Tag: reward

1 Corinthians 3:14 – Crowns of Victory

If anyone's work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward.

Truth to Learn

Our works in building up the church will be tested by fire and the good works will result in a reward.

Behind the Words

Anyone’s” is translated from a form of tis, meaning “someone.” It is expressed in the genitive case, indicating possession or source. In the Greek, this reads, “the work of anyone.”

The words “he has built on” are translated from the verb epoikodomeō, which we saw back in verses ten and twelve. It means “to build a structure” or “to build upon.” It is expressed here as an aorist verb indicating past, completed action.

Endures” is from the Greek word menō, which means “to remain” or “to stay.”

Lambanō is the word translated “receive.” This verb means “to take or receive, either as a self-prompted action or as the result of someone else offering something.” It is expressed in the future tense, indicating action that will take place in the future.

The word “reward” is translated from the Greek noun misthos. This word can refer to something earned or to a reward for an action taken or a deed done.

Meaning Explained

We learned in yesterday’s verse that the works we do in building up the church will be tested (judged) by fire at the Judgment Seat of Christ, also called the Bema Seat Judgment. Those deeds that we do for ourselves or for our own recognition will be burned up like wood, hay, or straw. However, those works that we do under the direction of the Holy Spirit, giving the glory to God, will remain after the fiery trial.

In both Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:10 the word translated “judgment seat” is the Greek word bematos, which literally means “an elevated step.” The bematos often had a seat upon it where a judgment or tribunal was held. In the first century AD a Bema Seat (bematos) was where the victor in a race or other contest was awarded a crown by a judge who sat on the Bema Seat. There are at least five different crowns mentioned in the New Testament as rewards for faithful Christians. In each of those references, the word translated “crown” is a form of the Greek word stephanos. This is from the root stephō, which means “to twine” or “to wreath.” This is often referred to as a “victor’s crown.” Since the bema seat judgment is for the purpose of finding good in our works done in this physical body, it follows that at the bema seat judgment we will be awarded our crowns.

One other thing to note regarding our victor’s crowns: In Revelation 4:10, 11 there is a description of the church in the throne room of God casting their crowns before Him declaring, “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.


All Christians are called to serve the Lord in the building up of the church. If we perform our works with a humble heart, we’ll receive a crown. Will you have a crown to cast at our Savior’s feet, or will you be standing there with nothing but ashes?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved



1 Corinthians 3:8 – Unity and Individuality

Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

Truth to Learn

The work of ministry is a team effort, but the rewards given will be based on individual effort.

Behind the Words

One” is translated from the Greek word heis, meaning the number “one.” It is written here in the neuter person, just like the word ti in verse seven, further supporting the use of ti in verse five.

Each one” is from the Greek word hekastos (from hekas, meaning “separate”). It refers to “each one” or to “everyone.” In the case of “everyone,” it implies specific application to each one separately, not to the group as a whole.

The words “will receive” are from lambanō, which means “to take” or “to receive.” It is expressed in the future tense, indicating action that will take place sometime in the future.

Misthos is the word translated “reward.” It refers to “wages” or “a reward” that is given as payment for work done.

The words “according to” are from the Greek word kata. The primary meaning of this word is “down.” When used metaphorically, as it is here, it expresses the relationship of one thing with respect to another. In this sense it means “according to,” “in comparison to,” or “with respect to.”

Labor” is from the word kopos, based on the word koptō, meaning “to strike,” “to hit,” or “to cut.” It refers to “wearisome or painful effort” or “hard work.”

Meaning Explained

In the agricultural metaphor that Paul has been using, he has shown that the work of the gospel involves both planting of seeds (evangelism) and nourishing of the spiritual plants that have sprung up from the seeds (preaching and teaching). Because of the divisions that had sprung up in the church at Corinth, Paul is making a strong point that all of those who labor for God are one unit. They are not divided, working in competition with each other, but working together as members of the same team.

In the upcoming verses, he will switch from an agriculture metaphor to that of constructing a building. In both of these, Paul clearly shows that the work of ministry is a combined effort, requiring hard work on the part of many people. Each person has their part of the job to do for a common objective. Each person has his or her work to do according to the gifts that God has given them to work with, but there is a unity of purpose for all.

Now, lest we get lazy and assume that the work of the ministry will get done whether or not we do our part, Paul declares a significant truth. Each one of us will be paid (rewarded) for the work that we do individually. Later, Paul will show that our payment will depend on the quality and focus of our labor; here he states that we each have our own assignment and we need to be doing the work assigned us by the Master.


In any church today, eighty percent of the work is performed by twenty percent of the people. However, those who faithfully do the work assigned to them will receive the reward promised to them, while those who are not working will receive nothing.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Romans 4:4 – Unearned Gift

Romans 4:4

Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.

Truth to Learn

Abraham did not earn his righteousness and neither can we.

Behind the Words

The words “who works” are translated from ergodzomai, which means “to work or labor.”

“Wages” is from the Greek word mythos, meaning “that which is given in exchange for actions done.” It can mean payment, reward, or retribution.

The word translated “counted” is the same as the one translated “accounted” in the previous verse (logidzomai).

“Grace” is translated from charis, which refers to “a favor done without expectation of anything in return.”

The word translated “debt” is opheilēma, meaning “a debt; that which is owed to someone else.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul told us that according to scripture, Abraham’s belief in God’s promise of a future son was accounted to him as righteousness. Abraham was not declared righteous (justified) by God because of any works, but because of faith. Paul now continues on with his logical argument.

If Abraham was justified by a work of righteousness, then he earned his righteousness. If he earned that righteousness by doing something, then God owed the righteousness to him for doing the righteous act. That is, God owed him a debt. If God owed him that righteousness for doing a righteous act then Abraham earned it; it wasn’t freely given to him.

But that’s not the way it happened according to Paul. Abraham didn’t receive his righteousness because God owed it to him. Abraham received his reckoning of righteousness from God by God’s grace, not because God was obliged to, but because in His great love and by His marvelous grace, God chose to credit it to him.

In yesterday’s study we revealed the background of Abraham’s faith. We noted that Abraham returned to the king of Sodom all his people and all the plunder except the tithe given to the King and Priest of Salem and the portion earned by his two friends. Abraham did not keep any of the “reward.” It was perfectly lawful for Abraham to keep it because he earned it, but he gave it back to the king of Sodom. In the opening verse of Genesis chapter fifteen, God then said to Abraham:

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (Genesis 15:1b)

Do you see that? God said that He was Abraham’s reward. The Hebrew word translated “reward” has the same meaning as the Greek word mythos, translated as “wages” in this verse. Abraham refused the reward that was due him because he wanted to give God all the credit. Then, when he believed God’s promise, God credited him with the righteousness that he couldn’t possibly have earned. That’s grace!


No matter how heroic our actions and no matter how much we give away of what is rightfully ours, we can’t earn our own righteousness. It only comes as a gift from God when we believe His promise.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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