Ephesians 5:9 – Goodness, Righteousness, and Truth

for the fruit of the light is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth,

Truth to Learn

We should always exhibit goodness, righteousness, and truth.


Behind the Words

The word “fruit” is translated from the Greek word karpos, which is derived from the same base as harpadzō, meaning “to pluck” or “to take by force.” Karpos can refer to fruit taken from a tree or any edible thing taken from plants. Paul uses this word metaphorically, referring to the effects of, or result of, a force or an action.

The word “light” is phōs, which we learned in the previous verse, refers either to physically perceived light or to spiritual enlightenment. In some later manuscripts, this word is replaced by pneumatos, which is based on the verb pneō, meaning “to breathe” or “to blow.” Pneumatos literally refers to “a current of air.” Figuratively, it refers to “a spirit” or “a ghost.”

 “Goodness” is from agathōsunē, based on agathos (good or useful). The sunē ending indicates an abstraction from the base noun. Thus, agathōsunē refers to the general characteristic of goodness or usefulness.

“Righteousness” is from dikaiosunē, which is based on the noun dikaios, meaning “just” or “righteous.” As with agathōsunē, t he sunē ending indicates an abstraction from the base noun. Therefore, dikaiosunē refers to “justice” or “righteousness.”

“Truth” is from alētheia, which refers to “truth” or “reality.”


Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is one that exhibits a minor variation between the two most often used Greek texts. In this verse the Received Text (from which the KJV and NKJV are taken) reads “fruit of the Spirit” and the Wescott-Hort text (from which the NASB, NIV, ESV, and others are taken) reads “fruit of the light.” Nowhere else in the New Testament does “fruit of the light” appear, but only one other place has “fruit of the spirit” (Galatians 5:22). Both versions make sense and contain teaching that is profitable for all Christians. So to me, it really doesn’t matter which one is the “right” text.

I use my own translation in these studies because I prefer a more literal translation of the Greek, whereas others contain more interpretation and paraphrasing in their translations. Having said all that, I find that the phrase “fruit of the light” makes more sense in today’s verse. Here’s why: In the previous verse Paul said we previously were darkness but now are light and he said that we are to walk as “children of light.” It makes perfect sense that he would now tell us something about walking as children of light.

The fruit that we are to exhibit in our lives is to be characterized by goodness, righteousness, and truth. That which is bad is obviously not from God. That which is unjust or unfair is obviously not from God. That which is false or which is based on falsehood is obviously not from God.



What we have to ask ourselves today is not whether the fruit of our thoughts and actions are fruit of the Spirit or fruit of the light. What we have to ask ourselves is, “Do our thoughts and actions demonstrate that God is our Father?” As God’s children we are to exhibit goodness, righteousness, and truth! Do you?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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