Tag: apollumi

2 Peter 3:6 – Watery Destruction

Through which the world which then was, having been deluged, was destroyed.

Truth to Learn

God said there was a worldwide flood; therefore, there was a worldwide flood, no matter what today’s scientists claim.


Behind the Words

The word translated “deluged” is katakludzō, from which we get our English word cataclysm. This is a compound word made up of kata, meaning “down” used here as an intensifier and kludzō, meaning “to surge over like a wave of the sea.” Hence, katakludzō refers to “total inundation by water.”

“Destroyed” is translated from the Greek word apollumi. This is another compound word made up of apo, meaning “off” or “away” but used here as an intensifier and a form of  olethros, meaning “ruin” or “destruction.” Hence apollumi refers to “complete ruin” or “absolute destruction.” The word is expressed here in the middle voice indicating action done by the subject (the world) to itself. The end of this verse could be translated, “the world of that time destroyed itself, being inundated with water.


Meaning Explained

Peter makes a very strong statement in today’s verse about a worldwide flood. He says that the world of past time was inundated by water and was destroyed. He does not say that part of the world was inundated, he says that the world itself was inundated and destroyed.

The scoffers that Peter is talking about (like the humanists of today) claimed that things had always been just as they are now. It’s a scientific principle called uniformitarianism, which states that the same scientific laws and principles that apply today have always applied and always will. Therefore, there could not have been a sudden cataclysmic whole earth flood because there isn’t enough water in the world today to cover all the existing mountains. They refuse to accept the fact that the high mountains of today could have been formed in the five or six thousand years since the flood because that would violate uniformitarianism.

Incidentally, it is these same scientists who claim that we have evolved from apes, even though in recorded history there is no observable example of any species evolving into another species – none, zip, zero, nada! Not to mention that even evolution violates their precious second law of thermodynamics which states that everything moves from a state of order to a state of disorder, from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. But the secular, God denying scientists of today conveniently ignore these facts.

There are many today who are scoffing at Christians, especially at those of us who hold a literal interpretation of the Bible. But we shouldn’t be surprised by this because the “world has always been that way” (tongue in cheek).



Let us not be dissuaded by the big words and well-orchestrated arguments of the God deniers. Let us, instead, hold fast to the Word of God. Let us not waiver. Let us carry the banner, that is, the message of salvation by grace through faith in the crucified Christ, even in the face of scoffers and mockers!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:10 – Unrighteous Deception

and with all deception of unrighteousness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Truth to Learn

The world ruler during the Tribulation will be a great deceiver.


Behind the Words

Apatē is the Greek word translated “deception.” It refers to that which is deceitful or a delusion (something that is perceived despite strong evidence to the contrary).

The word “unrighteousness” is from adikia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and dikē, meaning “that which is right or just.” Thus, adikia means “not right” or “not just.”

 “Perish” is from the Greek verb apollumi, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Therefore, apollumi means “to completely destroy.” The word does not imply complete annihilation (cessation of being), but physical destruction.

The word “receive” is translated from the verb dechomai, which means “to take to oneself” or “to deliberately and readily accept something offered.”

“Saved” is translated from sodzō, which means “to preserve safe from danger, loss, or destruction.”


Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has been teaching the Christians in Thessalonica about the Day of the Lord. False teachers had told them that this day of God’s judgment against the “permanent earth dwellers” had already arrived. Why do I call them “permanent earth dwellers?” Because throughout the book of Revelation, the unbelievers are referred to as katoikountes epi tēs gēs , which means “those who are permanently dwelling on the earth.” This expression is in contrast to believers who are said to be “sojourners and pilgrims” (1 Peter 2:11)

In response to the false teaching about the Day of the Lord, Paul explained that this time of God’s wrath would not happen until two specific events occurred. The first is the apostasia, either a reference to a great “falling away” from true faith or to the rapture of the church. The second event is the revealing of “the lawless one,” the antichrist.

He taught that this “lawless one” would become evident because of great signs and miraculous deeds which will be performed through the power of our great adversary, Satan. Paul now gives some more details about how this future world ruler will become evident.

The antichrist will be a great deceiver who, like a modern day illusionist, will use deception to convince people that he is righteous. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:4, he will declare himself to be a god, and the great signs and wonders that he and his false prophet perform will convince many that he really is a god. To a Bible believing Christian, this seems hard to believe. We know that there is only one true God, but those who reject the truth taught in the Bible (the permanent earth dwellers) will readily accept this imposter for who he claims to be.

True Christians not only believe the truth about God and His Son, Jesus Christ, but they have a love of the truth taught in Scripture. We love to read our Bibles and we love to learn the truth about God’s desire to have a personal relationship with us. But, the unbelievers in the last days will not have this love of the truth and will be easily deceived. As a result, they will not receive salvation, but will, instead, perish in the lake of fire for all eternity.



Do you love the truth of God’s Word? If so, hold fast to sound Biblical teaching. If not, prepare yourself to be easily deceived.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 4:12 – Honor the Judge

There is one Lawgiver and Judge, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you judging your neighbor?

Truth to Learn

God is the judge of us all. Let’s keep this in perspective when we feel like being judgmental of those around us.

Behind the Words

The word translated “lawgiver” is nomothetēs which is a compound of nomos, meaning “law” and tithēmi meaning “to put in place.” Hence it is one who puts the law in place. Clearly, there is only One who can do that.

In the Greek text the first word in this verse is eis, meaning “one.” A literal translation of the opening of this verse is “One is the lawgiver.” This places emphasis on the fact that there is only one!

The words “and Judge” are not present in some Greek texts, but the best texts include these words.

The Greek word translated “destroy” is apollumi. This word is made up of apo, meaning “away” or “away from” and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Hence, it literally means “to destroy away” or as we might say, to destroy completely, leaving no trace behind.

“Who are you” is translated from the words which literally say, “But you, who are you …”

Some Greek texts end this verse with “another” (heteros). However, the best texts end this verse with “neighbor” (plēsion).

Meaning Explained

In keeping with the previous verse where James equates slandering others with judging them, he now explains why we should not judge others. There is only one judge of mankind and He is the sinless Savior of the world.

Since there is only One who is capable of putting the law in place, whether referring to the law of Moses or the law of righteousness, who are we to be interpreters (judges) of that law? And since we are unfit to judge, we are clearly out of bounds when we speak judgmentally against a brother.

Only a few verses back James made it abundantly clear that we need to be humbled before Almighty God. In today’s modern world, however, we pride ourselves on our self-sufficiency and our independence. In other words, we tend to make ourselves out to be our own gods, not needing any higher power to assist us. It was no different in James’ day and he cautioned his Christian brothers and sisters to recognize that we all have a Supreme Lord who is able to give life and take it away. We need to recognize our lowly place before Him and give Him the reverence and fear He alone deserves. So, let’s listen to Him. Here’s what he said to the Israelites:

Now see that I, even I, am He, And there is no God besides Me; I kill and I keep alive; I wound and I heal; and there is no deliverer from My hand. (Deuteronomy 32:39)

And, here is what Christ told His disciples:

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28)


When we die we will not cease to exist, our soul will live eternally. Upon crossing the threshold of death’s door we will appear before our Judge, where we will give Him the reverence that He alone deserves and we will give account of our service to Him while on this earth. So, right now, instead of focusing on others and judging them, let’s focus on God and both serve and revere Him!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 1:19 – Worldly Wisdom?

For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."

Truth to Learn

The wisdom of the world is foolishness to God.

Behind the Words

Written” is from the Greek word graphō, which literally means “to grave,” that is, to carve. It is the most ancient form of writing. In first century common usage, it refers to any kind of writing. It is written here in the perfect tense, so it means “it was written in the past and, therefore, it is written (as a confirmed statement of fact).”

Apollumi, is the word translated “destroy.” It is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” used as an intensifier, and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Thus, apollumi means “to completely destroy. Today, we might say annihilate.

Both “wisdom” and “wise” are translated from a form of sophos, which refers to “wisdom, skill, tact, or expertise in an art form.”

The words “bring to nothing” are from atheteō, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “without” and thetos, which refers to something that has been put in its place. Therefore, athetheō means “to cause something to be without a place.” In other words, it means “to get rid of” or “to abolish.”

Both “understanding” and “prudent” are from forms of the Greek word suniēmi, which refers to “perception, understanding, or intelligence.” It generally refers to the ability to understand concepts and see relationships between them.

Meaning Explained

Paul is making his comments with regard to the gospel message. In the previous verse he said that the good news of Salvation in Jesus Christ is laughable, even absurd, to those who reject it, those who are on death’s road because of such rejection. However, to those of us who believe the salvation truth, it is the life-giving power of God. To further emphasize his point, Paul quotes from the Prophet Isaiah, who said:

Therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work Among this people, A marvelous work and a wonder; For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, And the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden. (Isaiah 29:14)

This message was delivered to the Israelites because they thought they could rely on the strength of the Egyptians to protect them from a coming invasion by the Assyrians. In spite of all the miracles that God had done to save them and protect them, the Israelites rejected God and relied on their own wisdom and understanding. After all, at that time the Egyptians were the richest, most powerful nation in the world. It seemed like the wisest, most prudent thing to do, to make an alliance with Egypt for their own protection.

One thing we often miss when we read about the Israelites and their Egyptian neighbors: Egypt is a type (a symbolic picture) of the world system that we live in today. The world system will not save you. Only God can do that.


How many Christians today are so caught up in the world around them that they come to depend on it instead of God? Are you one of them? We have to live in the world, but we don’t have to follow it. Where is your heart?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 1:18 – Completed and Sealed

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Truth to Learn

Salvation is a completed and sealed transaction.

Behind the Words

The word translated “message” is logos. It generally refers to something being said (a word, a message, or a saying).

Foolishness” is from the Greek noun mōria, which refers to foolishness, folly, or absurdity.

Who are perishing” is translated from apollumi, which is composed of apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” used here as an intensifier, and ollumi, meaning “to destroy” or “to cause to perish.” Thus, apollumi could be translated as “completely destroy” or “completely perish.” It is expressed here as a present participle in the passive voice, indicating an ongoing action that is being done to someone.

The words “who are being saved” are from sōdzō, which means “to save,” “to deliver,” or “to preserve from harm, danger, or destruction.” It, too, is expressed here as a present participle in the passive voice.

Dunamis is the Greek word translated “power.” It refers to “the ability or power to do something.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul made a subtle transition from talking about baptism (more specifically, the problem of devoting oneself to the person who baptized them) to talking about the gospel message. Paul said that his commission to preach the gospel was not so that he could use fancy words, eloquent speech, or worldly wisdom to persuade people to believe. This may have been intended as a criticism to those in Corinth who claimed to be followers of Apollos, who we know was a very eloquent speaker (see Acts 18:24).

Now Paul makes a very stark contrast between two groups of people, those who are in the process of being destroyed and those who are in the process of being saved. “But,” you may ask, “I thought that we were saved when we first believed. Do we have to be doing something to stay saved?” Back in verse seven we talked about two aspects of our salvation: the day we believed the gospel message and “were saved” and that final day when God will accomplish our salvation, giving us our eternal body and keeping us in His presence forever.

Here, Paul throws us a curve. He refers to the unsaved as “those who are being destroyed” and to us as “us who are being saved.” Paul is not teaching that salvation is a process. He clearly teaches elsewhere that we are saved (Ephesians 2:18) and that our salvation was sealed at the time that we believed (Ephesians 1:13, 14). However, we still have a sinful human nature and we continue to sin. But each time we sin, we are forgiven because of the blood of Christ which continually washes us clean. Until that day in which we are given our heavenly body, we will struggle with our sin nature and our adversary. But, through our Lord Jesus Christ, right now we HAVE the victory (1 Corinthians 15:57).


Occasionally, all Christians don’t “feel” like they are very godly and some question their salvation. Remember that salvation is not a feeling it is a completed, sealed transaction.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved



2 Thessalonians 2:10 – Unrighteous Deception

and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Truth to Learn

The world ruler during the Tribulation will be a great deceiver.

Behind the Words

The word “unrighteousness” is from adikia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and dikē, meaning “that which is right or just.” Thus, adikia means “not right” or “not just.”

Apatē is the Greek word translated “deception.” It refers to that which is deceitful or a delusion (something that is perceived despite strong evidence to the contrary).

Perish” is from the Greek verb apollumi, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Therefore, apollumi means “to completely destroy.” The word does not imply complete annihilation (cessation of being), but physical destruction.

The word “receive” is translated from the verb dechomai, which means “to take to oneself” or “to deliberately and readily accept something offered.”

Saved” is translated from sodzō, which means “to preserve safe from danger, loss, or destruction.”

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has been teaching the Christians in Thessalonica about the Day of the Lord. False teachers had told them that this day of God’s judgment against the “permanent earth dwellers” had already arrived. In response to that, Paul explained that the time of God’s wrath would not happen until two specific events occurred. The first is the apostasia, either a reference to a great “falling away” from true faith or the rapture of the church. The second event is the revealing of “the lawless one,” the antichrist.

He taught that this “lawless one” would become evident because of great signs and miraculous deeds which will be performed through the power of our great adversary, Satan. Paul now gives some more details about how this future world ruler will become evident.

The antichrist will be a great deceiver who, like a modern day illusionist, will use deception to convince people that he is righteous. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:4, he will declare himself to be a god, and the great signs and wonders that he and his false prophet perform will convince many that he really is a god. To a Bible believing Christian, this seems hard to believe. We know that there is only one true God, but those who reject the truth taught in the Bible will readily accept this imposter for what he claims to be.

True Christians not only believe the truth about God and His Son, Jesus Christ, but they have a love of the truth taught in Scripture. We love to read our Bibles and we love to learn the truth about God’s desire to have a personal relationship with us. But, the unbelievers in the last days will not have this love of the truth and will be easily deceived. As a result, they will not receive salvation, but will, instead, perish in the lake of fire for all eternity.


Do you love the truth of God’s Word? If so, hold fast to sound Biblical teaching. If not, prepare yourself to be easily deceived.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Romans 9:22 – Unfair Grace

Romans 9:22 – Unfair Grace

What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction,

Truth to Learn

God endures the sinfulness of sinners so that His wrath and power will be seen and understood.

Behind the Words

Show” is from endeiknumi, which means “to point out or to show forth something about oneself.”

The verb translated “make known” is gnoridzō, meaning “to make something apparent or known to someone else.”

Endured” is from the verb pherō, which means “to carry or bear as a burden.”

The word “longsuffering” is translated from makrothumia, which refers to “the ability to endure pain or suffering inflicted by others for a long time before getting angry.”

Destruction” is from apōleia, which is based on the verb apollumi, meaning “to destroy fully.” The Complete WordStudy Dictionary says of this word: “apōleia refers to the state after death wherein exclusion from salvation is a realized fact, wherein man, instead of becoming what he might have been, is lost and ruined.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we saw that the Apostle Paul postulated that it is fair for God to declare some righteous (through His grace) and to allow the remainder of mankind to remain destined for Hell because of their sinfulness. But that implies that there must be two classes of people on the earth, unforgiven sinners and forgiven sinners. In this and the following verse Paul will show that, in fact, there are two classes of people, and God has a purpose in allowing both.

The first class of people is the class of unforgiven sinners. Remember, according to what Paul demonstrated back in Romans 3:23, all of us are sinners. There is no human being except for Jesus Himself who is without sin. We all deserve Hell. Paul here states that God is desirous of showing His wrath against sin and sinners and He is also desirous of making His power known. In order to do this, though, He is currently being long suffering, enduring the pain of the sinfulness of those who are not chosen until the day when He will finally pour out His wrath on the sinfulness of all mankind.

God is continuing to endure the pain of the sins of the unsaved sinners in this world. At the same time, however, he knows of the eternal damnation that they will receive when He finally slams down the gavel of His judgment on them. But what about our sins? Is God long suffering with us? The answer is no, because our sins are covered by the blood of Christ and He sees us as sinless, holy, righteous vessels of glory. We are the second class of people, the forgiven sinners.


On the surface this appears harsh and unfair, but keep in mind that God cannot allow sin to abide in His presence. The unfair thing is that He has declared us to be righteous and without sin (because the penalty for our sins has been paid by Jesus Christ on the cross).

Truly, that is not fair! Praise God for His grace!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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