Tag: tupon

Romans 6:17 – Getting Into Shape

But thanks be to God that you were slaves of sin, but you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.

Truth to Learn

We are molded into Christ’s shape by Biblical teaching.


Behind the Words

The words “thanks be” are translated from the Greek word charis, which refers to “a favor done without expectation of anything in return.” However, this word is also used to express the joy or gratitude (thanks) arising from the favor received.

The word “obeyed” is hupakouō, which we have looked at recently. It literally means “to hear under.” It refers to hearing, and obeying the teaching of an instructor.

“Form” is translated from tupon, which is equivalent to the Hebrew word cabala, meaning a mold that is used to create a “copy” or “type” of the original.

The word “doctrine” is from the Greek word didachē, a noun derived from the verb didaskō, meaning “to teach.” Hence, the word didachē refers to something that has been taught. It is frequently translated as “a teaching,” “a precept,” or “a doctrine.” Some Christians have a negative attitude toward doctrine, seeing it as unbending dogma. But, as you can see here, it simply refers to something that is taught.


Meaning Explained

In talking about this verse we have to begin with what Paul is not saying. He is not giving thanks to God that we were all slaves to sin. Being a slave to sin is neither desirable nor commendable. It is a state of helpless devotion to things that are contrary to all that God is. What Paul is saying is, “Though you were slaves of sin, you have been delivered from that state.” That’s what Paul is giving thanks for. He is thankful for every one of us who has believed the gospel message and has been saved from our sins and from the mastery of sin.

The second half of this verse has been misunderstood due to a mistranslation in the past. Literally, it says,

you obeyed, from the heart, unto which you were delivered, a form of teaching.

Now, obviously we don’t talk that way in English, so we rearrange the words a bit. Now it says,

from the heart you obeyed a form of teaching unto which you were delivered.

The “form of teaching” is that which was begun by Christ and taught to His apostles, who in turn taught it to others. It includes the gospel message (by which we were made into the image of Christ), but it also includes teaching about how to live our lives. This teaching acts like a mold or a form, shaping us into a copy of the original and that original is Christ himself. As we obey this teaching we become a “type” of Christ (hence, we are called Christians). We were freed from sin and we were delivered to the new teaching. And because we have received the shaping effect of that teaching, we have been delivered from the bondage of sin.



I know this is a confusing verse and difficult to understand. What we need to learn from it, however, is that we need teaching from the Bible in order to allow ourselves to be shaped into an image of Christ. Let’s all get into His shape!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 6:17 – Getting Into Shape

Romans 6:17

But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.

Truth to Learn

We are molded into Christ’s shape by Biblical teaching.

Behind the Words

The words “be thanked” are translated from the Greek word charis, which refers to “a favor done without expectation of anything in return.” However, this word is also used to express the joy or gratitude (thanks) arising from the favor received.

The word “obeyed” is hupakouō, which we have looked at recently. It literally means “to hear under.” It refers to hearing, and obeying the teaching of an instructor.

Form” is translated from tupon, which is equivalent to the Hebrew word cabala, meaning a mold that is used to create a “copy” or “type” of the original.

The word “doctrine” is from the Greek word didachē, a noun derived from the verb didaskō, meaning “to teach.” Hence, the word didachē refers to something that has been taught. It is frequently translated as “a teaching,” “a precept,” or “a doctrine.” Some Christians have a negative attitude toward doctrine, seeing it as unbending dogma. But, as you can see here, it simply refers to something that is taught.

Meaning Explained

In talking about this verse we have to begin with what Paul is not saying. He is not giving thanks to God that we were all slaves to sin. Being a slave to sin is neither desirable nor commendable. It is a state of helpless devotion to things that are contrary to all that God is. What Paul is saying is, “Though you were slaves of sin, you have been delivered from that state.” That’s what Paul is giving thanks for. He is thankful for every one of us who has believed the gospel message and has been saved from our sins and from the mastery of sin.

The second half of this verse has been misunderstood due to a mistranslation in the past. Literally, it says,

you obeyed, from the heart, unto which you were delivered, a form of teaching.

Now, obviously we don’t talk that way in English, so we rearrange the words a bit. Now it says,

from the heart you obeyed a form of teaching unto which you were delivered.

The “form of teaching” is that which was begun by Christ and taught to His apostles, who in turn taught it to others. It includes the gospel message (by which we were made into the image of Christ), but it also includes teaching about how to live our lives. This teaching acts like a mold or a form, shaping us into a copy of the original and that original is Christ himself. As we obey this teaching we become a “type” of Christ (hence, we are called Christians). We were freed from sin and we were delivered to the new teaching. And because we have received the shaping effect of that teaching, we have been delivered from the bondage of sin.


I know this is a confusing verse and difficult to understand. What we need to learn from it, however, is that we need teaching from the Bible in order to allow ourselves to be shaped into an image of Christ. Let’s all get into His shape!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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