Ephesians 6:1 – Obedience is Right

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

Truth to Learn

Obeying our parents is what God expects from us.


Behind the Words

“Children” is translated from the Greek noun teknon, which is based on the verb tiktō, meaning “to bring forth, or bear children.” Therefore, teknon refers to someone who has been born, that is, a child. The word teknon is a neuter noun so there is no implication as to the gender of the child.

The word “obey” is from hupakouō, composed of hupo, meaning “under” or “beneath” and akouō, meaning “to hear” or “to listen.” Thus, hupakouō, means “to hear under,” that is, “to listen attentively.” By implication it means “to obey.” It is expressed here as a command.

“Parents” is from goneus, a noun derived from the verb ginomai, meaning “to begin to be” or “to generate.” Thus, goneus refers to someone who brought someone or something into being, that is, “a parent.”

Dikaion is the Greek word translated “right.” This is derived from the word dikē, which originally meant “a manner” or “a tendency.” Later it came to refer to the acceptance or correctness of established custom or usage. The basic meaning of dikaion is that of “an imposed standard of behavior which, if not met, results in punishment.”


Meaning Explained

Having spent most of the previous chapter teaching about the relationship between members of the body of Christ and how we are to treat one another, the Apostle Paul ended the chapter with a lesson on how husbands and wives are to interact with each other within the marriage relationship. Now, he moves on to other relationships within a household.

He starts off this section talking to children. Take note, however, that he is not simply talking to little children, adolescents, and teenagers. He uses the term teknon, which is a generic term for someone who has been born. In general usage it refers to those living in their parents’ home under their parents’ care. But, as Paul uses the word, it also refers to adults who still have a living mother or father. This is indicated by verse two and three where he refers to long life and blessing being a result of honoring your parents.

The expression “in the Lord” means that parental obedience is to be practiced as part of our submissive relationship with our Lord and Savior. Paul explains this a little further in his letter to the Colossians:

Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. (Colossians 3:20)

God is pleased when we respect our parents and humbly learn all that we can from them.



In the latter half of the twentieth century is was in vogue for those with problems of various kinds to blame their parents. As children of God, however, we are to humble ourselves before our God and to learn what we can from our parents (even when we are adults). This is right, and this is what God expects from His children.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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