Tag: shameful

Romans 1:27 – Wicked Sinfulness

And in the same way also the males, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, males with males committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

Truth to Learn

God says homosexuality is shameful, indecent, and obscene.


Behind the Words

The words, “in the same way” are a translation of the Greek word, omoios, which means, “of equal degree or manner and denoting perfect agreement.” It is sometimes translated as “likewise.”

In the previous verse we learned that, “natural use” is from the Greek, psukiken kresin, which is a reference to normal sexual intercourse.

The word translated “lust” is not the word that is normally used for strong physical desire, epithumia. Instead Paul uses the word orexis, which also means a strong desire or lust but it carries with it the notion of “reaching out after an object with the purpose of drawing it to oneself and appropriating it. This is a lust with a selfish possessiveness mixed in.

“Males” is not translated from the generic word for a human person, anthropos. Rather, it is the word arsēn, which specifically means “males” as distinguished from females. 

The word “shameful” is from the Greek word aschēmōsunē, a form of aschēmōn, meaning unbecoming or indecent. Hence, aschēmosunē means “shamefulness, indecency, or obscenity.”


Meaning Explained

Notice the way Paul has carefully described the wickedness in this verse, being descriptive enough to make it absolutely clear what he is talking about without getting graphic to the point of crudity.

In the previous verse he leveled a clear condemnation against women who have rejected God and His truth by describing their sexually perverse use of their bodies as objects of sexuality for pleasure’s sake (especially homosexuality). He now describes in even more detail the sexual wickedness of men when the restraints of decency and morality have been cast off.

He starts out with “And in the same way.” These are conjunctive words which by themselves each imply a joining of the previous text with this verse. The presence of these conjunctive words together indicates a very strong connection between the two verses. In other words, the actions of the women and the actions of the men are equally joined together in their wickedness and filthiness in God’s eyes.

What he says about the men, however, is even more descriptive of homosexuality than what he said about the women. Paul says that these men have put aside the natural use of women for sexual intercourse and have turned to other men to satisfy their overpowering selfish sexual passion.



There is absolutely no doubt what Paul (therefore, God) thinks of homosexuality. He says it is shameful, indecent, obscene, and disgraceful! Yet, in our Western society, the gay rights activists are trying to convince us that there is nothing wrong with it, that it’s simply a personal preference.

God says it is wicked sinfulness!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:12 – No Sordid Details

For it is shameful to even speak of those things being done by them in secret.

Truth to Learn

God knows the sordid details; we don’t have to talk about them to Him or to others.


Behind the Words

“Shameful” is from the Greek adjective aischros, which refers to “that which is indecent, dishonorable, inappropriate, filthy, shameful, or disgraceful.”

The words “to … speak of” are translated from the verb legō, which originally meant, “to lay something down” or “to lay forth.” Later it came to mean “to relate something verbally,” that is “to put forth in words.”

“In secret” is translated from the adverb kruphē, which is based on the verb kruptō, meaning “to hide or keep secret.”

If we preserve the word order in the Greek, this verse becomes “for the things secretly being done by them, it is shameful even to mention.” In Greek, word order indicates emphasis. The fact that secrecy is mentioned first, indicates it is Paul’s emphasis.


Meaning Explained

You will recall that in yesterday’s verse Paul told us, not only do we need to avoid partnering with the unfruitful works of darkness, we need to expose them for what they really are and stand against them. But today’s verse seems to contradict what we are supposed to do. How can we expose those things if it is disgraceful to even speak about them? The answer to this enigma is given to us in tomorrow’s verse. So, without getting ahead of ourselves, let’s see what we can learn from this verse.

First of all, talking about the things which are done by people who perform these barren, fruitless activities is itself disgusting. It is not the type of conversation that strengthens our brothers and sisters. Remember what Paul told us in the previous chapter of this letter?

Let no rotten word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for needed edification, that it may give grace to the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)

Talking about the specifics of crude and disgusting things does not build up others, it only drags their thoughts down into the gutter. That’s not good and it’s not necessary. And don’t get caught in the trap of thinking that you have to talk about these things in order to inform others what is wrong with them.

One of the questions we have to ask ourselves is, “Why are these works of darkness always done in secret?” Here’s what Jesus said about that:

And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness more than the light, for their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)

It is sufficient to know that whatever things that a man (or woman) does in secret, that which he or she tries to hide from others, is not God- honoring and does not produce goodness, righteousness, and truth. If man tries to hide it, it is probably evil!



Too often I have heard blatant gossip and disgusting descriptions shared in the name of “prayer requests.” Remember that it is inappropriate to talk about such things. Instead of sharing the sordid details in a prayer request, simply ask others to pray with you for the needs of someone else, and when asked for details, simply say “God knows the details.”

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:12 – No Sordid Details

For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.

Truth to Learn

God knows the sordid details; we don’t have to talk about them to Him or to others.

Behind the Words

Shameful” is from the Greek adjective aischros, which refers to “that which is indecent, dishonorable, inappropriate, filthy, shameful, or disgraceful.”

The words “to speak of” are translated from the verb legō, which originally meant, “to lay something down” or “to lay forth.” Later it came to mean “to relate something verbally,” that is “to put forth in words.”

In secret” is translated from the adverb kruphē, which is based on the verb kruptō, meaning “to hide or keep secret.”

If we preserve the word order in the Greek, this verse becomes “for the things secretly being done by them, it is shameful even to mention.” In Greek, word order indicates emphasis. The fact that secrecy is mentioned first, indicates it is Paul’s emphasis.

Meaning Explained

You will recall that in yesterday’s verse Paul told us, not only do we need to avoid close fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, we need to expose them for what they really are and stand against them. But today’s verse seems to contradict what we are supposed to do. How can we expose those things if it is disgraceful to even speak about them? The answer to this enigma is given to us in tomorrow’s verse. So, without getting ahead of ourselves, let’s see what we can learn from this verse.

First of all, talking about the things which are done by people who perform these barren, fruitless activities is itself disgusting. It is not the type of conversation that strengthens our brothers and sisters. Remember what Paul told us in the previous chapter of this letter?

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)

Talking about the specifics of crude and disgusting things does not build up others, it only drags their thoughts down into the gutter. That’s not good and it’s not necessary. And don’t get caught in the trap of thinking that you have to talk about these things in order to inform others what is wrong with them.

One of the questions we have to ask ourselves is, “Why are these works of darkness always done in secret?” Here’s what Jesus said about that:

And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)

It is sufficient to know that whatever things that a man (or woman) does in secret, that which he or she tries to hide from others, is not God- honoring and does not produce goodness, righteousness, and truth. If man tries to hide it, it is evil!


Too often I have heard blatant gossip and disgusting descriptions shared in the name of “prayer requests.” Remember that it is inappropriate to talk about such things. Instead of sharing the sordid details in a prayer request, simply ask others to pray with you for the needs of someone else, and when asked for details, simply say “God knows the details.”

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Romans 1:27 – Wicked Sinfulness

Romans 1:27

Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

Truth to Learn

God says homosexuality is shameful, indecent, and obscene.

Behind the Words

The word, “likewise” is a translation of the Greek word, omoios, which means, “of equal degree or manner and denoting perfect agreement.” It could have been translated as “in the same manner.

In the previous verse we learned that, “natural use” is from the Greek, psukiken kresin, which is a reference to normal sexual intercourse.

The word translated “lust” is not the word that is normally used for strong physical desire, epithumia. Instead Paul uses the word orexis, which also means a strong desire or lust but it carries with it the notion of “reaching out after an object with the purpose of drawing it to oneself and appropriating it. This is a lust with a selfish possessiveness mixed in.

Men” is not translated from the generic word for a human person, anthropos. Rather, it is the word arsēn, which specifically means “males” as distinguished from females.

The word “shameful” is from the Greek word aschēmōsunē, a form of aschēmōn, meaning unbecoming or indecent. Hence, aschēmosunē means “shamefulness, indecency, or obscenity.”

Meaning Explained

Notice the way Paul has carefully described the wickedness in this verse, being descriptive enough to make it absolutely clear what he is talking about without getting graphic to the point of crudity.

He has just leveled a clear condemnation against women who have rejected God and his truth by describing their sexually perverse use of their bodies as objects of sexuality for pleasure’s sake (especially homosexuality). He now describes in even more detail the sexual wickedness of men when the restraints of decency and morality have been cast off.

He starts out with “Likewise also.” These are conjunctive words which by themselves each imply a joining of the previous text with this verse. The presence of these conjunctive words together indicates a very strong connection between the two verses. In other words, the actions of the women and the actions of the men are equally joined together in their wickedness and filthiness in God’s eyes.

What he says about the men, however, is even more descriptive of homosexuality than what he said about the women. Paul says that these men have put aside the natural use of women for sexual intercourse and have turned to other men to satisfy their overpowering selfish sexual passion.


There is absolutely no doubt what Paul (therefore, God) thinks of homosexuality. He says it is shameful, indecent, obscene, and disgraceful! Yet, in our Western society, the gay rights activists are trying to convince us that there is nothing wrong with it, that it’s simply a personal preference.

God says it is wicked sinfulness!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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