Tag: stumbled

Romans 11:11 – Share the Treasure!

I say then, did they stumble that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, salvation came to the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy.

Truth to Learn

The Jews lost their “most favored” position so we could receive it. We need to share it so that we don’t lose it.


Behind the Words

“Stumbled” is translated from the Greek word ptaio, which means “to stumble” or “to fall.” It is often used figuratively to indicate falling into sin.

“That” is from hina, meaning “in order that.” One interpretation of this word would be “merely that.” Thus, we could translate the first part of this verse as, “have they stumbled merely that they should fall?”

The words “should fall” is from the verb piptō, meaning “to fall from a higher position to a lower position.”

The second occurrence of the word “fall” in this verse is from paraptōma, the noun form of parapiptō. This is made up of para, meaning “beside” or “to the side” and piptō, which we just looked at. Paraptōma, then, refers to “falling to the side” or “falling by the wayside.”


Meaning Explained

The first part of this verse is almost a restatement of Romans 11:1. Paul again is using the relative negative article in his question to indicate an anticipated negative answer.

I like the New American Standard Bible translation of this verse. It says:

I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous.

Paul’s point in asking the question is to show that even though the Jews have stumbled on the rock (Jesus Christ), it is not a permanent condition for all Jews. A remnant of the Jews will be restored at some time in the future.

He is saying, “The Jews have not permanently fallen from grace, but they have stumbled, and by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles.” Had the Jews not stumbled, that is, if the Jews had welcomed their Messiah when he came the first time, then salvation would not have come to the Gentiles. But because they did reject Jesus, the message has now gone out to the Gentiles so that we might be saved.

And one of God’s purposes in giving salvation to the Gentiles is to provoke the Jews to jealousy. That which they had exclusive access to, a relationship with the God of all creation, is now being enjoyed by the Gentiles, while the Jews have lost their “most favored” position.

Later on in this chapter, though, Paul will show that God can turn from the Gentiles, as a people, just as He turned from the Jews as a nation.



We need to guard this precious faith and the message of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ like a treasure from God. But, we need to openly share this treasure and the message with those around us. It is not something to be hoarded; rather, it is something to be given away!

Have you shared this treasure with anyone lately?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 9:32 – Seeking God’s Favor?

Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone.

Truth to Learn

Works don’t produce God’s favor, only faith can do that.


Behind the Words

“Stumbled” is from the Greek word proskoptō, which means “to strike against” or to “trip over.”


Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul now explains why the Israelites failed to achieve righteousness even though they pursued it vigorously. He says very clearly that the reason they failed to achieve righteousness is because they did not pursue it by faith. Instead, he says, they pursued it by works of the Law.

The devout Jews did many things daily in an attempt to please God. They prayed, they fasted, they sacrificed, they gave their tithes, they studied the Law and the Prophets, and they listened to the Rabbis to learn the oral laws so that they could be sure to obey all that they were commanded to do. Because they were so intent on earning God’s favor by obedience, they denied, even rejected the one in whom they could have obtained God’s favor, Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah. They tripped over the stumbling stone whom they called Jesus of Nazareth, denying that He was their Messiah.

But before we get too condemning of these Israelites, let’s look at our churches and church members today. Many of us are putting our effort into praying, fasting, offering our time in service to the church, giving tithes, reading our Bibles daily, and listening to all that our priests and ministers tell us so that we can be obedient to God and to the church with all of its expectations. In short, we are trying to earn God’s favor just as the Israelites did a couple of thousand years ago, and still do today.

In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, the writer recounts example after example of those who obtained God’s favor because of their faith, not because of their obedience to God or to a set of church rules. Tucked away in this chapter is the sixth verse which says:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists, and that He is rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

The writer doesn’t say “without obedience,” he says “without faith.” Trying to be obedient causes stumbling, while living by faith produces victory! God is pleased with a life of faith, not a life of obedience.



So let me ask you, why do you pray? Why do you read your Bible? Why do you give to your church? Why do you obediently attend church regularly and listen carefully to the sermon or homily each week? Are you trying to earn God’s favor like the Israelites did? Or is it because you believe God’s Word and you want to Glorify Him in all you do? Do you do it out of obligation and a hope of rewards? Or do you do it out of grateful, humble actions of faith?

Think about that and be honest with yourself!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 11:11 – Share the Treasure!

Romans 11:11 – Share the Treasure!

I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.

Truth to Learn

The Jews lost their “most favored” position so we could receive it. We need to share it so that we don’t lose it.

Behind the Words

Stumbled” is translated from the Greek word ptaio, which means “to stumble” or “to fall.” It is often used figuratively to indicate falling into sin.

The words “should fall” is from the verb piptō, meaning “to fall from a higher position to a lower position.”

That” is from hina, meaning “in order that.” One interpretation of this word would be “merely that.” Thus, we could translate the first part of this verse as, “have they stumbled merely that they should fall?”

The second occurrence of the word “fall” in this verse is from paraptōma, the noun form of parapiptō. This is made up of para, meaning “beside” or “to the side” and piptō, which we just looked at. Paraptōma, then, refers to “falling to the side” or “falling by the wayside.”

Meaning Explained

The first part of this verse is almost a restatement of Romans 11:1. Paul again is using the relative negative article in his question to indicate an anticipated negative answer.

I like the New American Standard Bible translation of this verse. It says:

I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous.

Paul’s point in asking the question is to show that even though the Jews have stumbled on the rock (Jesus Christ), it is not a permanent condition for all Jews. A remnant of the Jews will be restored at some time in the future.

He is saying, “The Jews have not permanently fallen from grace, but they have stumbled, and by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles.” Had the Jews not stumbled, that is, if the Jews had welcomed their Messiah when he came the first time, then salvation would not have come to the Gentiles. But because they did reject Jesus, the message has now gone out to the Gentiles so that we might be saved.

And one of God’s purposes in giving salvation to the Gentiles is to provoke the Jews to jealousy. That which they had exclusive access to, a relationship with the God of all creation, is now being enjoyed by the Gentiles, while the Jews have lost their “most favored” position.

Later on in this chapter, though, Paul will show that God can turn from the Gentiles, as a people, just as He turned from the Jews as a nation.


We need to guard this precious faith and the message of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ like a treasure from God. But, we need to openly share this treasure and the message with those around us. It is not something to be hoarded; rather, it is something to be given away!

Have you shared this treasure with anyone lately?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 9:32 – Seeking God’s Favor?

Romans 9:32 – Seeking God’s Favor?

Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone.

Truth to Learn

Works don’t produce God’s favor, only faith can do that.

Behind the Words

Stumbled” is from the Greek word proskoptō, which means “to strike against” or to “trip over.”

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul now explains why the Israelites failed to achieve righteousness even though they pursued it vigorously. He says very clearly that the reason they failed to achieve righteousness is because they did not pursue it by faith. Instead, he says, they pursued it by works of the Law.

The devout Jews did many things daily in an attempt to please God. They prayed, they fasted, they sacrificed, they gave their tithes, they studied the Law and the Prophets, and they listened to the Rabbis to learn the oral laws so that they could be sure to obey all that they were commanded to do. Because they were so intent on earning God’s favor by obedience, they denied, even rejected the one in whom they could have obtained God’s favor, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah. They tripped over the stumbling stone whom they called Jesus of Nazareth, denying that He was their Messiah.

But before we get too condemning of these Israelites, let’s look at our churches and church members today. Many of us are putting our effort into praying, fasting, offering our time in service to the church, giving tithes, reading our Bibles daily, and listening to all that our priests and ministers tell us so that we can be obedient to God and to the church with all of its expectations. In short, we are trying to earn God’s favor just as the Israelites did a couple of thousand years ago, and still do today.

In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, the writer recounts example after example of those who obtained God’s favor because of their faith, not because of their obedience to God or to a set of church rules. Tucked away in this chapter is the sixth verse which says:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

The writer doesn’t say “without obedience,” he says “without faith.” Trying to be obedient causes stumbling, while living by faith produces victory! God is pleased with a life of faith, not a life of obedience.


So let me ask you, why do you pray? Why do you read your Bible? Why do you give to your church? Why do you obediently attend church regularly and listen carefully to the sermon or homily each week? Are you trying to earn God’s favor like the Israelites did? Or is it because you believe God’s Word and you want to Glorify Him in all you do? Do you do it out of obligation and a hope of rewards? Or do you do it out of grateful, humble actions of faith?

Think about that and be honest with yourself!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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