Tag: suntrimma

Romans 3:16 – Pathway Choices

Destruction and misery are in their ways;

Truth to Learn

The path we take is up to us. The end result is up to God.


Behind the Words

The word translated “destruction” comes from the Greek word suntrimma, which is made up of sun, meaning “together” and a form of tribo, which means “to strike or to rub.” Hence, this word literally means “to strike together” as two large rocks might be brought together against something to crush it completely.

The word translated “misery” is the Greek word talaipōria, which means “affliction, distress, or misery.”

“Ways” is translated from hodos, which refers to “a road” or “a pathway.” As we have mentioned before, in the Bible we are depicted as travelers walking down a road or pathway. This verse is an excellent example of that.


Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul’s current condemnation of all mankind started back in verse 10 with, “there is none righteous, not even one,” which is taken from the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament.) Since that verse, he has quoted a number of other verses from the Septuagint as he is demonstrating to all those in Rome who were familiar with this Greek version of the Old Testament that the Scripture clearly declares neither Jew nor Gentile is righteous before God.

He now identifies some of the results of their having “turned out of the way,” that is, they have left the path of righteousness, and having used their words to eviscerate others, they have demonstrated their wickedness through their words. And those results include that fact that destruction and misery are in their pathways. Notice that when we leave the pathway that God wants us to travel and go our own way, our new path will have things that God’s way wouldn’t have had. In this case it is destruction and misery.

Also notice that “ways” is plural. Those who follow the urgings of their human nature (our sin nature) will encounter destruction and misery no matter what road they take. At this point it is easy for us to look at crooked political leaders or selfish businessmen who have amassed great power and wealth. It doesn’t appear to us that they are encountering destruction and misery. However, they never have rest from worrying about who might attack them or wondering when their house of cards might crumble beneath them. Ultimately we know some day they will have to stand before the Judge and the result will be destruction and misery.

Here are two quotes from the book of Proverbs that summarize what we have been talking about:

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. (Proverbs 14:12)

Better is a little with the fear of the LORD, than great treasure with turmoil. (Proverbs 15:16)



God’s way is not always the easy way, but it will always end in peace for us and praise to God. Lord, give us the discernment to see your path and the courage to take it rather than our own!

In God's service, for His glory,

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