Author: Will

Romans 1:28 – Lost Discernment

And as they did not approve to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,

Truth to Learn

Those who reject God risk having a mind that can’t discern between good and bad.


Behind the Words

The words, “they did not approve” come from two Greek words, ouk edokimasan. Ouk  is the Greek particle indicating absolute negation. The other word, edokimasan is a past tense form of dokimadzo, which means to “judge or examine with the intent of finding good.” It is the word used of testing gold to determine its value. It is often translated as “test” or “approve.”

“A depraved mind” is translated from adokimon noun. Noun refers to “the mind, intellect, or understanding.” Adokimon is made up of a, implying negation, and a form of dokimadzo which we just looked at above. Hence, adokimon means a mind or intellect that is incapable of discerning (or judging) appropriately.

The words “not proper” are translated from me kathekonta. Me is the conditional negative particle and kathekonta means “that which is right, or fitting, or convenient.” So we see that me kathekonta means “that which is not right or not fitting.” In other words, “that which is inappropriate or abominable.”


Meaning Explained

In today’s verse we see the result of sinful man resisting the love of the Almighty God to the point where God eventually stops restraining man, giving man what he claims to want. Paul is saying that these people who have rejected the position and power of God, of their own volition, determined that they would not believe in God and determined that they do not approve of any knowledge of Him.

As a result, according to Paul, God delivered them over to a mind which is incapable of discerning good. Do you see the play on words here? Paul is saying that since these rejecters of God have determined, or judged, (dokimadzo) not to have God in their knowledge, God surrendered them to a mind that is incapable of judging right (dokimadzo). As a result they will do those things which are inappropriate and they become even more ungodly.

There is a warning here from a loving God who has sacrificed His own son to reconcile sinful man to Himself. If we continually reject His offer, at some point He will give us up to our own sinfulness so that we can no longer make accurate judgments about what is right and wrong.

“But,” you may ask, “how can a loving God give up on anyone?” The answer is that God knows our heart, and if we are determined to reject Him and His message, He will allow us to do just that, with eternal consequences! And that’s not just what some theologian says; it’s what the Apostle Paul teaches. Yes, our God is a loving God. He sent His only Son to die a horrible death so that you and I can have a personal relationship with Him. But He is also a jealous God, and if a person resists and rejects His love enough, He will judge them with eternity in Hell.



Only God knows who has rejected Him to the point where He has given them a mind that can’t discern good and bad. Our responsibility is to declare the gospel message to everyone!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:27 – Wicked Sinfulness

And in the same way also the males, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, males with males committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

Truth to Learn

God says homosexuality is shameful, indecent, and obscene.


Behind the Words

The words, “in the same way” are a translation of the Greek word, omoios, which means, “of equal degree or manner and denoting perfect agreement.” It is sometimes translated as “likewise.”

In the previous verse we learned that, “natural use” is from the Greek, psukiken kresin, which is a reference to normal sexual intercourse.

The word translated “lust” is not the word that is normally used for strong physical desire, epithumia. Instead Paul uses the word orexis, which also means a strong desire or lust but it carries with it the notion of “reaching out after an object with the purpose of drawing it to oneself and appropriating it. This is a lust with a selfish possessiveness mixed in.

“Males” is not translated from the generic word for a human person, anthropos. Rather, it is the word arsēn, which specifically means “males” as distinguished from females. 

The word “shameful” is from the Greek word aschēmōsunē, a form of aschēmōn, meaning unbecoming or indecent. Hence, aschēmosunē means “shamefulness, indecency, or obscenity.”


Meaning Explained

Notice the way Paul has carefully described the wickedness in this verse, being descriptive enough to make it absolutely clear what he is talking about without getting graphic to the point of crudity.

In the previous verse he leveled a clear condemnation against women who have rejected God and His truth by describing their sexually perverse use of their bodies as objects of sexuality for pleasure’s sake (especially homosexuality). He now describes in even more detail the sexual wickedness of men when the restraints of decency and morality have been cast off.

He starts out with “And in the same way.” These are conjunctive words which by themselves each imply a joining of the previous text with this verse. The presence of these conjunctive words together indicates a very strong connection between the two verses. In other words, the actions of the women and the actions of the men are equally joined together in their wickedness and filthiness in God’s eyes.

What he says about the men, however, is even more descriptive of homosexuality than what he said about the women. Paul says that these men have put aside the natural use of women for sexual intercourse and have turned to other men to satisfy their overpowering selfish sexual passion.



There is absolutely no doubt what Paul (therefore, God) thinks of homosexuality. He says it is shameful, indecent, obscene, and disgraceful! Yet, in our Western society, the gay rights activists are trying to convince us that there is nothing wrong with it, that it’s simply a personal preference.

God says it is wicked sinfulness!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:26 – Disgraceful Passions

Because of this God gave them up to dishonorable passions, for even their females exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

Truth to Learn

Paul makes it very clear that homosexuality is sinful.


Behind the Words

The phrase “gave them up” is from paredoken, meaning “to give up to” or “to surrender something to.” This is the same word found in verse 24 and verse 28.

“Dishonorable” is from the Greek word atimios, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of timaō, which means “to give honor.” Hence, atimios means “dishonorable” or “disgraceful.”

The word translated “females” is thēlus. This is the word which is used in expressing a sexual gender distinction from men. The usual word for woman or wife is gunē.

The expression “natural use” is from the Greek words psukikēn krēsin. Psukikēn refers to the natural, or physical, body.  Krēsin is from the verb chraomai, meaning “to use.” Hence, krēsin refers to the use of something. Together, we see these words refer to the natural physical use. Its predominant use is in reference to sexual activities.

The expression “against nature” is from the Greek words para psusin. The word para means “beside, alongside, or against” and psusin means “to bring forth as in child birth.” Hence, these two words refer to that which is “against the natural use for reproduction.”


Meaning Explained

Paul is talking about those who have rejected the evidence of the one true God and have decided to worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator. In verse 24 Paul said because they exchanged the glory of God for idols, God “gave them up” (He surrendered them) to the uncleanness that is in their hearts, driving them to dishonor their bodies between themselves.

Now, because they refuse to acknowledge their creator, God surrendered them to unnatural and disgraceful passions. And what are these disgraceful passions? One of them is, “their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. What Paul is saying is that these women gave up normal sexual intercourse within the confines of marriage for a form of sex that is contrary to that which would produce children.

Paul is saying that these women developed a view of sex that is simply a physical act rather than an expression of deep devotion between a husband and a wife. With this unnatural view of sex, all kinds of perversion become possible to the depraved mind of Godless people. Based on the specific words used here and what Paul says in the verse that follows, it is quite certain that he is referring to female homosexuality.

Paul will get even more graphic, though tastefully so, in the next verse about what the men have done.



God is very clear in this series of verses that homosexuality is wrong. It is sinful! But we need to be careful that we Christians learn to love the sinner even though we hate their sin. Someone engaged in this sinful practice can be saved, but once saved they must reject their sinful ways.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:25 – The Truth or The Lie

who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the created thing rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

Truth to Learn

We all choose to believe either the truth about God or the lie.


Behind the Words

“Exchanged” is translated from metallassō, which is made up of meta, denoting “a change of place or condition” and allassō, meaning “to change.” The word, metallassō means “to convert from one state to another.”

The word translated “glory” in verse 23 is “doxan,” the root of which is “doxa.” According to the Complete Word Study Dictionary, “the word primarily means thought or opinion, especially favorable human opinion, and thus in a secondary sense reputation, praise, honor (true and false), splendor, light, perfection, rewards (temporal and eternal).”

In today’s verse, the phrase “truth of God” is a Hebraism (an idiomatic Hebrew phrase) meaning “the true God” or “the truth that He, and He alone, is God.


Meaning Explained

On first glance it appears that this verse is a restatement of verse 23, but there are a couple of significant differences here. In verse 23 Paul said they “changed the glory of the incorruptible God” and in this verse he says they, “exchanged the truth of God.” Thus verse 23 says that they changed the reputation or splendor of God into an image. So we see that in verse 23 those who deny God and His power use an image for worship, which is a representation of a created thing. In this verse they have progressed to the point where they deny the truth that Jehovah is the one and only God who is to be revered and worshipped. Paul says that these who deny God’s existence convert that truth into a lie (actually, the Greek text says “the lie”).

These non-believers, according to Paul, both worship and serve the created thing more than the creator of all things. Why do they do this? It’s because they don’t want to submit to Almighty God. Instead, they are willing to submit to a false god, knowing all the time that it really is no god at all. In the case of secular humanism of today, they make man the god and worship and serve self rather than the creator. Hence, the lie that is being subtly propagated today is, “since we have evolved from lower life forms and there is no proof of a creator, we are the supreme beings (i.e. we are gods).

Paul now does an interesting thing in this verse. As he finishes this comparison of false gods and the true God, he is so focused on the divinity, majesty, and holiness of God (the doxa glory of God), that he is compelled to proclaim a “doxology” ascribing praise to God. It is almost as if he is once again so struck with the very truth he is proclaiming that he is compelled to give God the glory He is due. And he follows it with a proclamation of amen, meaning “it is so!”



Let me ask you, have you bought into the lie that we are the highest form of evolved creatures? Or, do you find yourself awestricken by the divinity, majesty, power, love, and holiness of God? Or do you find yourself somewhere in between, not accepting the lie but not in awe of our Creator God?

How you answer these says a lot about your relationship with the God who sent His Son to die so that we can know Him personally.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:24 – God Gives Up

Through which God also gave them up to impurity, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,

Truth to Learn

God deals directly and harshly with those who deny Him.


Behind the Words

The expression “gave them up” is translated from the Greek word paredoken, which is a compound word made up of para, meaning “alongside” or “to a place beside” and a form of didomai, which is the verb meaning “to give.” This word means to “give over to someone or somethingor to “surrender something to another.”

“Impurity” is translated from akatharsia, which is a compound of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of kathairō, meaning “to cleanse, either physically, morally, or spiritually.” In this case Paul is referring to moral uncleanness.


Meaning Explained

Back in verse 21 we said that these people became vain and that their hearts were darkened. We noted at that time that these actions were expressed in the passive voice, indicating that these things were done to them. The previous verses implied that it is God who did these things to them. In today’s verse it is no longer an implication, but a clear statement.

Today’s verse says that because these people have decided to worship idols of created things instead of the creator of all things, God “gave them up.” And what did God give them up to? He surrendered them to the uncleanness of their own lusts. God did not force them to indulge in unclean practices, fulfilling their wicked lusts; He simply stopped preventing them. He allowed them. In effect, He let go of the reigns and let them do what their own inner desires were driving them to do. Today’s text tells us that in satisfying their own inner lusts these people “dishonor their bodies among themselves.” The actions of their lusts involve their bodies in a way that is dishonoring to themselves and even against nature itself, according to verse 26.

Paul will spend the next few verses giving a more detailed explanation of what these dishonoring practices are. The point of this verse is, because these people refuse to give God his rightful place in their lives, God lets them have their way and allows them to be completely controlled by their sinful desires.

Notice that this is just the first of God’s “giving them up.” In this verse He gives them up to impurity. In verse 26 it is to dishonoring passions and in verse 28 it is to a worthless mind. This explains a lot about what is happening in Western society today as secular humanism has continued to spread. We, as a society, have not given God His rightful place and, as a result, He has allowed our society to decline into a state where satisfying self is the prime directive.

The real tragedy is that this type of thinking has even pervaded the Church and the lives of Christians!



Let us not allow ourselves to be seduced into thinking like the world system. God did not create us to serve our own lusts. He created us to serve Him. Instead of serving ourselves, let us give God His rightful place through our worship and praise of Him and through our submission to His will.

And let us be a beacon of light in a world of darkness!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:23 – Idol Worship

and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into a likeness of an image like corruptible man, and of  birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Truth to Learn

We tend to worship corruptible things that we can see, rather than our eternal God who we can’t see.


Behind the Words

“Incorruptible” is translated from the Greek word aphthartos, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of phtheirō, which means “to waste away, to spoil, or to corrupt.” Hence, aphthartos means “that which does not waste away, spoil, or corrupt.” Later in this verse the word phthartos is translated “corruptible.” Man is corruptible and wasting away (dying, if you will), but God remains the same forever.

The word translated “image” is the Greek word eikōn, from which we get our English word icon. It means “a likeness, representation, or image of something else.” And, the word “like” is from homoiōma, meaning “a form or a resemblance.”


Meaning Explained

Paul is talking about those men (and women) who suppress the truth about God. They deny His power and His very existence even though God has made Himself known to them through his creation. And because they refused to thank Him or to glorify Him, He gives them up to foolish reasoning, though they think themselves to be wise.

Paul continues on in today’s verse to describe some of their actions after the light of truth has been removed from them. Instead of worshipping the true God, these ungodly people choose to worship the creatures instead of the creator. The Old and New Testaments are filled with examples of animals and their images that have been worshipped throughout the ages. The Greek gods were nearly always in the form of humans with supernatural abilities. The Egyptian Gods, on the other hand, were in the form of birds, animals, and reptiles. Rome had adopted all of these as acceptable deities to worship. Secular history records the numerous creatures that have been the focus of man’s religion, and it continues on to the present day.

Today, one of the most prevalent forms of image worship is secular humanism. Though they would claim to not worship any god, it is themselves that they make to be the gods. In order to do this they claim that there is no God, so, instead, God turns them into fools believing in such things as “the big bang” and “evolution,” all the while promoting the supremacy of mankind.

Let me repeat what I said a few days ago. God is not mocked! Just because these unbelievers claim there is no God does not make it so, and Paul will continue in the next verse to describe what God’s response to their “wisdom” has been, and continues to be.



It is easy for us to put our faith, trust, hope, and comfort in things other than God. It could be money, a job, a home, family, a worthy cause, even our church. Keep in mind that if it’s not the eternal, unchanging God of creation, it’s an idol. And … our God is a jealous God!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:22 – Foolish Wisdom

Professing to be wise, they became fools,

Truth to Learn

The wisdom of this age is the message and teaching of fools.


Behind the Words

The word translated, “professing” is the Greek word, phaskontes, which means “to assert or affirm or claim.”

“Wise” is translated from the Greek word sophos. This is a title that wise men of old attached to themselves. Later they changed this to philosophos (he who loves wisdom) who, although claiming to have all knowledge and wisdom, denied the one true God.

The words “they became fools” are a translation of a single Greek word mōrainō, which means “to become a moron or a simpleton.” This, again, is in the passive voice indicating that it is something that was done to them by someone else. We could paraphrase this verse, therefore, as:

Claiming to be wise people, they were made to be fools.


Meaning Explained

Remember, in the last verse we learned that those who rejected God, even though the evidence of His presence was made known to them, were not thankful, and they did not glorify God for whom and what He is. As a result, they were made void of wisdom in their reasoning and discussions, and their hearts were darkened.

Paul now puts an exclamation point on that thought by saying, “Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Not only did God make their reasoning and discussions void of any real wisdom, He then turned them into fools; all the while they are proclaiming how wise and intelligent they were. This is precisely what Isaiah said would happen:

For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden.  (Isaiah 29:14b)

King David started out the fourteenth Psalm this way:

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God." (Psalms 14:1a)

And, in his first letter to the Corinthian Christians, Paul said:

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. (I Corinthians 3:19)

If you listen to the message of the intellectuals and scientists of today you will hear loud proclamations that there is no God. They will tell you with certainty that everything came into existence billions of years ago at the “big bang” and that we have evolved into the species we are today. But, Scripture makes it very clear that God is in control and is not mocked by those who deny His existence and power. In today’s verse, Paul tells us that instead of being mocked by them, God makes them to be the fools they think others are. A just sentence for someone who claims to be smart and at the same time rejects Almighty God, don’t you think?



It is easy for us to feel overwhelmed by the constant message of the wise ones of our world. It’s easy to feel like a fool when we proclaim Biblical truth and the gospel message. But don’t back down! We know who the real fools are, and they desperately need to hear the Good News!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:21 – Fools in Darkness

because, having known God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful, but their reasonings became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

Truth to Learn

Those who reject God become fools living in darkness.


Behind the Words

The word translated, “reasonings” is the Greek word, dialogismos, from which we get our English word “dialog.” The Greek word refers to “discussion and reason, or debate.”

The words “became futile” are translated from the Greek word mataioō, which means “to become destitute of real wisdom” or “to become foolish.” The word is expressed in the passive voice indicating that it is something that was done to them. That is, they were made destitute of real wisdom.

Asunetos is the Greek word translated “foolish.” This is a compound word made up of the privative a, meaning “not” and sunetos, which means “to have mental discernment and good judgment.” Thus, asunetos means “not having insight or understanding.”

“Were darkened” is translated from the Greek verb skotidzō, which means, “to be obscured, or darkened.” Again, this word is in the passive voice meaning that it, too, was done to them.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul said that the invisible things about God (His eternal power and Godness) are clearly seen and understood by the creatures (mankind) so that they are without excuse. He now goes on to give clarification regarding that statement.

He says, “Because, having known God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were they thankful. Paul makes it very clear that all of mankind has known God, but some have not given Him the glory, that is the worship, that He is due. Neither did they give Him the thanks that He justly deserves. The previous verse makes it clear that those who reject God recognized His power and Godness but willingly reject Him.

The next phrase is very interesting. It says, “but their reasonings became futile.” As discussed in “Behind the Words,” someone else made them void of wisdom after they rejected God. The implication is that God made fools of them because they rejected the real truth. Their very ability to reason with regard to God has been made to be without wisdom. Paul also says, “their foolish hearts were darkened. In the Apostle John‘s first letter he says,

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5)

Those who reject God do not have this spiritual light; instead, they live in darkness. Consider this, the real pain of Hell for those who reject God will not be that of the heat and flame. It will be the darkness created by the total absence of God and the knowledge that He is gone from them for eternity!

Paul’s message is quite clear in this verse. Those who reject God do so of their own will after having comprehended the existence and power of God. As a result of that rejection, God has made them unable to understand Him, and He has removed His light from their hearts. In a very real sense, God has already judged them because they have rejected who and what He really is. In fact, in John’s Gospel he says:

The one believing into Him is not condemned; but the one not believing has already been condemned, for he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18)



Throughout the Old Testament it is proclaimed that God is a jealous God and we are to worship no one or nothing other than Him. Yes, He is a loving God, but He is also a jealous God who expects us to recognize Him for who and what He is. Those who neglect to do so are destined for a torturous and dark eternity!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:20 – Created Evidence

For the invisible things of Him are clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood by the things that are made, both His eternal power and Godness, so that they are without excuse,

Truth to Learn

God reveals much about Himself in His created world.


Behind the Words

The word in today’s verse translated “invisible” is from the Greek word ahoratos, which is a compound word made up of a, implying negation, and a form of horaō, which means “to see” or “to behold.” Hence, ahoratos means that which is unseen, or invisible.

The words “clearly seen” are from the Greek, kathoratō, which is a compound word made up of kata meaning “down” (as in this case, it is often used for intensity) and a form of horaō, which we just learned means “to see.” So kathoratō could mean “to look down upon” but more accurately means “to see distinctly or clearly.”

“Understood” is translated from noieō, a form of nous, meaning “the mind.” Noieō implies an exercise of the mind. That is, it means “to comprehend or understand.”


Meaning Explained

Paul now explains what he meant in the previous verse when he said, “because what may be known of God is evident among them, for God has revealed it to them.” It has already been pointed out that not all things about God are apparent or even knowable by the finite minds of humans. However, there are things about God which are knowable even though they are not visibly apparent.

“But,” you may ask, “what are these invisible things?” Paul answers that question in the latter part of today’s verse, “His eternal power and Godness (Divinity).” Mankind understands the fact that God is who He says He is and understands His immeasurable power because they can be seen in creation. Paul says that these things are “clearly seen” and “understood” by the created things (which includes mankind).

Let me say it again, God’s power and Godness, though invisible, are clearly perceived and understood by His creatures by viewing all that God created. We cannot actually see God’s limitless power, but we can see the result of it in creation. We cannot see the Godness of God but we can see the effect of it in mankind himself. Anyone who has ever seen the birth of a child is confronted with the power and dominion of God and to deny it is to suppress the truth.

Therefore, Paul says, people who hold down the truth about God are without excuse! Much of the world today refuses to believe in the God of creation. Instead, they have a god they call science. Some day they will stand before the creator and He will be undeniable. I believe it takes more faith to believe that everything we see came into existence through a “scientific” process that cannot be seen, much less proven, than to believe that God created it.



The next time you gaze at a sunset, a mountain, a river, a beautiful flower, the starry sky on a clear night, or the miracle of conception and birth, be in awe. This is evidence of God, Himself! And, this God of creation wants to have a close personal relationship with you. Yes, even you!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:19 – Our God Revealed

because what may be known of God is evident among them, for God has revealed it to them.

Truth to Learn

God does not hide Himself from mankind.


Behind the Words

The phrase, “the thing which may be known” is from the Greek to gnoston, which literally means “that which is knowable.”

 “Evident” is translated from the Greek word phaneros, which means “to cause to shine” or “to cause to appear.” Therefore, it could be translated as “made to appear” or “revealed.” The words “has revealed” are translated from the verb form of this same word.

The word “among” is translated from the Greek preposition en, which denotes a position in place or time. As it is used here it implies “in the presence of.” So, even though some translations read “in them” or “within them,” it could also be translated as “among them.” Paul is not saying “that which may be known of God is revealed inside each person” rather, he is saying “that which may be known of God is revealed among mankind.” This interpretation is further supported by the following verse.


Meaning Explained

The reason that God’s anger is revealed against the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men is because they suppress and deny the truth about God. “But,” you may ask, “how can they suppress and deny the truth about God if they don’t know the truth in the first place?” In other words, “How can God hold men accountable before Him if they never know Him?”

Paul anticipates this question and answers it in today’s verse and the verse to follow. Not all things about God are apparent or even knowable by the finite minds of humans. However, there are many things about God that are knowable such as His godliness, His presence, and His power. The reason we know that God is revealed among mankind, according to Paul, is because God has personally revealed Himself among mankind. In the next verse, Paul will go on to explain how God has revealed Himself among us.

The point is that our God does not want to be separated from us. He doesn’t want to be hidden from us. He wants to have a personal relationship with us. As we will see in the next verse, He has revealed Himself to all of mankind through creation. In spite of that, most of mankind chooses to ignore the evidence of creation and refuses to acknowledge Him. Therefore, God sees mankind as unrighteous and irreverent. Nonetheless, He still sent His Son to die on the cross so that we could become righteous and experience close, personal fellowship with Him. And we can experience this personal relationship with Him, not just for a few years, but for all of eternity.



Paul is telling us in these verses that God has already revealed Himself to all of mankind and, as a result, all of mankind is without excuse. We, who have believed the additional revelation about Jesus Christ, have been credited with a righteousness that we didn’t earn and that we don’t deserve. These facts alone should cause all Christians to fall to their knees praising God for His mercy and His revelation!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved