Tag: urge

Romans 12:1 – Living Sacrifices

I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

Truth to Learn

We are to turn over ownership of our lives to God.


Behind the Words

The word translated “urge” is parakaleō, which means “to call one alongside.” It is Paul’s polite way of giving a command, as if he’s saying, “I am calling on you to come join me.”

The word translated “present” is the Greek word, parastēmi, which means “to stand or to place beside.” This is the word that was commonly used of bringing and presenting a sacrifice before an altar and standing beside it.

“Service” is from latreia, the noun form of the verb latreuō, meaning “to worship.” Latreia refers to “service rendered as a slave, particularly divine service to God.”


Meaning Explained

Because our salvation is by grace alone, we who have received this marvelous gift should be immediately humbled at God’s feet with gratitude in our heart and a willingness to do whatever He asks of us. Paul now tells us what it is that we should do to show our gratitude to God. He says, “present your bodies as a living sacrifice.” This implies that the offering is a free and voluntary one. This type of sacrificial offering is at the expense of the one offering it and it is to be destroyed or, as in the case of the drink offering, poured out before God so as to no longer be useful to the one offering it. Here’s what Albert Barnes says about this offering in his Notes on the Bible:

It implies that he who offers it presents it entirely, releases all claim or right to it, and leaves it to be disposed of for the honor of God. In the case of an animal, it was slain, and the blood offered; in the case of any other offering, as the first-fruits, etc., it was set apart to the service of God; and he who offered it released all claim on it, and submitted it to God, to be disposed of at his will. This is the offering which the apostle entreats the Romans to make: to devote themselves to God, as if they had no longer any claim on themselves; to be disposed of by him; to suffer and bear all that he might appoint; and to promote his honor in any way which he might command.

We are to offer our physical bodies in this way, as a living sacrifice. We are not to be slain in God’s presence; rather we are to continue to live, but to do so recognizing that we no longer have any right of ownership to our physical lives. We are to offer our living existence to God for His use in whatever manner He chooses. If God chooses to have us suffer persecution for His sake, it is His choice and we should glorify Him in it. If He chooses that we should be in an accident and become paralyzed, it is His choice and we should glorify Him in it. We no longer have any claim whatsoever to our earthly existence because we have been offered totally to Him.



Wow! That’s a tall order! Who can do this? None of us can under our own power. We need to prayerfully offer ourselves to God and seek the power of His Spirit to keep us submitted and committed to Him and Him alone.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:10 – Increase Your Love

and indeed you do so toward all the brothers who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers, that you increase even more;

Truth to Learn

We need to greatly increase our love for all Christians.


Behind the Words

The words “you do” are translated from the Greek verb poieō, meaning “to make” or “to do.”

The word translated “urge” is parakaleō, which we have looked at several times before. It is made up of para, meaning “near, in the vicinity of, or alongside” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” Thus parakaleō literally means “to call near” or “to call alongside.” It is a picture of a coach being called alongside an athlete to encourage, comfort, and challenge him or her.

“Increase” is translated from perisseuō, which is the verb form of perissos, meaning “abundant” or “excessive.” Perisseuō means “to be in excess” or “to be full to the point of overflowing.”

Mallon is the Greek word translated “even more.” It means “much more.” When combined with perisseuō it indicates a huge increase which is what Paul is urging the Thessalonians to accomplish in loving each other.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul began his teaching regarding how we are to conduct our lives, both with regard to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to those outside the church. He told the Thessalonians that they already knew about loving their Christian brothers, having learned this love from God Himself.

Now he gives them a few words of affirmation, demonstrating that he is aware that they do indeed practice love for all Christians in their part of the world. Back in the first chapter of this letter, Paul remembered how hard they worked (labored) at loving others (1 Thessalonians 1:3) and noted that they were good examples to Christians throughout Macedonia (the northern part of modern day Greece) and Achaia (the southern part of modern day Greece).

But – when it comes to demonstrating love in our lives, we can’t simply rely on our reputation, and we can never assume that the amount of love we are currently showing is good enough. Even though Paul tells them that they are “doing” love toward all Christians, he now challenges them to do it even more. And, he doesn’t simply tell them (and us) to increase their (our) love a little bit. He coaches them, he urges them, he challenges them, like an athlete in a race, to increase their love exceedingly.

Take note that Paul does not simply bark out commands to those under his ministry and expect them to perform without any help, he spends time in prayer asking God to give them the ability to follow his advice (1 Thessalonians 3:12).



We need to put more effort into loving others. Even though we may think we’re doing all we can, we need to do more – much more. Remember that our Lord told us that this is how others will know that we are His disciples (John 13:35). How is your love for your brothers? Is it strong, is it openly demonstrated? Good! Now, increase that love – a lot!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:12 – Encouragement and Prayer

And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you,

Truth to Learn

Pastors have a tough job. Encourage and pray for him today.

Behind the Words

The word translated “we urge” is erōtaō, which literally means “to interrogate.” By implication, however, it means “to request” or “to urge.”

Recognize” is from the Greek word eidō, which means “to see with perception and comprehension.” Therefore, it takes on the meaning of “to know, to comprehend, or to recognize.”

Kopiaō is the word translated “labor.” It literally means “to feel fatigue” and by implication it means “to work hard.”

The words “are over you” are translated from the Greek verb proistēmi. This word is made up of pro, meaning “before” or “in front of” and histēmi, meaning “to stand.” Thus, proistēmi means “to stand before” or “to stand in front of.” By analogy, this word refers to someone who “leads.”

Admonish” is from the word noutheteō, which is made up of nous, meaning “the mind” or “the intellect” and tithēmi, meaning “to put” or “to place.” Noutheteō literally means “to put in mind” or “to caution or reprove.”

Meaning Explained

The Apostle Paul now changes the topic of his teaching to how we are to think about our spiritual leader(s). The grammatical form of this verse indicates that these leaders are characterized by three things. The first is that they work hard. The second characteristic is that they “are over you.” And, the third thing is that they “admonish” you. It’s fairly obvious that Paul is talking about your pastor(s). Let’s look at these three things.

Most of us have jobs that require us to work five days a week, with the weekend off. The job of a pastor, however, is one that requires effort seven days a week. Yes, I know, many pastors take Monday off to recuperate from a very full Sunday (often twelve or more hours). But, even on his day off, your pastor is often contacted by a church member needing spiritual guidance or emotional support. Like a surgeon, your pastor is on-call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Six days a week your pastor is studying and preparing sermons (often several a week), visiting families with spiritual/financial/physical needs, and preparing for/conducting meetings. He’s a busy man.

The second thing about your pastor is that he has been placed in a position of authority over you. He is directly accountable to God for your spiritual wellbeing. It is his job to open up the Scriptures and teach you what God expects from you. Remember, we are to submit to all those in authority over us.

The third thing a good pastor does is “admonish” you. This means that he has to deliver encouragement and challenge, but it also means he has to deliver the harsh truth about sin and its consequences. I firmly believe that if you aren’t getting your toes stomped on occasionally, either your pastor isn’t doing his job or you just aren’t listening to him and to God.


Don’t wait for pastor appreciation week. Take some time right now to send an e-mail, a text message, or a letter to your pastor. Tell him how much you appreciate him and pray for him. He needs your encouragement and your prayers!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:10 – Increase Your Love

and indeed you do so toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, that you increase more and more;

Truth to Learn

We need to greatly increase our love for all Christians.

Behind the Words

The words “you do” are translated from the Greek verb poieō, meaning “to make” or “to do.”

The word translated “urge” is parakaleō, which we have looked at several times before. It is made up of para, meaning “near, in the vicinity of, or alongside” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” Thus parakaleō literally means “to call near” or “to call alongside.” It is a picture of a coach being called alongside an athlete to encourage, comfort, and challenge him or her.

Increase” is translated from perisseuō, which is the verb form of perissos, meaning “abundant” or “excessive.” Perisseuō means “to be in excess” or “to be full to the point of overflowing.”

Mallon is the Greek word translated “more and more.” It means “much more.” When combined with perisseuō it indicates a huge increase which is what Paul is urging the Thessalonians to accomplish in loving each other.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul began his teaching regarding how we are to conduct our lives, both with regard to our brothers and sisters in Christ and to those outside the church. He told the Thessalonians that they already knew about loving their Christian brethren, having learned this love from God Himself.

Now he gives them a few words of affirmation, demonstrating that he is aware that they do indeed practice love for all Christians in their part of the world. Back in the first chapter of this letter, Paul remembered how hard they worked (labored) at loving others (1 Thessalonians 1:3) and noted that they were good examples to Christians throughout Macedonia (the northern part of modern day Greece) and Achaia (the southern part of modern day Greece).

But – when it comes to demonstrating love in our lives, we can’t simply rely on our reputation, and we can never assume that the amount of love we are currently showing is good enough. Even though Paul tells them that they are “doing” love toward all Christians, he now challenges them to do it even more. And, he doesn’t simply tell them (and us) to increase their (our) love a little bit. He coaches them, he urges them, he challenges them, like an athlete in a race, to increase their love exceedingly.

Take note that Paul does not simply bark out commands to those under his ministry and expect them to perform without any help, he spends time in prayer asking God to give them the ability to follow his advice (1 Thessalonians 3:12).


We need to put more effort into loving others. Even though we may think we’re doing all we can, we need to do more – much more. Remember that our Lord told us that this is how others will know that we are His disciples (John 13:35). How is your love for your brethren? Is it strong, is it openly demonstrated? Good! Now, increase that love – a lot!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 4:1 – Love Others!

Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the Lord Jesus that you should abound more and more, just as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God;

Truth to Learn

Being more loving is our responsibility.

Behind the Words

Finally” is translated from the Greek word loipon, which refers to “something remaining.” In regard to time, it can be translated as “henceforth” In regard to other things, it can be translated “as to the rest” of “for the remainder.”

The word translated “urge” is erotaō, which means “to ask, to inquire, or to urge.”

The word “exhort” is from parakaleō, which is made up of para, meaning “near, beside, or alongside” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” Thus parakaleō literally means “to call near” or “to call alongside.” Metaphorically, it means “to encourage, to challenge, or to coach.”

Perisueuō is the word translated “should abound.” It means “to be in excess” or “to have more than enough.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating the possibility or probability of something happening. So, we see that it means “you may abound” or “you might abound.”

You received” is from paralambanō. This word means “to take near” or “to receive.”

The word “walk” is translated from peripateō, which literally means “to walk around.” Metaphorically, it refers to the manner in which one lives one’s life.

Please” is from areskō, meaning “to soften one’s heart toward another” or “to please.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous chapter Paul explained why he sent Timothy to the Thessalonian church: to strengthen and encourage them. His concern was that the afflictions and suffering that Paul and his companions were enduring might have caused the faith of the Thessalonians to grow weak. Having learned that their faith remained strong, Paul then offered up a prayer for them.

Paul now switches gears and goes into preaching mode in this chapter and most of the next. He has been expressing his love and concern for the Thessalonians, but now he needs to get down to some serious teaching. Therefore, he starts out his sermon with “Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort …” His challenge is that the Christians there might abound even more. But what are they supposed to abound in? If we look back two verses, we see that Paul prayed that God would cause them to increase and abound in love for others. Now Paul is telling the Thessalonian Christians that they need to abound (in love) more and more. On the surface, this may sound contradictory. Is it God who causes us to abound in love, or is it our responsibility to actively pursue being more loving of others? The answer is both. We can’t understand the Trinity (how God can be one and still be three persons.) We also can’t understand how we have the responsibility for being more loving toward others and yet God is the one who enables such love.


God is all powerful, but Christians can’t just sit back and let Him make us more loving of others. We have to put effort into demonstrating the love of God to everyone around us.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 16:17 – Who to Avoid

Romans 16:17 – Who to Avoid

Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.

Truth to Learn

Avoid those who teach false doctrine.

Behind the Words

Urge” is translated from the Greek verb parakalō, which literally means “to call alongside.” It is one of those verbs that has a number of nuances depending on how it is used. It can mean “to encourage, to comfort, to invite, to call for, to help, or to urge.”

The verb “note” is from skopeō, meaning “to spy out, to look toward, to give attention to, or to be on the lookout for.”

Divisions” is from dichostasia, which literally means “separate standings.” It is a picture of two groups of people standing separate from each other.

The word “offenses” is from skandalon, which we have seen before. It refers to the trigger of a trap. Here it refers to something which will cause other Christians to stumble in their walk with God.

The word “doctrine” is translated from didachē, which refers to “something which is taught.” Here it is a reference to the teachings, or doctrines, of the church.

Avoid” is from ekklinō, which is made up of ek, meaning “out” and klinō, meaning “to bend, to incline, or to turn.” Thus ekklinō means “to turn away from” or “to completely avoid.”

Meaning Explained

Having finished all of the personal greetings he wanted to send to his friends at the church in Rome, Paul now gives one final word of caution. He tells them to be on the lookout for “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” That is, he is warning about people who are not focused on the good of the church and the unity of the body. Instead, these people are focused on what they want rather that what God wants for the church.

In the Greek text, both the word translated “divisions” and the word translated “offenses” have definite articles associated with them. In other words, Paul is warning about those people who cause the divisions and the offenses. Thus, there must have been specific problems that he wanted them to avoid.

We know from several of Paul’s other letters that there were several false teachings that had crept into the church even in its earliest years. Two of these false doctrines were legalism, and an early form of Gnosticism. Most of Paul’s letter to the Galatian churches and part of this letter to the Romans addressed the issue of Legalism because there were many converted Jews in the early church who believed that Christians had to keep the law in order to remain saved. Another heresy that crept into the early church was Gnosticism, which tried to spiritualize many of the teachings of Christianity, introducing the notion that there was some “special knowledge” that was required to complete salvation. Paul’s specific instructions were to “turn away from and completely avoid” those who professed these false doctrines.


Teaching true doctrine and the unity of the body of Christ are both essential aspects of the Church. Be on the lookout for false teachers and avoid them like the plague!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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