Tag: plesios

Ephesians 4:25 – A Body of Truth

Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor," because we are members of one another.

Truth to Learn

Honesty is critically important within the body of Christ.


Behind the Words

“Therefore” is translated from the Greek word dio, which is made up of dia, meaning “through” and ho, meaning “which.” Thus we see that dio literally means “through which.”

The words “putting away” are translated from the Greek verb apotithēmi, which in verse twenty-two we learned means “to put away or to take off.” It is expressed here as an aorist participle in the middle voice. Therefore, it is literally translated as “having already put away from yourself.”

 “Speak” is from the verb laleō, which refers to “the utterance of words” or “talking.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

The word “neighbor” is translated from plēsios, which is derived from pelos, meaning “near.” Plēsios refers to “someone who is close by” either physically or emotionally.

“Members” is from melos, which refers specifically to “a limb or other part of a body.”


Meaning Explained

In the past few verses we have been instructed that we are to put away from ourselves our sin nature and its ungodly desires. In its place we are to put on the new nature which God created for us when we were saved. Now we are told, having put away the lie which was part of that “old man,” we are to speak truth with each other as part of the “new man.” Once again, we see the Apostle’s teaching style of getting rid of something and replacing it with something else. His point is that instead of focusing on “not lying,” we are to focus on communicating truthfully with each other.

Paul ends this verse with an interesting comment. He says that “we are (body) members of one another.” You may recall that earlier in this chapter he told us that each of us is specially gifted to perform a function within the body of Christ, that is, the church. In verses fourteen and fifteen he instructed us that we should no longer be immature Christians, deceived by the trickery of men. Instead, we were told that we should speak the truth in love as we help the entire body grow. Therefore, it appears that today’s verse is specifically aimed at our communication with others within the body of Christ.

In the fourth century, John Chrysostom, the archbishop of Constantinople, interpreted today’s verse this way.

Let not the eye lie to the foot, nor the foot to the eye. If there be a deep pit, and its mouth covered with reeds shall present to the eye the appearance of solid ground, will not the eye use the foot to ascertain whether it is hollow underneath, or whether it is firm and resists? Will the foot tell a lie, and not the truth as it is? And what, again, if the eye were to spy a serpent or a wild beast, will it lie to the foot?



It is critically important that we exercise our spiritual gifts within the church to build up the body. It is just as critical, however, that we do so with complete honesty, not trying to deceive, but doing all that we do as an expression of love for our fellow Christians.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:25 – A Body of Truth

Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor," for we are members of one another.

Truth to Learn

Honesty is critically important within the body of Christ.

Behind the Words

Therefore” is translated from the Greek word dio, which is made up of dia, meaning “through” and ho, meaning “which.” Thus we see that dio literally means “through which.”

The words “putting away” are translated from the Greek verb apotithēmi, which in verse twenty-two we learned means “to put away or to take off.” It is expressed here as an aorist participle in the middle voice. Therefore, it is literally translated as “having already put away from yourself.”

Speak” is from the verb laleō, which refers to “the utterance of words” or “talking.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

The word “neighbor” is translated from plēsios, which is derived from pelos, meaning “near.” Plēsios refers to “someone who is close by” either physically or emotionally.

Members” is from melos, which refers specifically to “a limb or other part of a body.”

Meaning Explained

In the past few verses we have been instructed that we are to put away from ourselves our sin nature and its ungodly desires. In its place we are to put on the new nature which God created for us when we were saved. Now we are told, having put away the lie which was part of that “old man,” we are to speak truth with each other as part of the “new man.” Once again, we see the Apostle’s teaching style of getting rid of something and replacing it with something else. His point is that instead of focusing on “not lying,” we are to focus on communicating truthfully with each other.

Paul ends this verse with an interesting comment. He says that “we are (body) members of one another.” You may recall that earlier in this chapter he told us that each of us is specially gifted to perform a function within the body of Christ, that is, the church. In verses fourteen and fifteen he instructed us that we should no longer be immature Christians, deceived by the trickery of men. Instead, we were told that we should speak the truth in love as we help the entire body grow. Therefore, it appears that today’s verse is specifically aimed at our communication with others within the body of Christ.

In the fourth century, John Chrysostom, the archbishop of Constantinople, interpreted today’s verse this way.

Let not the eye lie to the foot, nor the foot to the eye. If there be a deep pit, and its mouth covered with reeds shall present to the eye the appearance of solid ground, will not the eye use the foot to ascertain whether it is hollow underneath, or whether it is firm and resists? Will the foot tell a lie, and not the truth as it is? And what, again, if the eye were to spy a serpent or a wild beast, will it lie to the foot?


It is critically important that we exercise our spiritual gifts within the church to build up the body. It is just as critical, however, that we do so with complete honesty, not trying to deceive, but doing all that we do as an expression of love for our fellow Christians.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.