Tag: dichostasia

Romans 16:17 – Who to Avoid

Now I exhort you, brothers, take note of those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them.

Truth to Learn

Avoid those who teach false doctrine.

Behind the Words

“Exhort” is translated from the Greek verb parakalō, which literally means “to call alongside.” It is one of those verbs that has a number of nuances depending on how it is used. It can mean “to encourage, to comfort, to invite, to call for, to help, or to urge.”

The verb “take note of” is from skopeō, meaning “to spy out, to look toward, to give attention to, or to be on the lookout for.”

“Divisions” is from dichostasia, which literally means “separate standings.” It is a picture of two groups of people standing separate from each other.

The word “offenses” is from skandalon, which we have seen before. It refers to the trigger of a trap. Here it refers to something which will cause other Christians to stumble in their walk with God.

The word “doctrine” is translated from didachē, which refers to “something which is taught.” Here it is a reference to the teachings, or doctrines, of the church.

“Turn away from” is from ekklinō, which is made up of ek, meaning “out” and klinō, meaning “to bend, to incline, or to turn.” Thus ekklinō means “to turn away from” or “to completely avoid.”

Meaning Explained

Having finished all of the personal greetings he wanted to send to his friends at the church in Rome, Paul now gives one final word of caution. He tells them to be on the lookout for “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” That is, he is warning about people who are not focused on the good of the church and the unity of the body. Instead, these people are focused on what they want rather that what God wants for the church.

In the Greek text, both the word translated “divisions” and the word translated “offenses” have definite articles associated with them. In other words, Paul is warning about those people who cause the divisions and the offenses. Thus, there must have been specific problems that he wanted them to avoid.

We know from several of Paul’s other letters that there were several false teachings that had crept into the church even in its earliest years. Two of these false doctrines were legalism, and an early form of Gnosticism. Most of Paul’s letter to the Galatian churches and part of this letter to the Romans addressed the issue of legalism because there were many converted Jews in the early church who believed that Christians had to keep the law in order to remain saved. Another heresy that crept into the early church was Gnosticism, which tried to spiritualize many of the teachings of Christianity, introducing the notion that there was some “special knowledge” that was required to complete salvation. Paul’s specific instructions were to “turn away from and completely avoid” those who professed these false doctrines.


Teaching true doctrine and the unity of the body of Christ are both essential aspects of the Church. Be on the lookout for false teachers and avoid them like the plague!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 3:3 – Now and Later!

for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?

Truth to Learn

Immature Christians live for themselves; spiritual Christians live their lives in a Godly manner, for the glory of God.

Behind the Words

The words “you are” are translated from the verb eimi, the verb of being. It is expressed in the present tense and indicative mood, indicating present, ongoing action.

Still” is from the adverb eti, meaning “still.” It implies a duration of time starting in the past and continuing up to the present time.

Dzēlos is the word translated “envy.” It is based on the verb dzeō, meaning “to be hot.” Thus, dzēlos literally means “hot.” This word is most often used metaphorically, sometimes in a good sense but most often in a bad sense. When used in a good sense it is often translated as “zeal” or “zealous.” When used in a bad sense it is translated as “envy,” “jealousy,” or “anger.”

Strife” is from the Greek word eris, which means “strife,” “contention,” or “arguing.” It is often used metaphorically to mean “the love of strife,” which seems to be Paul’s intent here.

The word “divisions” is translated from dichostasia, which is composed of dicha, meaning “separately” and stasis, meaning “a stance” or “a posture.” Hence, dichostasis literally means “a separate standing.” This word is not found in the best Greek manuscripts.

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul has just told the Christians in Corinth that they are still babies in Christ because they have not grown much spiritually since the time of their conversion. Twice in this verse he says that they are living according to the thoughts and desires of a natural person instead of living according to the thoughts and desires of a spiritual person. They are not spiritually mature Christians, they are carnal Christians.

The evidence that he gives is the fact that within the church in Corinth there is envy and strife. The clear evidence of this is the fact that they boast and argue about who their spiritual hero is (Paul, Apollos, Peter, or Christ). If you look at the remainder of this chapter you will see that Paul emphasizes the building up of the body of Christ. Envy and strife do not serve to build, but to tear down. In fact, in his letter to the churches, James says this about envy and strife:

But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. (James 3:14-16)

Clearly, the Christians in Corinth have their sights fixed on themselves and on the things of this world. That is not the way a Christian is to live. The things of this world will pass away, but the things of God are eternal.


As Christians, you spend a few years on this earth, but you will spend an eternity in glory. You can choose to live these few short years for yourself or you can choose to live them for God and give Him all the glory for eternity. The choice is yours!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved