Ephesians 5:8 – Live the Light

For you were once darkness, but now are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

Truth to Learn

Christians are to demonstrate the light of God in our lives.


Behind the Words

“Once” is translated from pote, which means “at some time.” It can be used with reference to either past of future time. It can also refer to a specific point in time or to a period of time. Given that the verb translated “you were” is expressed in the imperfect tense (continual or repeated action in the past), the opening part of this verse could be translated as, “For a period of time in the past you were …”

The word translated “darkness” is skotos. This is derived from the word skia, meaning “shade” or “a shadow.” Skotos is used in the Bible to refer either to physical darkness or spiritual darkness (the absence of God’s spiritual enlightening).

“Light” is from phōs, which is based on the verb phaō, meaning “to shine” or “to make apparent.” Phōs refers either to physically perceived light or to spiritual enlightenment.

The word “walk” is translated from peripateō, meaning “to walk around.” Paul uses this word as a metaphor for how a person lives his or her life. It is expressed here as a command.


Meaning Explained

Paul started off this chapter telling us that we should be imitators of God. He said we should do so by walking in love. In other words we should be living our lives loving others in the same way that God showed His love for us. That is to say, we should always be looking out for the good of others instead of our own good. Paul then gave us an example of heretical teaching that had crept into the church. This teaching focused on satisfying our own fleshly desires in spite of the fact that doing so is offensive to God. Paul said, “Don’t even begin to walk down the road that these deceivers talk about!”

Now Paul gives us more instruction as to how we should live our lives. He tells us to “walk as children of light.” He says that in the past we were darkness; not in darkness, we were darkness. Throughout the Bible there is a continual comparison of light and darkness. In 1John we read:

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. (1John 1:5b)

This “light” is not just a reference to that light that we are able to perceive with our physical senses; it is also a reference to the enlightenment, the awareness and understanding, of the truth about who God is and what He wants from us. But, there is also a third type of “light” that is referred to in the Bible, and it is God’s holiness. In contrast to the light of God’s holiness is the darkness of our sin. And, in contrast to God’s light in all three of these meanings is the darkness of mankind:

men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19b)

In view of these facts, and the knowledge that we Christians are children of God (who is light), we are commanded to live our lives visibly out in the open with an understanding of God and separated from sinfulness and those who cling to it.



God has rescued us from our sinfulness, with its eternal penalty, and has given us the knowledge of who He is and what He wants. So, let our lives show forth that light which is in us.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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