Tag: bring to nothing

1 Corinthians 1:28 – The Non-People

and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,

Truth to Learn

God chose the lowly, non-people to be His.

Behind the Words

Base things” is the translation of the Greek noun agenēs. This word is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and genos, meaning “a nation or a race of people.” Thus, agenēs means “non-people.” In common usage it refers to people who are considered base or ignoble. It is the opposite of someone who is born of noble blood.

The word “despised” is from the neuter form of exoutheneō. This word is made up of ex, meaning “out or out of” (used as an intensifier) and a form of oudeis, meaning “nothing.” Therefore, exoutheneō means “to treat someone or something as if it has absolutely no value at all.”

Things which are not” is translated from mē onta. is a particle of negation, meaning “not” and onta is a form of eimi which is the verb of being (I am, you are, it is, etc.). Hence, onta literally means “things that don’t exist.” It is a Hebraism that Jews us to refer to Gentiles.

Katargeō is the Greek verb translated “bring to nothing.” It is made up of kata, meaning “down,” used as an intensifier and argeō, meaning “to cause to be ineffective or useless.”

Meaning Explained

In verse twenty-seven, the Apostle Paul gave a description of the type of people the world considers important, pointing out that God has called very few of them. Then in yesterday's verse he began a description of the type of people that God intentionally called to Himself. This included the fools of the world and the weak people of the world.

In today’s verse he gives three more descriptions of the type of people that God has called to Himself. The first is “the base things of the world.” These are people who were not born into rich, powerful, aristocratic families. They enter life with nothing and are given little opportunity to improve their lot in life. They are looked down at by the upper class and are considered of little value. In fact, in Paul’s second description, they are “despised,” treated as if they have no value at all.

The third description in this verse of God’s chosen people is “things which are not.” This is an even lower class of people than “the base things of the world.” A classic example of what Paul is referring to is seen in India today. The lowest class in their caste system is referred to as “the untouchables” or Dalits. They are considered less than human. They are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, or wear shoes in the presence of the upper class. They are non-people.

God specifically focused his calling on these people for a purpose. That purpose is to demonstrate to those who think themselves to be something special, that they are really the non-people from God’s perspective.


In the eyes of the world, most Christians are weak, foolish, ignorant non-people. But in God’s eyes we are His special children for whom He sacrificed His Son. One day we shall sit with our Lord as He judges the rich, powerful, and proud people of this world and they will see who is really weak and foolish. And God will receive all the praise and all the glory.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 1:19 – Worldly Wisdom?

For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."

Truth to Learn

The wisdom of the world is foolishness to God.

Behind the Words

Written” is from the Greek word graphō, which literally means “to grave,” that is, to carve. It is the most ancient form of writing. In first century common usage, it refers to any kind of writing. It is written here in the perfect tense, so it means “it was written in the past and, therefore, it is written (as a confirmed statement of fact).”

Apollumi, is the word translated “destroy.” It is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” used as an intensifier, and ollumi, meaning “to destroy.” Thus, apollumi means “to completely destroy. Today, we might say annihilate.

Both “wisdom” and “wise” are translated from a form of sophos, which refers to “wisdom, skill, tact, or expertise in an art form.”

The words “bring to nothing” are from atheteō, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “without” and thetos, which refers to something that has been put in its place. Therefore, athetheō means “to cause something to be without a place.” In other words, it means “to get rid of” or “to abolish.”

Both “understanding” and “prudent” are from forms of the Greek word suniēmi, which refers to “perception, understanding, or intelligence.” It generally refers to the ability to understand concepts and see relationships between them.

Meaning Explained

Paul is making his comments with regard to the gospel message. In the previous verse he said that the good news of Salvation in Jesus Christ is laughable, even absurd, to those who reject it, those who are on death’s road because of such rejection. However, to those of us who believe the salvation truth, it is the life-giving power of God. To further emphasize his point, Paul quotes from the Prophet Isaiah, who said:

Therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work Among this people, A marvelous work and a wonder; For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, And the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden. (Isaiah 29:14)

This message was delivered to the Israelites because they thought they could rely on the strength of the Egyptians to protect them from a coming invasion by the Assyrians. In spite of all the miracles that God had done to save them and protect them, the Israelites rejected God and relied on their own wisdom and understanding. After all, at that time the Egyptians were the richest, most powerful nation in the world. It seemed like the wisest, most prudent thing to do, to make an alliance with Egypt for their own protection.

One thing we often miss when we read about the Israelites and their Egyptian neighbors: Egypt is a type (a symbolic picture) of the world system that we live in today. The world system will not save you. Only God can do that.


How many Christians today are so caught up in the world around them that they come to depend on it instead of God? Are you one of them? We have to live in the world, but we don’t have to follow it. Where is your heart?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved