Tag: reigned

Romans 5:14 – Sin on the Throne?

but death reigned from Adam to Moses, even on those who had not sinned in to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who is coming.

Truth to Learn

Even those who lived before the Law were sinners and suffered death as a result.


Behind the Words

“Reigned” is from basileuō, which is the verb form of the noun basileus, meaning “a king.” Thus we see that basileuō literally means “to be king” or as we have it in this verse, “to reign.”

The word “likeness” is translated from homoiōma, which is derived from the verb homoioō, meaning “to make like.” Hence, homoiōma means “a resemblance” or “a likeness.” This word does not imply any relationship between the two things, only a similarity in appearance or function.

The word translated “transgression” is the Greek word parabasis, meaning “to go beyond, cross over, or overstep.” It is most often used to indicate an overstepping of a legal limit. Hence, it usually means “to violate a law or regulation.”

“Type” is translated from the Greek word tupos, which literally refers to “a die or a stamp that is used to make similar impressions or representations.” Figuratively, it refers to something that has the form or resemblance of something else.


Meaning Explained

Paul is now driving home the fact that we discussed in the previous verse. That is, that death was visited upon all men from Adam all the way up until the Law was delivered by Moses. Therefore, all the people who lived before the Law must have been sinners.

Just to help us all with a little bit of perspective: the time from Adam to Moses is around 2500 years. That’s longer than from the time of Christ until the present. The period of “the Law,” the time from the giving of the Law until the death of Christ, is about 1300 years. So the amount of time between Adam and Moses is roughly 40% of the entire history of mankind.

Paul here says that death reigned over mankind before the Law even though these people didn’t sin in the same manner as Adam. Sin is sin no matter how great or how small, and it doesn’t matter whether a person sinned once or many, many times. Everyone who descended from Adam, even before the Law was delivered, is a sinner and suffers death as a result of their sin.

The closing statement in this verse is a significant transitional statement. It says that Adam was a “type” of the one who is coming (referring to Christ). In other words, Jesus Christ is a type of Adam. Paul gives a description of what he means by this in 1Corinthians15:45-49 where he refers to Christ as the “last Adam.” But here, Paul will compare, or more correctly, contrast, the two men (Adam and Jesus) to show us how the conduct of both Adam and Jesus has a lasting effect on each one of us personally. But he will also show us the distinct difference in the results of their actions.



While it’s true we can all blame Adam for our sinfulness, we can’t blame him for our sins. Because of our sins we face death. However, because of Jesus Christ, we can experience eternal life, even though we may experience physical death.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 5:14 – Sin on the Throne

Romans 5:14

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.

Truth to Learn

Even those who lived before the Law were sinners and suffered death as a result.

Behind the Words

Reigned” is from basileuō, which is the verb form of the noun basileus, meaning “a king.” Thus we see that basileuō literally means “to be king” or as we have it in this verse, “to reign.”

The word “likeness” is translated from homoiōma, which is derived from the verb homoioō, meaning “to make like.” Hence, homoiōma means “a resemblance” or “a likeness.” This word does not imply any relationship between the two things, only a similarity in appearance or function.

The word translated “transgression” is the Greek word parabasis, meaning “to go beyond, cross over, or overstep.” It is most often used to indicate an overstepping of a legal limit. Hence, it usually means “to violate a law or regulation.”

Type” is translated from the Greek word tupos, which literally refers to “a die or a stamp that is used to make similar impressions or representations.” Figuratively, it refers to something that has the form or resemblance of something else.

Meaning Explained

Paul is now driving home the fact that we discussed in the previous verse. That is, that death was visited upon all men from Adam all the way up until the Law was delivered by Moses. Therefore, all the people who lived before the Law must have been sinners.

Just to help us all with a little bit of perspective: the time from Adam to Moses is around 2500 years. That’s longer than from the time of Christ until the present. The period of “the Law,” the time from the giving of the Law until the death of Christ, is about 1300 years. So the amount of time between Adam and Moses is roughly 40% of the entire history of mankind.

Paul here says that death reigned over mankind before the Law even though these people didn’t sin in the same manner as Adam. Sin is sin no matter how great or how small, and it doesn’t matter whether a person sinned once or many, many times. Everyone who descended from Adam, even before the Law was delivered, is a sinner and suffers death as a result of their sin.

The closing statement in this verse is a significant transitional statement. It says that Adam was a “type” of the one who is to come (referring to Christ). In other words, Jesus Christ is a type of Adam. Paul gives a description of what he means by this in 1Corinthians15:45-49 where he refers to Christ as the “last Adam.” But here, Paul will compare, or more correctly, contrast, the two men (Adam and Jesus) to show us how the conduct of both Adam and Jesus has a lasting effect on each one of us personally. But he will also show us the distinct difference in the results of their actions.


While it’s true we can all blame Adam for our sinfulness, we can’t blame him for our sins. Because of our sins we face death. However, because of Jesus Christ, we can experience eternal life, even though we will experience physical death.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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