Tag: who are such

2 Thessalonians 3:12 – Share the Load

Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.

Truth to Learn

Everyone in the church needs to carry his or her own weight.

Behind the Words

The words “who are such” come from the Greek word toioutos. It basically means “of this kind or sort.” It is a direct reference to “some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies.

We command” is from the verb parangellō, which we have seen several times recently. It means “to relay an order from the commander from one soldier to the next.”

The word “exhort” is translated from parakaleō, meaning “to encourage, challenge, or comfort.”

The Greek word translated “quietness” is hēsuchia, which refers to "quietness, tranquility, or silence." As used here it refers to a quiet, unobtrusive lifestyle.

Arton is the word translated “bread.” Specifically, it refers to a loaf of bread, but it is often used, as it is here, in reference to anything that is eaten as a meal.

Meaning Explained

You will recall that the purpose of this second letter to the Christians in the church at Thessalonica was to clear up some false teaching that the Day of the Lord had already arrived. Because of this misconception, there apparently were people in the church who figured they could stop working for themselves since the “end” was very near.

In yesterday’s verse, Paul used a play on words. He is especially fond of this literary device. He said of these particular people that they are “not working,” from the word ergadzomai, but that they are “busybodies,” from the word periergadzomai. In today’s verse he addresses them directly. Not only does he command these people to work in quietness, but he also challenges them to do so. This is another play on words (parangellō and parakaleō), but it is also a very strong statement from the apostle. Today we might say, “Get to work, and do it quietly, without complaining or bothering others.”

Remember that all Christians are part of the body of Christ. What we do affects other members of the body, either positively or negatively. If we are not working for our own needs and for the needs of the body, then others have to take up the slack. And, while there are many Christians who are willing to sacrifice themselves to build up the body and support others, it is not right that they should have to do the work of others in addition to their own work.

In the following verses, we will learn from Paul how we should act ourselves and how we should respond to those who do not heed the instructions given.


Are you working hard in your own life and in the life of the church? Or do you depend on others to provide for you and let others carry all the weight in the church? If our Lord was standing next to you, what would He say about your performance? Remember, He IS standing next to you!

In God's service, for His glory,

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