Tag: sunagoge

James 2:2 – Apparel Judgment

For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine clothing, and there should also come in a poor person in filthy clothes,

Truth to Learn

Wealth or poverty should not be sources of differentiation within the church.

Behind the Words

The word translated “assembly” is sunagōgē, which is made up of sun, meaning “together” and a derivative of agō, meaning “to lead” or “to gather together.” Hence, this word refers to a gathering together of people. It is the word from which we get our English word Synagogue.

The words “man with gold rings” are translated from the Greek anēr chrusodaktulios. Anēr is the word for “an adult male person” or “a husband.” The word chrusodaktulios is a compound word made up of chrusos, meaning “gold,” and daktulios, meaning “a finger ring.” So, literally this is referring to “a gold ringed man.”

The word “fine,” describing his clothing, is the Greek word lampros, which is derived from the verb lampō, meaning “to shine.” Hence, this refers to brilliant or magnificent clothing.

“Poor man” is translated from ptōchos, which is derived from the verb ptōssō, meaning “to crouch or cower like a beggar.” This word is a reference to someone in abject poverty like a homeless street beggar in one of our cities today.

Finally, the word “filthy” is translated from rhuparos which refers to something that is extremely dirty or foul smelling.

Meaning Explained

It might seem strange to see James refer to the meeting of Christians as a synagogue, but we must remember that the early church was largely made up of converted Jews. There is also evidence that some church gathering places even as late as the fourth century AD were called sunagōgia (synagogues) rather than what is more common today, ekklēsia (churches).

Paul is talking specifically about how you treat people within your church gatherings. In the eastern cultures, even today, a person with great wealth is easily identifiable by his luxurious robes and expensive gold jewelry. Such opulence is not as obviously displayed in Western society, although it does happen to some extent. In our churches this might be a man wearing an expensive suit displaying diamond or gold rings and expensive cufflinks, accompanied by his wife wearing designer clothing accessorized with expensive jewelry.

The second person identified in this verse is a lot easier to recognize. James is talking about a homeless beggar who likely smells of stale sweat (or worse), wearing the only clothing he or she owns. This is the kind of person nobody wants to sit next to, let alone have a conversation with. The contrast is pretty dramatic and James is intentionally showing extremes of personage. He will complete the admonition in the next two verses.


Do you notice how people dress for church on Sunday morning? Do you make value judgments about them based on their appearance?

See what James says in the next verse.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:23 – God Honoring Submission

For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body

Truth to Learn

Submission is part of God’s plan and it honors Him.

Behind the Words

Head” is translated from kephalē, which means “the uppermost part of something” or “the head.” Thus, it is used both literally and figuratively to refer to the head of something.

The word “Christ” is from the Greek word christos, which is derived from chriō, meaning “to anoint.” In the Old Testament, a prophet or high priest anointed a person with oil as a symbol that the person was chosen by God for a specific purpose. The Jews believe that the anointed one (Hebrew Mashiach or Messiah) is God’s chosen redeemer who will come to rescue the Jews. Christos is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew title Mashiach.

The word translated “church” is ekklesia, which is a compound word made up of ek, meaning “out” or “out of” and a form of kaleō, meaning “to call.” Thus, this term refers to “the called-out ones.” Originally, this term was applied to any group of people called out to a public assembly. The Jewish equivalent of ekklesia is sunagogē (those who are gathered together). Since the church was often considered a sect of Judaism, a church body was initially referred to as an episunagogē. However, wanting to distinguish themselves from the members of the Jewish faith, early Christians referred to their assembly as ekklesia.

Meaning Explained

Yesterday’s verse introduced a topic that many Christian women today find troubling. They think that it is demeaning to expect a woman to submit to her husband. There are two important things to remember in this discussion, however. The first is that Christianity was directly responsible for raising up the position of women from that of a man’s possession to that of a man’s partner. The second thing to remember is that God expects more from a man because he is head of the family unit. “But, it’s not fair that it is always the woman who has to submit to the man,” you might say. However, it is no more unfair than that Jesus Christ, who is completely God, always has to submit to the will of the Father and that the Holy Spirit always has to submit to the will of the Father and the Son. It is the way that God determined it to be.

In today’s verse Paul tells us that the reason that a wife is to voluntarily submit to her husband is because God designed the marriage relationship with the man as the head. It is God’s plan that a man be the head of the family just as it is His plan that Christ is head of the church. The church, also called “the body of Christ,” is elsewhere referred to as “the bride of the Lamb”:

Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. (Revelation 19:7)

So the picture of the church submitting to Christ is the same as the wife submitting to her husband.


Ladies, your act of submission to your husband is not demeaning, it is God honoring! Submitting to your husband is an act of obedience to God and He will bless you for it.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.