Tag: sunergeo

Romans 8:28 – Called for Goodness Sake

And we know that to the ones loving God all things work together for good, to those who are the called ones according to His purpose.

Truth to Learn

God is producing goodness in Christians because He has decided to do so.


Behind the Words

The words “all things” are from pas, meaning “all” or “every.” It is expressed here as a neuter plural noun, thus “all things.”

The Greek verb sunergeō is translated “work together.” It is made up of sun, meaning “together with” and ergō, meaning “to work.” It is expressed as a third person singular verb so it could be translated as “He (God) works all things together.”

“Good” is from agathos, meaning “good and benevolent” or “useful.” There is another Greek word translated “good.” It is the word kalos, meaning “inherently good without necessarily being benevolent” or “beauty as a harmonious completeness.” An easy way to distinguish the two is to think of kalos as specific goodness or beauty and agathos as general goodness.

The word translated “called” is from klētos, meaning “one who is called, invited, or appointed.” It is a noun, not a verb.


Meaning Explained

What does Paul mean by “all things work together for good?” The key is the word translated “good,” meaning “general goodness.” Paul is saying that even though some of the things that happen to us don’t necessarily seem very good, all things work together for our general goodness.

As we mentioned above, the verb “work together” is a singular, third-person verb. The subject for this verb is not “all things.” How do we know? The word translated “all things” is a plural subject. In Greek, as in English, the number of a verb (singular or plural) must always agree with the number of its subject, so the subject of this verb must be singular. As it turns out, the subject is not stated but simply implied. That’s why some translators render the first part of this verse as, “And we know that God works all things together for good.”

Who are those people for whom He works together all things? Paul says they are “those who love God.” Only we who have recognized our own sinfulness and need for salvation can fully appreciate the sacrifice that God made to have our sins paid for. And only we can really love God for having done it for us.

He also says it is “those who are the called ones according to His purpose.” As we noted above, the word “called” is not a passive verb, but a plural noun (as in, those who are the called ones). Those for whom God works all things together for good are those who are the called ones according to His (God’s) purpose. Paul is saying clearly that our being called to Christ and salvation is not of our own doing. It is wholly God’s doing and it is according to His purpose. We don’t know why God called us to salvation but we do know, according to Paul, that He is purposeful in calling us.



When we are in the midst of trials we should be encouraged for two reasons. The first is that the Holy Spirit is our prayer partner and the second is that no matter how bad things seem, God is going to use whatever is happening to us ultimately to produce good in us, and that brings the glory back to Him.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 8:28 – Called for Goodness Sake

Romans 8:28 – Called for Goodness Sake

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Truth to Learn

God is producing goodness in Christians because He has decided to do so.

Behind the Words

The words “all things” are from pas, meaning “all” or “every.” It is expressed here as a neuter plural noun, thus “all things.”

The Greek verb sunergeō is translated “work together.” It is made up of sun, meaning “together with” and ergō, meaning “to work.” It is expressed as a third person singular verb so it could be translated as “he or she works together.”

“Good” is from agathos, meaning “good and benevolent” or “useful.” There is another Greek word translated “good.” It is the word kalos, meaning “inherently good without necessarily being benevolent” or “beauty as a harmonious completeness.” An easy way to distinguish the two is to think of kalos as specific goodness or beauty and agathos as general goodness.

The word translated “called” is from klētos, meaning “one who is called, invited, or appointed.” It is a noun, not a verb.

Meaning Explained

What does Paul mean by “all things work together for good?” The key is the word translated “good,” meaning “general goodness.” Paul is saying that even though some of the things that happen to us don’t necessarily seem very good, all things work together for our general goodness.

As we mentioned above, the verb “work together” is a singular, third-person verb. The subject for this verb is not “all things.” How do we know? The word translated “all things” is a plural subject. In Greek, as in English, the number of a verb (singular or plural) must always agree with the number of its subject, so the subject of this verb must be singular. As it turns out, the subject is not stated but simply implied. That’s why some translators render the first part of this verse as, “And we know that God works all things together for good.”

Who are those people for whom He works together all things? Paul says they are “those who love God.” Only we who have recognized our own sinfulness and need for salvation can fully appreciate the sacrifice that God made to have our sins paid for. And only we can really love God for having done it for us.

He also says it is “those who are the called according to His purpose.” As we noted above, the word “called” is not a passive verb, but a plural noun (as in, those who are the called ones). Those for whom God works all things together for good are those who are the called ones according to His (God’s) purpose. Paul is saying clearly that our being called to Christ and salvation is not of our own doing. It is wholly God’s doing and it is according to His purpose. We don’t know why God called us to salvation but we do know, according to Paul, that He is purposeful in calling us.


When we are in the midst of trials we should be encouraged for two reasons. The first is that the Holy Spirit is our prayer partner and the second is that no matter how bad things seem, God is going to use whatever is happening to us ultimately to produce good in us, and that brings the glory back to Him.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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