Tag: sigao

Romans 16:25 – Stabilizing Power

Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the time of the ages.

Truth to Learn

The power of God is revealed in the gospel message.


Behind the Words

“Him who is able” is from the word dunamai, from which we get the word dynamite. It refers to “one who has the power, ability, or authority to do something.”

The word translated “establish” is stēridzō, which means “to set firmly in place.”

“Revelation” is from the Greek word apokalupsis. This is a compound word made up of apo, meaning “away from” and a form of kaluptō, meaning “to cover” or “to conceal.” Therefore, we can see that this word means “to have the cover taken away,” that is “an uncovering” or “a revealing.”

“Mystery” is translated from musterion, which refers to “a sacred mystery, something that was previously hidden but which is now made known.”

The word “secret” is translated from the Greek verb sigaō, meaning “to keep silent.”


Meaning Explained

In the past there has been much debate among Greek scholars as to whether this and the following two verses belong here or at the end of chapter fourteen. A number of reliable manuscripts have it at the end of fourteen, but a number of others have it placed here. Nearly all English translations present it here at the end of the epistle.

This benediction (a formal proclamation of blessing and praise) to God is basically a summary of Paul’s entire ministry. Paul gives this praise to “Him who is able to set us firmly in place.” That is, God is the only one who has the power and authority to make our salvation and subsequent walk with Him firm and secure. This secure salvation is the result of the gospel message. Paul refers to it as his gospel because it is the message that was given to him to deliver to the Gentiles.

This gospel (good news of salvation from our sins) is communicated by the preaching of Jesus Christ. That is, salvation comes from hearing about and believing that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. As proof of His sinless life and the acceptance of His blood as payment for our sins he rose from the dead and is alive today.

Paul refers to this gospel message as “the mystery which was kept silent since the time of the ages.” He calls it this because even though it is alluded to throughout the Old Testament (from Genesis through Malachi), it was hidden from the Jews and hidden from the rest of mankind until revealed to the world by Jesus Christ, Himself.

Paul will continue with this benediction in the next two verses.



Every Christian should get a tingle of excitement when talking about the gospel message. Through it the power of God to save sinners from the just penalty of their sins is communicated. The proclamation of the gospel opens up hearts and transfers the citizenship of lost souls from the family of doom to a firm place in the family of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2019 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 16:25 – Stabilizing Power

Romans 16:25 – Stabilizing Power

Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began

Truth to Learn

The power of God is revealed in the gospel message.

Behind the Words

Him who is able” is from the word dunamai, from which we get the word dynamite. It refers to “one who has the power, ability, or authority to do something.”

The word translated “establish” is stēridzō, which means “to set firmly in place.”

Revelation” is from the Greek word apokalupsis. This is a compound word made up of apo, meaning “away from” and a form of kaluptō, meaning “to cover” or “to conceal.” Therefore, we can see that this word means “to have the cover taken away,” that is “an uncovering” or “a revealing.”

Mystery” is translated from musterion, which refers to “a sacred mystery, something that was previously hidden but which is now made known.”

The word “secret” is translated from the Greek verb sigaō, meaning “to keep silent.”

Meaning Explained

In the past there has been much debate among Greek scholars as to whether this and the following two verses belong here or at the end of chapter fourteen. A number of reliable manuscripts have it at the end of fourteen, but a number of others have it placed here. Nearly all English translations present it here at the end of the epistle.

This benediction (a formal proclamation of blessing and praise) to God is basically a summary of Paul’s entire ministry. Paul gives this praise to “Him who is able to set us firmly in place.” That is, God is the only one who has the power and authority to make our salvation and subsequent walk with Him firm and secure. This secure salvation is the result of the gospel message. Paul refers to it as his gospel because it is the message that was given to him to deliver to the Gentiles.

This gospel (good news of salvation from our sins) is communicated by the preaching of Jesus Christ. That is, salvation comes from hearing about and believing that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. As proof of His sinless life and the acceptance of His blood as payment for our sins he rose from the dead and is alive today.

Paul refers to this gospel message as “the mystery which was kept silent since the world began.” He calls it this because even though it is alluded to throughout the Old Testament (from Genesis through Malachi), it was hidden from the Jews and hidden from the rest of mankind until revealed to the world by Jesus Christ, Himself.

Paul will continue with this benediction in the next two verses.


Every Christian should get a tingle of excitement when talking about the gospel message. Through it the power of God to save sinners from the just penalty of their sins is communicated. The proclamation of the gospel opens up hearts and transfers the citizenship of lost souls from the family of doom to a firm place in the family of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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