Tag: enduring

1 Thessalonians 3:1 – Family Ties

Therefore, no longer enduring it, we thought it good to be left in Athens alone,

Truth to Learn

Christians are all part of the same loving family.


Behind the Words

The words “enduring it” are translated from the Greek verb stegō. This word literally means “to cover.” It can mean “to conceal” or “to cover with silence,” that is, “to forbear” or “to endure.”

“We thought it good” is the translation of the verb eudokeō, which is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and dokeō, meaning “to think.” Thus, this word means “to think good of.”

Kateleipō is the word translated “to be left.” It is composed of kata, meaning “down” but used here as an intensifier and leipō, meaning “to leave” or “to forsake.” Thus, kataleipō means “to utterly leave behind.”

“Alone” is translated from monos, which means “without others” or “alone.”


Meaning Explained

In chapter two of this letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul spent considerable time and effort defending what appears to be accusations leveled against him and his companions. One of those accusations was that Paul had abandoned the Thessalonian church and that he had made no attempts to return there.

You may recall in our discussion of verse seventeen that we alluded to the fact that Paul had to be secretly ushered out of town as a result of the turmoil that was caused by people who had come from Philippi. Paul has already explained that he had repeatedly planned on returning to Thessalonica but that he had been hindered by Satan.

He has used fatherly and motherly metaphors to explain to these dear Christian brothers and sisters the anguish he had experienced as a result of his separation from them. He even referred to such separation as being like that of an orphan deprived of his or her father and mother. Therefore, because he had been prevented from returning to Thessalonica, Paul tells his beloved friends there what he did instead.

He tells them here that he endured the pain of separation as long as he could. This is a very revealing comment from the Apostle. After all, we know from his letter to the church in Philippi, written some ten or twelve years after this letter, that Paul learned to be content with whatever God provided for him. He told the Philippians:

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in: (Philippians 4:11)

Now he tells the Thessalonians that he was not content; he could no longer endure the separation from them and the lack of news about them. Therefore, he tells them that his plan is to be left alone at Athens and (as we learn in the next verse) to send Timothy to them.



One of the wonderful aspects of the Christian life is that we get to make friends with people from all walks of life, who share our love for the Lord. And, since we are all children of our Heavenly Father, they often become as dear as true brothers and sisters. Are you involved enough in your church to make close friends like this? If not, you’re missing out on a rich blessing.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 5:11 – Blessed Endurance

Indeed we count blessed those who are enduring. You heard of the perseverance of Job and saw the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

Truth to Learn

Enduring hardship is not easy, but it will be rewarding.


Behind the Words

The expression “count blessed” is from the Greek word makaridzō, a verb form of the noun makarios, meaning “possessing the favor of God” or “blessed.” Hence, the word makaridzō means “to declare someone’s blessedness because of God’s favor shown to them.”

The words “enduring” and “perseverance” are both forms of hupomonē, which we saw earlier meaning “to remain under.” It is the picture of a beast of burden that faithfully remains under a burdensome, heavy load even when tempted to dump the load. Hence, hupomonē means “to patiently endure.”

“Very compassionate” is translated from polusplagchnos, made up of polus, meaning “much” and splagchnon, which literally refers to “the bowels.” Though it may sound strange to our way of thinking, in the first century it was thought that the bowels, the intestines, were the seat of our emotions and it was from our “gut” that we expressed our love and compassion. Indeed, science has recently discovered that the cell structure of our intestines are closely linked to our brain cells and that they are, in fact, at least partially responsible for our emotional response.

The word “merciful” is from the Greek oiktirmōn. This is the adjective form of oikteirō, which refers to showing a sympathetic feeling of pity or compassion. Oiktirmōn and splagchnon are very closely related words, both expressing sympathy and concern for a loved one.


Meaning Explained

James has been speaking of enduring trials and persevering patiently. Here he says that those who endure are counted happy (or blessed because of God’s favor shown to them). Earlier James said,

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for having been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12)

Knowing that they shall receive such a reward, James says we count them as blessed already.

Here he now gives us an example, that of Job. The expression, “and saw the end intended by the Lord” is thought by some to refer to the death of Christ. That, however, does not fit with the point that James is making here (that of compassion and mercy toward those who endure). Instead, this expression most likely refers to the end state of Job provided by the Lord, showing His compassion and tender mercy toward Job for his patient suffering. James uses this to encourage us as we, too, endure times of trial and learn patience in the midst of suffering.

James’ point is that this end state of Job, the fact that his health, his wealth, and most importantly his family were restored to him was a blessing. And, if we patiently endure to the end, we will be blessed by God as well.



Does this now make the trial you are enduring seem less burdensome? It should! Dear brother or sister in Christ, you are loved by the God of all creation. He cares dearly about you and wants to bless you, even in the midst of the current hardship you are going through. Hang in there and give Him praise!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved