Tag: murder

Romans 13:9 – Living The Second Table

For, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not bear false witness," "Do not covet," and if there is any other commandment, they are all summed up in this saying, namely, "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Truth to Learn

Fully paying our love debt fulfills the second table of the Law.


Behind the Words

“Commit adultery” is from moicheuō, which refers to “sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse.”

The word “murder” is from the Greek word phoneuō, meaning “to intentionally take the life of another person without due process of law.”

“Steal” is from the Greek verb kleptō, which means “to take that which does not rightfully belong to you.” It is the word from which we get our English word kleptomaniac (someone who habitually steals).

“Bear false witness” is translated from pseudomartureō, which is made up of poseudes, meaning “untrue” and martureō, meaning “to give testimony as a witness.”

The word “covet” is translated from epithumeō, meaning “to have an overly strong desire or lust for something.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul told us that we are indebted to each other, a debt that we should always be striving to pay. This debt is a debt of love. He ended the previous verse with, “for the one who loves another has fulfilled the Law.” He now proceeds to explain what he means by that expression. You will notice that the five commandments that Paul refers to in this verse correspond to five of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. The Ten Commandments are often separated into The First Table (commandments 1 – 4) dealing with our relationship to God and The Second Table (commandments 5-10) dealing with our relationship to others. The commandments that Paul references in the current verse are all from the second table, the commandment to honor our parents having been omitted. These commandments encompass all that is included in our relationship with our fellow man.

Paul’s point is that all of these can be summed up in, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” In fact, when Jesus was challenged by one of the scribes to proclaim which is the greatest commandment in the Law, here’s what He said:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:37-40)



If we were constantly paying our debt of love to those around us, then we would be living as God intended all of mankind to live. In doing so we would be fulfilling the second table of the Ten Commandments. Unfortunately, as people with a sin nature, we are not able to behave this way all the time. However, that should not stop us from trying to do so.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 4:2 – Fighting from Desire

You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and are not able to obtain. You fight and battle. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.

Truth to Learn

Our own selfish desire to have is the reason why we fight.

Behind the Words

The word translated “lust” is the Greek word epithumeō which is a compound of epi which means “upon, above, or over” and a form of thumos, meaning “a strong passion of the mind.” Hence, epithumeō refers to “overly strong desires” or “lusts.” This is different word that the one translated “passions” in the previous verse.

“Murder” is from phoneuō, meaning “to kill unjustly” or “to murder.”

The word translated “covet” is dzeloō which means “strong feelings” and can be either for or against something. The translation of “covet” is better than the “desire to have” which is how it is translated in the KJV because of the strong feeling implied in this word.

Machomai is translated as “fight.” It literally means, “to fight as in a battle or a war.” As used here, it probably means a physical confrontation in a private quarrel. Whereas the word translated “battle” means,“ to go to war against an enemy.

As we have shown it here in our translation, James probably intended a grammatical stop after battle. If this is so, the verse reads thus:

You lust and do not have – you murder. And you covet and are not able to obtain – you fight and battle. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.

Meaning Explained

In the previous chapter James warned against the desire for an eminent position in the church such as being a teacher. He now talks about the problem of an inordinate desire for things.

He says that the lusting for things is why we kill and that our covetousness (untempered desire for something that someone else has) is why we fight.

“But,” you say, “I’ve never killed anyone, and I certainly don’t go to battle, so this verse really isn’t for me.” However, Jesus equated unjustified anger with killing, as Matthew recorded in his gospel account:

You have heard that it was said to those of old, “Do not commit murder, and whoever commits murder will be in danger of the judgment.” But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of the judgment. (Matthew 5:21, 22a)

James also talks about fighting being the result of our coveting, so I’m sure that this verse applies to every one of us. We all get angry and we all covet. We are all guilty before the Lord.

In the final analysis, James tells us that the reason we don’t have what we want is because we don’t ask. And when we do ask, we often do so with wrong motives. James will get into that in the next verse. So, how do we have our desires satisfied? Here’s what the psalmist said:

Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalms 37:4)


Let’s each one of us take a few minutes right now to confess our inappropriate anger and covetousness to our God and Father. And, instead of making our delight be the possession of things and getting what we deserve, let’s make our merciful Lord and Savior our delight and thank Him that we don’t get what we truly deserve.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 13:9 – Living The Second Table

Romans 13:9 – Living The Second Table

For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not bear false witness,” “You shall not covet,” and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Truth to Learn

Fully paying our love debt fulfills the second table of the Law.

Behind the Words

Commit adultery” is from moicheuō, which refers to “sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse.”

The word “murder” is from the Greek word phoneuō, meaning “to intentionally take the life of another person without due process of law.”

Steal” is from the Greek verb kleptō, which means “to take that which does not rightfully belong to you.” It is the word from which we get our English word kleptomaniac (someone who habitually steals).

Bear false witness” is translated from pseudomartureō, which is made up of poseudes, meaning “untrue” and martureō, meaning “to give testimony as a witness.”

The word “covet” is translated from epithumeō, meaning “to have an overly strong desire or lust for something.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul told us that we are indebted to each other, a debt that we should always be striving to pay. This debt is a debt of love. He ended the previous verse with, “for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.” He now proceeds to explain what he means by that expression. You will notice that the five commandments that Paul refers to in this verse correspond to five of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. The Ten Commandments are often separated into The First Table (commandments 1 – 4) dealing with our relationship to God and The Second Table (commandments 5-10) dealing with our relationship to others. The commandments that Paul references in the current verse are all from the second table, the commandment to honor our parents having been omitted. These commandments encompass all that is included in our relationship with our fellow man.

Paul’s point is that all of these can be summed up in, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” In fact, when Jesus was challenged by one of the scribes to proclaim which is the greatest commandment in the Law, here’s what He said:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40)


If we were constantly paying our debt of love to those around us, then we would be living as God intended all of mankind to live. In doing so we would be fulfilling the second table of the Ten Commandments. Unfortunately, as beings with a sin nature, we are not able to behave this way all the time. However, that should not stop us from trying to do so.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 1:29 – Stuffed With Sin

Romans 1:29

being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,

Truth to Learn

When we reject God we are filled with all kinds of sin.

Behind the Words

being filled with.” (plēroō) – to fill-up completely. The sense is that it is filled up as completely as possible, stuffed full. It is expressed here in the passive voice, meaning that it is something that was done to them.

unrighteousness” (adikia) – that which is not conformable with justice, or that which is wrong.

sexual immorality” (porneia) – The root of the English word pornography – fornication, lewdness, or any sexual sin.

wickedness” (ponēria) – evilness, wickedness, maliciousness, of an evil disposition.

covetousness” (pleonexia) – covetousness or greediness and, by implication, fraudulency or extortion.

maliciousness” (kakia) – badness. That is, wickedness as an evil habit of the mind.

envy” (phthonos) – envy or jealousy. Particularly the pain felt at the sight of excellence or happiness of someone else.

strife” (eris) – strife, contention, or constant arguing.

deceit” (dolos) – to bait, implying trickery, deceit, and fraud.

evil-mindedness” (kakoētheia) – bad character or disposition.

whisperers” (psithuristēs) – secret slanderers.

Meaning Explained

In yesterday’s verse we learned that since these rejecters of God did not what to retain God in their knowledge, He surrendered them to a condition where they became incapable of making good judgments. The result of this is that they do those things which are inappropriate.

Paul now says that these people, after they were surrendered by God to a mind incapable of discerning what is right, were then filled with a host of personal characteristics as described above. Is it any wonder that the foes of God in this world will go to any length to discredit and destroy the church and anyone who professes a relationship with God? And this is only a partial list of personal characteristics of those who reject God.

Lest we get too high on our own pedestal, however, let me remind you that all of us are capable of these things. They are part of our sin nature, and any of these things can rear its ugly head in any one of us when we get away from that close relationship with God, our Father. The difference is that we know God, and we can confess our sinfulness to Him, knowing that we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one, whose blood cleanses us from all sin.

They, on the other hand, have rejected God and have no one to turn to for cleansing or mercy. And someday they will face the Judge, the One whom they have rejected!


We can all think of people who are filled with one or more of these selfish sins, perhaps even people in the church! But let’s all look at our own lives and ensure that we are not controlled by any of these things. And, instead of shaking our finger at others in a condemning manner, let’s pray for them.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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1 Peter 4:15 – Improper Suffering

1 Peter 4:15

But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters.

Truth to Learn

Suffering for righteousness is pleasing to God. Suffering for wrongdoing is not pleasing to anyone.

Behind the Words

“Evildoer” comes from the Greek word kakopoios, which is a compound of kakos, meaning “bad or evil” and poieō, meaning “to make or to do.” So, kakopoios means one who does bad things.

The expression “a busybody in other people’s matters” comes from the single Greek word allotrioepiskapos. This, again, is a compound word that combines allotrios, meaning “those things which belong to someone else” and episkiopos, meaning “an overseer.” Hence, this word means “someone who is overseeing someone else’s matters” or “someone who sticks their nose in other people’s business.”

Meaning Explained

After a number of verses intended to comfort us in our times of trial and suffering, Peter now interjects a solemn warning lest we think that any type of suffering is glorifying to God.

Peter mentions four types of actions for which suffering does not bring glory to God. Two of them are specific crimes and the other two are more general in nature. The first two things he identifies are murder and theft. Certainly none of us would seriously consider murder as a reasonable action because it is so horrific and final. Stealing, on the other hand, is a different matter. We tend to categorize stealing two ways: intentionally taking something that doesn’t rightfully belong to us and “borrowing” or using something that isn’t ours but that the rightful owner will never miss or doesn’t need if we don’t return it. If the matter were truth telling we would call this latter one a “white lie,” so I’ll refer to it here as a “white theft.” Unfortunately for us, in God’s book there is no difference between a white theft and any other kind. If we get caught in the act and suffer for it we do not bring glory to God.

The other two things that Peter mentions for which we should never suffer are being an evil-doer and being a meddler. Evildoer is pretty broad in scope and includes all those things that we do that aren’t pleasing to God. Lest we try to split hairs here, Peter is not saying that we shouldn’t get caught, but that we shouldn’t do these types of things. If we don’t do these things, we won’t have to suffer for them.

The fourth thing that Peter tells us not to suffer for is “a busybody in other people’s matters.” I’m sure we all know or have known someone like that. This should never be the case with a Christian. After all, we have enough to do just to keep our own sin nature in check without looking into or trying to fix anyone else’s problems.

So, to put today’s verse in perspective, let me summarize what Peter is telling us. If we suffer for righteousness sake, we are blessed and we bring glory to God, but it does not glorify God when we suffer for our sins.


I know that some of you are suffering right now as the result of a number of different issues. Remember, that’s pleasing to God – as long as it’s for doing what is right!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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