Tag: in the same way

Romans 1:27 – Wicked Sinfulness

And in the same way also the males, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, males with males committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

Truth to Learn

God says homosexuality is shameful, indecent, and obscene.


Behind the Words

The words, “in the same way” are a translation of the Greek word, omoios, which means, “of equal degree or manner and denoting perfect agreement.” It is sometimes translated as “likewise.”

In the previous verse we learned that, “natural use” is from the Greek, psukiken kresin, which is a reference to normal sexual intercourse.

The word translated “lust” is not the word that is normally used for strong physical desire, epithumia. Instead Paul uses the word orexis, which also means a strong desire or lust but it carries with it the notion of “reaching out after an object with the purpose of drawing it to oneself and appropriating it. This is a lust with a selfish possessiveness mixed in.

“Males” is not translated from the generic word for a human person, anthropos. Rather, it is the word arsēn, which specifically means “males” as distinguished from females. 

The word “shameful” is from the Greek word aschēmōsunē, a form of aschēmōn, meaning unbecoming or indecent. Hence, aschēmosunē means “shamefulness, indecency, or obscenity.”


Meaning Explained

Notice the way Paul has carefully described the wickedness in this verse, being descriptive enough to make it absolutely clear what he is talking about without getting graphic to the point of crudity.

In the previous verse he leveled a clear condemnation against women who have rejected God and His truth by describing their sexually perverse use of their bodies as objects of sexuality for pleasure’s sake (especially homosexuality). He now describes in even more detail the sexual wickedness of men when the restraints of decency and morality have been cast off.

He starts out with “And in the same way.” These are conjunctive words which by themselves each imply a joining of the previous text with this verse. The presence of these conjunctive words together indicates a very strong connection between the two verses. In other words, the actions of the women and the actions of the men are equally joined together in their wickedness and filthiness in God’s eyes.

What he says about the men, however, is even more descriptive of homosexuality than what he said about the women. Paul says that these men have put aside the natural use of women for sexual intercourse and have turned to other men to satisfy their overpowering selfish sexual passion.



There is absolutely no doubt what Paul (therefore, God) thinks of homosexuality. He says it is shameful, indecent, obscene, and disgraceful! Yet, in our Western society, the gay rights activists are trying to convince us that there is nothing wrong with it, that it’s simply a personal preference.

God says it is wicked sinfulness!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 2:25 – Gentile Faith Works

And in the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?

Truth to Learn

Even heathen people perform works of faith, once they believe God’s truth and are converted.

Behind the Words

“In the same way” is translated from the adverb homoiōs, a derivative of the word meaning “having the same features or characteristics,” like in the English word homogenized. Hence, it is translated, “in the same way,” “similarly,” or “likewise.”

The word “received” is from hupodechomai, made up of hupo (or hypo), meaning “under” and dechomai, meaning “to readily receive something from someone else.” So we see that the literal meaning is “to receive under,” that is, “to receive under one’s roof” or “to welcome inside.”

Ekballō is the Greek word translated “sent … out.” It is made up of ek, meaning “out” or “out of” and ballō, meaning “to throw” or “to drive.” Hence, this word literally means “to throw out” or “to drive out.” It is clear from the Greek text that Rahab openly welcomed the two messengers and that she hurriedly sent them out the back door, as it were.

Meaning Explained

James now finishes his treatise on the works of faith with one more example of faith demonstrated through works. The reference is to the events of Joshua chapter 2. When the Israelites were about to enter into the Promised Land, they sent in two spies to scope out Jericho and these two were protected by Rahab. She was a Gentile, probably a worshiper of pagan gods, and an enemy of the Jews. Nonetheless, when confronted with the truth of Almighty God, she believed, saying:

for the LORD your God, He is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath. (Joshua 2:11b)

And, she demonstrated that faith by her actions, which put her own life in danger at the hands of the people of Jericho. She welcomed the spies into her home and hid them when the people of Jericho came searching for them, helping the spies escape.

Her act of faith is forever recorded in Hebrews 11:31. This eleventh chapter of Hebrews is sometimes referred to as the Hall of Faith since it recounts numerous individuals who demonstrated their faith by their actions.

By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with the disbelieving ones, having received the spies with peace. (Hebrews 11:31)

James claims that her works justified her just as Abraham’s did. Not in the place of faith, but empowered by it! And, she was further honored by God for her faithfulness in action by becoming the great-great-grandmother of David, king of Israel, according to the first chapter of Matthew’s gospel.


It doesn’t matter whether you grew-up in a Christian family, hearing the gospel truth from the time you were born, or in a faithless home where God’s name was only used as a swear word. Once you believed the gospel message, you became a child of God by faith and your works of faith began, and they will continue until you leave this earthly life.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved