Tag: semeion

Romans 15:19 – Submissive Service

in mighty signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit of God, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum.

Truth to Learn

We need to submissively serve God wherever He leads us.


Behind the Words

The word translated “signs” is the Greek word semeion, which means “a wondrous public sign or token with a spiritual meaning and purpose.” It implies that the miracle has God’s finger prints all over it; that is, it is an amazing miracle which draws people’s attention to God.

“Wonders” is from the Greek noun teras. This is a derivative of the verb tereō, meaning “to watch, implying that, due to its extraordinary character, the thing observed causes amazement and wonder and is long remembered as a result.”

The Greek word translated “around” is kuklō, which refers to “a ring or a circle.” Metaphorically, it refers to an entire region.


Meaning Explained

In the previous two verses Paul confessed that he has reason to boast about what had been done in Christ Jesus through his own submission to God’s will and his own commitment to do whatever God directed him to do. His boasting, you will remember, was not in himself but in what God had done through him. He further clarified this idea by stating that he was not taking any credit for what others had done, only what had been done through him.

In the current verse Paul carries this even further by pointing out that what was done through him was not from his own efforts or his own brilliance. Rather, Paul cites the fact that it was through powerful miracles and wonders done in the power of the Spirit of God that his work was accomplished. The two words here translated as “signs and wonders” are often associated together in the New Testament. They do not refer to two different kinds of miracles but to two different aspects of these miracles.

In the second half of this verse, Paul proclaims that he has preached the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum. What he means is that he has preached the gospel in all regions, from Jerusalem, the center and origin of the Christian faith, all the way to Illyricum. Illyricum is the area west of the Black Sea and north of Greece. If you follow Paul’s three missionary journeys you will see that he had, indeed, preached all around from Jerusalem to Illyricum.

I think Paul’s point is, as I said earlier, that he has been submissive and obedient to God’s call and has been faithful in preaching the gospel wherever God has called him, which included much of the known world of his time.



Are you willing to go wherever God calls you, and are you prepared to witness the grace of God to those around you wherever that may be? Are you willing to leave your comfort zone, your family and friends and go somewhere unknown to serve Him? Are you willing to give your all to serve Him where you are? Or, are you too comfortable with what you’re doing right where you are? God doesn’t reward comfort, He rewards submissive sacrificial service that glorifies Him!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Luke 2:12 – Poor Messiah

And this is the sign to you: You will find a newborn baby wrapped up, lying in the manger."

Truth to Learn

The conquering Messiah arrived as a very poor baby.


Behind the Words

Sēmeion is the Greek word translated “sign.” This is based on the verb sēmainō, which means “to mark,” “to indicate,” or “signify.” Sēmeion is used throughout the New Testament to specify a miracle with a spiritual message. Here it is both a miraculous sign as well as an identifying mark.

The words “newborn baby” are translated from brephos, which specifically refers to “an unborn child,” but it is also used to refer to a newborn child.

“Wrapped up” is from the Greek verb sparganoō, which is from the noun sparganon, meaning a strip of material. Thus, the verb refers to wrapping something in strips of cloth. The rich had blankets or “birth robes” for newborn children. Mary and Joseph could only wrap Jesus is strips of cloth.

The word “manger” is translated from the noun phatnē, from the verb pateomai, meaning “to eat.” A phatnē was where animals ate. It refers either to the stall in which an animal was fed or the feeding trough itself. Here, it probably refers to the feeding trough.


Meaning Explained

Having been startled and amazed by the appearance of an angelic being suspended in mid-air above them with his glory shining all around, the shepherds were told that the Christ had just been born. The Christ (Greek equivalent of Messiah) was the One for whom all of Israel had been waiting since the time of Abraham. The Messiah was to be a conquering king who would sit on the throne of David and who would rescue Israel.

The Jews believed that their Messiah would be born of the kingly line of David. Therefore, they expected that He would be born in a king’s palace with all the accoutrements that royalty and wealth could afford. The Prophet Isaiah had said:

For a Child has been born to us, A Son has been given to us; And the government is on His shoulder; and His name is called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There is no end to the increase of His government and of peace on the throne of David, and on His kingdom, to order it, and to sustain it with justice and with righteousness, from now and forever. The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts will do this. (Isaiah 9:6-7)

After hearing the angelic announcement that the Messiah had been born, there is no doubt that the shepherds wanted to go see Him, but they probably knew they would not be admitted into His presence, expecting royal soldiers to have been guarding Him. But the angel then told them how they would be able to identify this child. He gave them a sign, this baby would be wrapped in strips of cloth and He would be found lying in a manger. This was not the way they expected the Messiah to be born.

The King of kings and the Lord of all creation could have come into this world with all the celebration and show of wealth beyond anything that you or I can ever imagine, but this was God’s way. And that’s the way with the gospel message today. Salvation doesn’t come with a great outward show of conquest with celebration and ceremony. It comes with humility and submission and an inward presence of peace.



Most people spend their lives seeking wealth, power, and prestige. God, in the person of Jesus Christ, has shown us that it is better to be poor than rich and it is better to be humble than proud. During this Christmas season, let’s evaluate what our life goals really are and how we want to achieve them. Jesus’ birth was not for his own glory, it was for us. Likewise, our life in Christ is not for ourselves, it is for Him. This Christmas, do you want more “stuff” or do you want to be more like Jesus?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 4:11 – Signed and Sealed

And he received a sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still in uncircumcision, resulting in his being the father of all those who believe being in uncircumcision, and righteousness being imputed to them also,

Truth to Learn

Abraham’s circumcision was a seal of his righteousness.


Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “sign” is sēmeion, which means “a sign, a mark, or a token.” The same word is used of Jesus who performed many signs in the form of miracles which “marked” Him as the true Messiah.

“Seal” is translated from the Greek word sphragis, which means, “a signet or a seal which is used as an indication of genuineness.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous two verses we learned that faith was imputed to Abraham for righteousness while he was still uncircumcised. As noted in the previous verse, it was probably about 15 years after his experience of faith that God reaffirmed His covenant with Abram (meaning exalted father), renamed him Abraham (meaning father of a multitude), and commanded him to circumcise himself and every male in his household who was at least 8 days old (read Genesis 17 for the details).

Why was there such a lengthy period between Abram’s being declared righteous and Abraham receiving the sign of circumcision? Perhaps God did this so that there would be no doubt that faith was imputed well before circumcision. And, according to this verse, circumcision was given to Abraham as a sign that he had a special covenant relationship with God.

In the current verse we see that it was also given to Abraham as a “seal.” It was God’s guarantee that He had proclaimed Abraham righteous through faith. That makes Abraham the spiritual father of everyone who believes whether or not he is circumcised.

This righteousness, which God declares for a person as a result of faith, comes regardless of whether a person is circumcised or not. Based on Paul’s line of reasoning and the carefully laid argument and evidence that he has just placed before the predominantly Jewish Christians in Rome, there is no way they could ever again insist that a person had to become a Jew and be circumcised in order to become a Christian.

One more thing to notice from Genesis 17:1: when God gave Abraham the sign of circumcision, he also commanded Abraham to be “perfect” (“blameless” in some translations). The Hebrew word tamiym means “to be without blemish” or “to be morally clean.” He was not given the commandment to be righteous until well after he was declared righteous. In other words, Abraham didn’t earn his righteousness by being morally pure; it was commanded of him after he was declared righteous. This is another piece of evidence that we don’t earn our salvation (righteousness), it is given to us!



Righteousness and moral purity are things that God expects of us. But, as long as we have this sin nature we will never be completely righteous or morally pure by ourselves. Praise God that He declares us righteous when we believe the good news about Christ’s sacrifice for us. And He gets all the glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 2:9 – Counterfeit Miracles

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Truth to Learn

Miracles do not prove that someone is “from God.”


Behind the Words

The word translated “coming” is parousia, the same word used in the previous verse in reference to Christ’s second coming.

“According” is translated from kata, which primarily means “down” or “down upon.” However, it is used metaphorically to express a relationship of one thing to another.” In other words, it means “in accordance with,” and in such a case is translated as “according to.”

“Working” is from the Greek noun energeia. It is made up of en, meaning “in” and ergon, meaning “work” or “power.” Therefore, energeia refers to the “operation” or “effective power” of something.

The word “Satan” is transliterated from the Hebrew word sātān, which means “an adversary.” As such, it has become the proper name or our adversary.

The words “signs” and “wonders” are from the Greek words sēmeion and teras. These two words both refer to miraculous events, but teras (wonders) refers to the extraordinary character of the event whereas sēmeion refers to the spiritual significance of the event.

“Lying” is translated from the Greek word pseudon, meaning “a lie” or “a falsehood,” that which is not based on the truth.

The words “of the lawless one” do not appear in the Greek text, but have been added for clarity. A literal translation of the Greek text for this verse begins, “whose coming is according to …” From the grammatical construction of this and the previous verse it is clear that this verse is talking about “the lawless one” mentioned in the previous verse.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse, Paul talked about the revealing of the “lawless one” and parenthetically commented on how he will be destroyed at the second coming of Christ. In typical Pauline fashion, he now contrasts the coming of our Lord and the coming (or appearing) of the antichrist. The antichrist will come on the scene accompanied by miraculous events. These events will display power, signs, and wonders. According to Jesus, these will prove to be a very powerful deception:

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (Matthew 24:24)

According to Revelation 13:1-18, these miraculous signs and wonders (even calling fire down from heaven) will so convince the “earth dwellers” that the “lawless one” is a god, that these people will worship him as a god and even receive his mark on their hand or forehead.

It is important to note here that not all miracles are of God. The devil and his agents can, do, and will perform supernatural acts that will deceive many.



Do not be deceived, my Christian friends, by people performing miraculous feats, even doing so in the name of God. If what these people proclaim is not in complete agreement with God’s Word, do not believe them! Read your Bible; search the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:10).

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Luke 2:12 – Poor Messiah

And this is the sign to you: You will find a Baby wrapped up, lying in the manger."

Truth to Learn

The conquering Messiah arrived as a very poor baby.


Behind the Words

Sēmeion is the Greek word translated “sign.” This is based on the verb sēmainō, which means “to mark,” “to indicate,” or “signify.” Sēmeion is used throughout the New Testament to specify a miracle with a spiritual message. Here it is both a miraculous sign as well as an identifying mark.

The word “baby” is translated from brephos, which specifically refers to “an unborn child,” but it is also used to refer to a newborn child.

“Wrapped up” is from the Greek verb sparganoō, which is from the noun sparganon, meaning a strip of material. Thus, the verb refers to wrapping something in strips of cloth. The rich had blankets or “birth robes” for newborn children. Mary and Joseph could only wrap Jesus is strips of cloth.

The word “manger” is translated from the noun phatnē, from the verb pateomai, meaning “to eat.” A phatnē was where animals ate. It refers either to the stall in which an animal was fed or the feeding trough itself. Here, it probably refers to the feeding trough.


Meaning Explained

Having been startled and amazed by the appearance of an angelic being suspended in mid-air above them with his glory shining all around, the shepherds were told that the Christ had just been born. The Christ (Greek equivalent of Messiah) was the One for whom all of Israel had been waiting since the time of Abraham. The Messiah was to be a conquering king who would sit on the throne of David and who would rescue Israel.

The Jews believed that their Messiah would be born of the kingly line of David. Therefore, they expected that He would be born in a king’s palace with all the accoutrements that royalty and wealth could afford. The Prophet Isaiah had said:

For a Child has been born to us, A Son has been given to us; And the government is on His shoulder; and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. There is no end to the increase of His government and of peace on the throne of David, and on His kingdom, to order it, and to sustain it with justice and with righteousness, from now and forever. The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts will do this. (Isaiah 9:6-7)

After hearing the angelic announcement that the Messiah had been born, there is no doubt that the shepherds wanted to go see Him, but they probably knew they would not be admitted into His presence, expecting royal soldiers to have been guarding Him. But the angel then told them how they would be able to identify this child. He gave them a sign, this baby would be wrapped in strips of cloth and He would be found lying in a manger. This was not the way they expected the Messiah to be born.

The King of kings and the Lord of all creation could have come into this world with all the celebration and show of wealth beyond anything that you or I can ever imagine, but this was God’s way. And that’s the way with the gospel message today. Salvation doesn’t come with a great outward show of conquest with celebration and ceremony. It comes with humility and submission and an inward presence of peace.



Most people spend their lives seeking wealth, power, and prestige. God, in the person of Jesus Christ, has shown us that it is better to be poor than rich and it is better to be humble than proud. During this Christmas season, let’s evaluate what our life goals really are and how we want to achieve them. Jesus’ birth was not for his own glory, it was for us. Likewise, our life in Christ is not for ourselves, it is for Him. This Christmas, do you want more “stuff” or do you want to be more like Jesus?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved