Tag: you do

1 Thessalonians 4:10 – Increase Your Love

and indeed you do so toward all the brothers who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers, that you increase even more;

Truth to Learn

We need to greatly increase our love for all Christians.


Behind the Words

The words “you do” are translated from the Greek verb poieō, meaning “to make” or “to do.”

The word translated “urge” is parakaleō, which we have looked at several times before. It is made up of para, meaning “near, in the vicinity of, or alongside” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” Thus parakaleō literally means “to call near” or “to call alongside.” It is a picture of a coach being called alongside an athlete to encourage, comfort, and challenge him or her.

“Increase” is translated from perisseuō, which is the verb form of perissos, meaning “abundant” or “excessive.” Perisseuō means “to be in excess” or “to be full to the point of overflowing.”

Mallon is the Greek word translated “even more.” It means “much more.” When combined with perisseuō it indicates a huge increase which is what Paul is urging the Thessalonians to accomplish in loving each other.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul began his teaching regarding how we are to conduct our lives, both with regard to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to those outside the church. He told the Thessalonians that they already knew about loving their Christian brothers, having learned this love from God Himself.

Now he gives them a few words of affirmation, demonstrating that he is aware that they do indeed practice love for all Christians in their part of the world. Back in the first chapter of this letter, Paul remembered how hard they worked (labored) at loving others (1 Thessalonians 1:3) and noted that they were good examples to Christians throughout Macedonia (the northern part of modern day Greece) and Achaia (the southern part of modern day Greece).

But – when it comes to demonstrating love in our lives, we can’t simply rely on our reputation, and we can never assume that the amount of love we are currently showing is good enough. Even though Paul tells them that they are “doing” love toward all Christians, he now challenges them to do it even more. And, he doesn’t simply tell them (and us) to increase their (our) love a little bit. He coaches them, he urges them, he challenges them, like an athlete in a race, to increase their love exceedingly.

Take note that Paul does not simply bark out commands to those under his ministry and expect them to perform without any help, he spends time in prayer asking God to give them the ability to follow his advice (1 Thessalonians 3:12).



We need to put more effort into loving others. Even though we may think we’re doing all we can, we need to do more – much more. Remember that our Lord told us that this is how others will know that we are His disciples (John 13:35). How is your love for your brothers? Is it strong, is it openly demonstrated? Good! Now, increase that love – a lot!

In God's service, for His glory,

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