Tag: sons

Romans 9:26 – Everywhere His Children

And it will be in the place where it was said to them, You are not my people, there they shall be called sons of the living God.

Truth to Learn

God chooses people from around the world to be His children.


Behind the Words

“People” is translated from laos, which we looked at before. This implies that those who are spoken of in this verse had not been part of God’s family until He chose them.

The word “sons” is from huios. Strictly speaking, this refers to a male child. However, it is often used in the New Testament as a reference to a child without reference to gender.


Meaning Explained

Paul has been demonstrating to his readers that God is clearly sovereign in His choice of whom He will bless and who will be cast into hellfire. He has made it very clear that it is God’s choice regarding who will receive righteousness and who will receive condemnation. In the previous verse he quoted Hosea 2:23 in which God proclaims that He will call them His people who were previously not His people. That is, Hosea was prophesying that non-Jews would be proclaimed as God’s people. He now quotes another passage from Hosea. This time he is quoting Hosea 1:10 which says,

Yet the number of the sons of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which is not measured nor numbered. And it shall be, in the place where it was said to them, you are not My people, there it shall be said to them, you are the sons of the living God.

One of the really significant things about Paul’s quoting these passages is the fact that Hosea was a prophet to whom God gave direction to marry a prostitute and to raise his children as if they were illegitimate children. This was done as a sign to the Jews that God was displeased with their following after other gods (which God considers harlotry). Here’s what God tells us in Hosea 1:2:

The beginning of Jehovah speaking by Hosea. And Jehovah said to Hosea, Go, take to yourself a wife of adultery and children of adultery. For the land has utterly gone lusting away from Jehovah.

Because of this warning from God, the Children of Israel were told that God would one day call those who were not His people (Gentiles) as the sons of the Living God. Paul is now demonstrating to the Jewish Christians in Rome that this prophecy is being fulfilled in the choosing of the Gentiles as well as Jews in the church age. In Hosea’s time the Jews were required to worship at the temple in Jerusalem on given occasions at prescribed times of the year. But now, because Hosea’s prophecy is fulfilled, we can worship God anywhere and do so through faith rather than deeds of legalism.

Paul will further show in the coming verses that this calling of the Gentiles will not be through the works of the Law or church rituals but by the justification through faith that he has talked about in the earlier chapters of this letter.



The Jews were required to worship in Jerusalem and follow a prescribed set of rituals. Those who are chosen of God today must worship in spirit and truth, but they can do so anywhere. As those who are called the children of the living God, we are spread throughout the world to proclaim the gospel truth.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 9:26 – Everywhere His Children

Romans 9:26– Everywhere His Children

“And it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them, “You are not my people,” there they shall be called sons of the living God.”

Truth to Learn

God chooses people from around the world to be His children.

Behind the Words

People” is translated from laos, which we looked at before. This implies that those who are spoken of in this verse had not been part of God’s family until He chose them.

The word “sons” is from huios. Strictly speaking, this refers to a male child. However, it is often used in the New Testament as a reference to a child without reference to gender.

Meaning Explained

Paul has been demonstrating to his readers that God is clearly sovereign in His choice of whom He will bless and who will be cast into hellfire. He has made it very clear that it is God’s choice regarding who will receive righteousness and who will receive condemnation. In the previous verse he quoted Hosea 2:23 in which God proclaims that He will call them His people who were previously not His people. That is, Hosea was prophesying that non-Jews would be proclaimed as God’s people. He now quotes another passage from Hosea. This time he is quoting Hosea 1:10 which says,

Yet the number of the sons of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered. And it shall be, in the place where it was said to them, You are not My people, there it shall be said to them, You are the sons of the living God.

One of the really significant things about Paul’s quoting these passages is the fact that Hosea was a prophet to whom God gave direction to marry a prostitute and to raise his children as if they were illegitimate children. This was done as a sign to the Jews that God was displeased with their following after other gods (which God considers harlotry). Here’s what God tells us in Hosea 1:2:

The beginning of Jehovah speaking by Hosea. And Jehovah said to Hosea, Go, take to yourself a wife of adultery and children of adultery. For the land has utterly gone lusting away from Jehovah.

Because of this warning from God, the Children of Israel were told that God would one day call those who were not His people (Gentiles) as the sons of the Living God. Paul is now demonstrating to the Jewish Christians in Rome that this prophecy is being fulfilled in the choosing of the Gentiles as well as Jews in the church age. In Hosea’s time the Jews were required to worship at the temple in Jerusalem on given occasions at prescribed times of the year. But now, because Hosea’s prophecy is fulfilled, we can worship God anywhere and do so through faith, not deeds of legalism.

Paul will further show in the coming verses that this calling of the Gentiles will not be through the works of the Law or church rituals but by the justification through faith that he has talked about in the earlier chapters of this letter.


The Jews were required to worship in Jerusalem and follow a prescribed set of rituals. Those who are chosen of God today must worship in spirit and truth, but they can do so anywhere. As those who are called the children of the living God, we are spread throughout the world to proclaim the gospel truth.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:14 – Heavenly Guide Service

Romans 8:14 – Heavenly Guide Service

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

Truth to Learn

The Spirit of God is our “life coach” and guide.

Behind the Words

The word translated “led” is agō, which means “to lead” or “to bring.” This is expressed here in the present tense and indicative mood. This can mean a single, one-time action in the present, but more often it refers to current, continual action. This is the sense in which it is used here. It is also expressed here in the passive voice indicating action that is being done to someone.

Meaning Explained

In chapter eight Paul talked about how a person who tries to obtain righteousness by obeying laws and rules will never achieve his or her objective. This is because the law actually causes us to sin. He then went on to proclaim his own frustration with the fact that even though he wants to do what is right all the time, he doesn’t always do it. He even proclaimed:

For the good that I have determined to do, I do not do; but the evil I have determined not to do, that I continually do. (Romans 7:19) [my translation]

This tendency in all mankind is the result of our sin nature. Paul starts off the current chapter with the proclamation, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” He then describes a characteristic of those who are in Christ Jesus: “who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” We who have been saved by the grace of God have been declared as righteous in God’s record book, so we are free from the penalty of our sin. We also have been given the Holy Spirit of God as our guarantee and as our guide. If we are saved, then we should be walking “according to the Spirit.”

In the current verse Paul says something very similar: “For as many (of us) as are being continually led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” We see, then, that this is another characteristic of a true child of God. If you are a son (or daughter) of God, then you are continually, every day, in the present, being led by His Spirit. The picture is of a guide who is leading the way through a wilderness, showing the proper paths to take so that the follower won’t get lost.

Note, though, that it is difficult to lead someone who won’t follow. And, it is difficult to follow someone with whom you have very little communication. In fact, the closer the relationship you have to the guide, the easier it is for the guide to direct you and the easier it is for you to hear and trust the advice of the guide. Sometimes the choices of paths are obvious and sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes, what appears to be the obvious path is not the way to go at all. That’s why we need a guide.


We have a Guide who knows all, and He wants to lead us in the paths that will bring Him the most glory and praise.

Are you willing to follow your Guide? Do you talk to your Guide? Do you listen to Him and obey Him when He talks to you?

Are you daily being led by the Holy Spirit of God?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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