Tag: royal

James 2:8 – Love Others

If indeed you fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you do well;

Truth to Learn

The greatest thing we can do for others is to love them like we love ourselves.

Behind the Words

“Fulfill” is the word teleō, which means “to fulfill” or “to complete.” It is a stronger word than the normal tēreō, which means “to keep” or “to observe.” This verb is in the present tense, active voice, and indicative mood. This identifies the verb as one of current, continuous action. So, he is saying, “If you are really continually fulfilling …”

The Greek word translated “royal” is, basilikos which means “regal” or “preeminent.” This means that it is the highest or preeminent law, which should guide our every action.

Nomos is the Greek word translated “law.” This word refers to the entire body of the law which the Jews were to keep. James could have used the word entolē, meaning “commandment,” for it is a commandment that he quotes. His purpose for using nomos, however, is to say that the entire set of commandments is summed-up in one, and it is the preeminent one.

The word “love” is the Greek agapaō, the self-sacrificing love which Christ demonstrated for us on the cross.

Meaning Explained

So, what is this highest, or preeminent, law that James is talking about? According to Jesus, when asked by a lawyer what the greatest law is:

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-39)

James is quoting what Jesus called the second greatest commandment. So why does he say that it is the preeminent one? The two that Jesus cited have to do with our relationship with God the Father and our relationship with other people. If we look at the Ten Commandments we see that the first four apply to our relationship with God and the other six apply to our relationship with others. Therefore, when Jesus quoted the two greatest commandments he was summing-up all ten.

James, on the other hand, is only dealing with our relationship with others, so he quotes the preeminent commandment having to do with how we treat others. He says that if we live our lives by continually loving others with a self-sacrificing love, this is good. This is James’ summary of his discussion in the previous six verses on how we treat rich people and poor people differently based on their appearance. He will complete his summary in the next verse.


Though we sometimes don’t want to admit it, we all love ourselves. We take care of ourselves, we feed ourselves when we get hungry, we buy things for ourselves, and we even choose a mate for ourselves based on what we like. We spend many waking hours thinking about things that will please us. When we do this, our focus is on ourselves. James says that our focus should be on others to the same degree.

In God's service, for His glory,

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