Tag: sudzetetes

1 Corinthians 1:20 – God’s Foolishness?

Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

Truth to Learn

This world’s wisdom is foolishness compared to God’s truth.

Behind the Words

The word “wise” is sophos, which we saw in yesterday’s verse, meaning “wisdom, skill, tact, or expertise in an art form.” It is probably a reference to the Greek philosophers of Paul’s time (those who loved wisdom).

Scribe” is translated from grammateus, which is based on graphō, which we also saw in yesterday’s verse. It is a reference to the Jewish scribes who were considered the most learned of Jewish scholars and interpreters of the law of Moses.

The word “disputer” is from the Greek noun sudzētētēs. This word is made up of sun, meaning “together” or “with” and dzēteō, meaning “to seek” or “to “inquire.” Thus, sudzētētēs refers to those who inquires of one another or those who debate with one another.

Morainō is the Greek word translated “made foolish.” It is the word from which we get our English word “moron.”

World” is from kosmos, which refers to “order” or “arrangement.” It is what we get our word “cosmetic” from. It is a reference to the world system as opposed to God’s system.

Meaning Explained

In comparing the message of the gospel to the message of the world system, Paul is making an allusion to the well-known invasion and subsequent defeat of Sennacherib, king of Assyria (see Isaiah chapters 29 through 37). When Sennacherib’s army advanced toward Jerusalem, the Israelites turned to Egypt for help, but the Egyptians were not able to protect Jerusalem. Instead, when the Assyrian army had surrounded Jerusalem, God stepped in and miraculously destroyed Sennacherib’s army and they retreated.

It was the worldly wisdom of the leaders of Israel that led them to seek the help of the Egyptians. As a result of seeking the wisdom of the world, the Israelites became fools and were almost destroyed. Were it not for the “foolishness” of seeking God’s help, they would have perished.

The gospel message is another example of the “foolishness” of us believers who trust in the Bible. We are looked on by the world around us as being fools because we believe God’s message. And yet – the wise people of our time, the learned people of our time, the skilled debaters of our time are the real fools because they reject the simple, foolish message of the cross. Paul is most likely making a reference to Isaiah 29:14:

Therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work Among this people, A marvelous work and a wonder; For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, And the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden.

Education and worldly wisdom are no match for the truth in God’s Word, the Bible. To follow the wisdom of the world is foolishness, but to follow God is true wisdom.


As tempting as it may be, following the wisdom of the world is foolishness and will only bring destruction. However, following the “foolish” gospel message will bring salvation and eternal life. Which are you following?

In God's service, for His glory,

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