Christ, the righteous one), Paul is telling these Jews that they are just as condemned (and unrighteous) as the Gentiles who commit sin apart from the Law.

This particular treatise of Paul’s is going to show that obeying rules and statutes is impossible for sinful man to do whether he is a Jew or a Gentile. He will, in fact, eventually demonstrate to these Roman Christians that all of us are sinners and worthy of death apart from the grace of God. In other words, if God does not get involved in our lives and save us through His grace, we will all justly be sentenced to the lake of fire.


Deep down inside we all know that we are unrighteous in and of ourselves. Thanks be to God that He declares us righteous when we believe the good news about His Son.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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