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Romans 8:14 – Heavenly Guide Service

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

Truth to Learn

The Spirit of God is our “life coach” and guide.


Behind the Words

The word translated “led” is agō, which means “to lead” or “to bring.” This is expressed here in the present tense and indicative mood. This can mean a single, one-time action in the present, but more often it refers to current, continual action. This is the sense in which it is used here. It is also expressed here in the passive voice indicating action that is being done to someone.


Meaning Explained

In chapter eight Paul talked about how a person who tries to obtain righteousness by obeying laws and rules will never achieve his or her objective. This is because the law actually causes us to sin. He then went on to proclaim his own frustration with the fact that even though he wants to do what is right all the time, he doesn’t always do it. He even proclaimed:

For the good that I determine to do, I do not do; but the evil I determine to not do, that I continually do. (Romans 7:19)

This tendency in all mankind is the result of our sin nature. Paul starts off the current chapter with the proclamation, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus,” And, in verse four, he describes a characteristic of those who are in Christ Jesus: “who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” We who have been saved by the grace of God have been declared as righteous in God’s record book, so we are free from the penalty of our sin. We also have been given the Holy Spirit of God as our guarantee and as our guide. If we are saved, then we should be walking “according to the Spirit.”

In the current verse Paul says something very similar: “For as many (of us) as are being continually led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” We see, then, that this is another characteristic of a true child of God. If you are a son (or daughter) of God, then you are continually, every day, in the present, being led by His Spirit. The picture is of a guide who is leading the way through a wilderness, showing the proper paths to take so that the follower won’t get lost.

Note, though, that it is difficult to lead someone who won’t follow. And, it is difficult to follow someone with whom you have very little communication. In fact, the closer the relationship you have to the guide, the easier it is for the guide to direct you and the easier it is for you to hear and trust the advice of the guide. Sometimes the choices of paths are obvious and sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes, what appears to be the obvious path is not the way to go at all. That’s why we need a guide.



We have a Guide who knows all, and He wants to lead us in the paths that will bring Him the most glory and praise.

Are you willing to follow your Guide? Do you talk to your Guide? Do you listen to Him and obey Him when He talks to you?

Are you daily being led by the Holy Spirit of God?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:14 – Returning With Him

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

Truth to Learn

Christians who have died will come with Jesus at the rapture.


Behind the Words

There are three classes of conditional clauses (if statements) contained in New Testament Greek based on their grammatical construction. The clause that begins today’s verse is a first-class conditional statement; it assumes that the “if statement” is true. Therefore, in some cases we can substitute the word “since” for “if,” and we could start this verse off with “For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again  …”

“Believe” is translated from the Greek verb pisteuō, meaning “to believe in,” “to have faith in,” or “to trust in.” It is expressed as a present tense, active voice, indicative mood verb, indicating present, possibly continuous, action.

The verb “died” is from apothnēskō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from,” used as an intensifier and thnēskō, meaning “to die.” Thus, it literally means “to die off.”

“Rose again” is from the Greek verb anistēmi, composed of ana, meaning “up” and histēmi, which means “to stand.” Hence, it literally means “to stand up” or “to rise up.”

The words “will bring” are translated from the verb agō, meaning “to lead” or “to bring.” It is expressed here in the future tense, thus we translate it as “will bring.”

Koimaō is the Greek word translated “sleep.” It means “to cause to lie down to sleep.” In the New Testament it is often used in reference to the sleep of death. That is the manner in which Paul uses it here.


Meaning Explained

Beginning in the previous verse, Paul is teaching the Thessalonians (and us) about end-time events. This particular event is what we commonly refer to as “the rapture.” We will talk more about this word in verse seventeen. The first thing to learn from today’s verse is who is involved in this event. We are told here that it involves those who “believe that Jesus died and rose up.” In other words, this event involves born-again Christians. As we noted in Behind the Words, the word “believe” likely indicates current, continuous belief, that is, a belief that was not simply a one-time event, but something that has become an integral part of a person’s life.

One of my biggest concerns is that when the rapture takes place, many church members won’t notice, because the church will still be filled with “members.” I fear too many so-called Christians have said the “sinner’s prayer” without ever really believing to the point of a total commitment to Jesus. They may have knowledge of salvation but not truly be saved.

The other thing we learn here is that Christians who “sleep in Jesus,” those who have died physically, will return with Him. Since this event involves our Lord coming from the heavenly realms to the earth’s atmosphere (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17), those who “sleep in Jesus” will also be coming from the heavenly realms, from Paradise. In Luke 23:43 our Lord told the thief that on that very day he would be with Jesus in Paradise. From Matthew 12:40 we know that Jesus went into the “heart of the earth” when He died. But from 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 we know that Paradise is now up with the third heaven. In other words, Paradise has been moved! I think that’s what Paul is talking about in Ephesians 4:8 where he said that Jesus “led captivity captive.” In today’s verse Paul tells us that He will bring those who sleep in Jesus (who are now with Him in Paradise) will come with Him.



The fact that you are following these daily Bible studies probably indicates that you are genuinely saved. I wonder how many people will miss the rapture because they simply see salvation as a free ticket into heaven rather than a life-changing commitment. They see Jesus simply as their Savior and not as their Lord. However, as Peter points out in 2Peter 3:18, He is both our Savior and our Lord.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 8:14 – Heavenly Guide Service

Romans 8:14 – Heavenly Guide Service

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

Truth to Learn

The Spirit of God is our “life coach” and guide.

Behind the Words

The word translated “led” is agō, which means “to lead” or “to bring.” This is expressed here in the present tense and indicative mood. This can mean a single, one-time action in the present, but more often it refers to current, continual action. This is the sense in which it is used here. It is also expressed here in the passive voice indicating action that is being done to someone.

Meaning Explained

In chapter eight Paul talked about how a person who tries to obtain righteousness by obeying laws and rules will never achieve his or her objective. This is because the law actually causes us to sin. He then went on to proclaim his own frustration with the fact that even though he wants to do what is right all the time, he doesn’t always do it. He even proclaimed:

For the good that I have determined to do, I do not do; but the evil I have determined not to do, that I continually do. (Romans 7:19) [my translation]

This tendency in all mankind is the result of our sin nature. Paul starts off the current chapter with the proclamation, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” He then describes a characteristic of those who are in Christ Jesus: “who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” We who have been saved by the grace of God have been declared as righteous in God’s record book, so we are free from the penalty of our sin. We also have been given the Holy Spirit of God as our guarantee and as our guide. If we are saved, then we should be walking “according to the Spirit.”

In the current verse Paul says something very similar: “For as many (of us) as are being continually led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” We see, then, that this is another characteristic of a true child of God. If you are a son (or daughter) of God, then you are continually, every day, in the present, being led by His Spirit. The picture is of a guide who is leading the way through a wilderness, showing the proper paths to take so that the follower won’t get lost.

Note, though, that it is difficult to lead someone who won’t follow. And, it is difficult to follow someone with whom you have very little communication. In fact, the closer the relationship you have to the guide, the easier it is for the guide to direct you and the easier it is for you to hear and trust the advice of the guide. Sometimes the choices of paths are obvious and sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes, what appears to be the obvious path is not the way to go at all. That’s why we need a guide.


We have a Guide who knows all, and He wants to lead us in the paths that will bring Him the most glory and praise.

Are you willing to follow your Guide? Do you talk to your Guide? Do you listen to Him and obey Him when He talks to you?

Are you daily being led by the Holy Spirit of God?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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