Tag: hidden

2 Peter 3:8 – He Always Is

But do not let this thing be hidden from you, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

Truth to Learn

God is always present … everywhere and at all times.


Behind the Words

The word “hidden” is translated from lanthanō, which we looked at back in verse five. It means “to lie hidden” or “to be unaware of.” So, a better translation of the beginning of this verse would be, “But do not ignore this one thing …”


Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is one of those which people seem to delight in pulling out of context and using as a proof text for bizarre doctrines (like the earth wasn’t really created in seven days but in seven eons). However, instead of talking about what this verse doesn’t mean, let’s talk about what it does mean.

First of all, Peter is refuting those who claim that the Messiah (the Christ) is not coming because the message of His coming has been proclaimed for thousands of years, and there is no more evidence of it today than there was when it was first proclaimed. These scoffers claim that everything is continuing on without change for all this time, and there is no chance for a change any time soon.

Peter first refuted this by saying that things have not continued in the same way always, and he cites the flood of Noah’s day as an example. He also warns that there will be another judgment of the earth and its inhabitants; this time by fire.

Now for Peter’s second rebuttal of the scoffers’ belief in uniformitarianism. First, though, he warns his readers, “Do not ignore this one thing.” It is his way of saying that the following is a very important thing to learn: “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”

So what does this phrase really mean? Just this: God is not bound by time. It’s as simple as that! He is right now in eternity past, He is also in eternity future, and He is everywhere in between. Christ, Himself, expressed it when He was arguing with the Jews:

 Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am." (John 8:58)

The expression “I am” means that in every point of time, God is there in the present. It is not just a matter that God has always existed and will always exist but that He simultaneously exists in all points of time and eternity. Therefore, to Him, a moment in time is the same as a thousand years, is the same as a day. That’s what Peter is saying. And, since God is not bound by time, the argument (that it has been thousands of years since the message was first preached and He still hasn’t come) has no bearing in the matter at all.



The next time you find yourself getting impatient with God, wondering why He hasn’t answered your prayers yet, keep in mind that God knows the end from the beginning. He is already there and He knows precisely the right time to help you in your “hour” of need.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 3:5 – Intentional Ignorance

For this is hidden from them by their own determination, that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by the word of God.

Truth to Learn

The world system today chooses to ignore God’s truth.


Behind the Words

 “Determination” is translated from a form of thelō, which means “to wish or to will.” But it implies more than simple desire because it carries an intention with it. Hence, it is often translated as “to determine.”

The word “hidden” is translated from the Greek word lanthanō, which is from a primitive root lath, meaning “to escape notice.” The word lanthanō means “to lie hidden” or “to be unaware of.”

The words “long ago” are from ekpalai, meaning “from a long time ago.”


Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is a very difficult one to translate accurately as evidenced by the wide variety of translations that exist. It literally starts out with, “for determining to be unaware of …”

The thing that they are intentionally unaware of is explained in the following phrase: “that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by the word of God” This, too, is a difficult phrase to translate, but it appears to mean that the heavens were created a long time ago by the word of God, the earth was once formed by the word of God out of water.

The first of these is pretty easy to understand. “Long ago by God's word the heavens existed;” that is, they existed, or came into being, a long time ago, and the instrument which brought the heavens into being was the Word of God. The next phrase, “and the earth was formed out of water and by the word of God,” This is explained in the second verse of Genesis, “And the earth was without form and empty. And darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters.” In this verse from Genesis, the word translated “the deep” can be referring to “surging waves of water.” We can clearly see from Genesis 1:2 that the earth was covered with water, and land was formed from the midst of it.

What today’s verse is telling us is that these scoffers have made a conscious decision not to believe reality because they don’t want to admit that God exists. They cannot understand the reality of God’s creation because they willingly ignore the truth.  As a result, they have to make up theories that explain all that exists around us apart from a creator God.



Just because all of our public schools teach that all matter spontaneously came into being at the Big Bang doesn’t make it so. Just because they teach that life spontaneously came into being and evolved into all life forms we see today, without God, doesn’t make it so. People don’t have to believe these lies, but they choose to because they reject God. Do you choose to believe the Word of God or humanistic lies?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 3:9 – New Truths

and to enlighten all, what is the administration of the mystery, hidden from eternity past in God who created all things through Jesus Christ;

Truth to Learn

God has revealed new truths during the church age.


Behind the Words

The words “to enlighten” are translated from the Greek verb photidzō, which is based on phos, meaning “light.” Photidzō means “to give light to;” that is, “to illuminate,” to bring to light,” or “to make known.”

The word “administration” is written as “fellowship” in some translations. “Fellowship” is from the noun koinōnia, which is related to the verb koinōneō, meaning “to share.” Koinōnia refers to communal sharing, fellowship, or participation. In the better manuscripts, however, the Greek word oikonomia is used. In verse two we learned that oikonomia refers to “administration” or “stewardship.”

“Hidden” is from apokruptō, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and kruptō, meaning “to hide.” Thus it means “to hide away.” It is expressed here as a perfect participle, indicating past completed action with an ongoing effect, with emphasis on the effect.

The words “from eternity past” are translated from “apo tōn aiōnōn.” Apo means “from” and tōn is the definite article (the). The word aiōnōn is a form of aiōn, meaning “an indefinitely long period of time.” It is often translated “age” and sometimes translated “eternity.” Paul’s meaning here is “from eternity past” or “from the beginning of time.”

Ktidzō is the Greek word translated “created.” In the writings of Homer the word is used to describe the founding of a city. Here it refers to the creation of something where nothing previously existed.

The words “through Jesus Christ” do not exist in the best manuscripts, although it is clearly taught elsewhere in Scripture that Jesus Christ was the instrument of creation.


Meaning Explained

As you can see from our discussion above, the major Greek manuscripts differ in a couple of places in this verse. However, as with nearly all textual variants, the truth being taught here is not significantly different between them.

Since verse three Paul has been talking about a mystery. You may recall that the word translated “mystery” refers to something that has previously been hidden but now is revealed. We learned a few verses back that the mystery he is talking about is the fact that the Gentiles and the Jews are jointly part of God’s holy temple. That is, the Gentiles now share in the promises made to the Jews, they are part of the same body, and they are fellow heirs of God’s eternal estate.

In yesterday’s verse, Paul said that he, being less than the least of all the saints, was granted the privilege and responsibility of preaching the Gospel message to the Gentiles. In that verse he referred to the message he is commissioned to proclaim as “the unsearchable riches of Christ.” The riches that he referred to are an expression of how precious this salvation by faith really is. There is not enough money in the entire world to purchase this salvation. Therefore, it can’t be purchased; it can only be received as a gift. 

In the current verse he tells us that he also has been given the responsibility of enlightening all of mankind about the stewardship of this mystery. In other words, Paul’s task is to proclaim the Gospel and explain how the Jews and Gentiles are now one in Christ. The remainder of this verse is best explained along with verse ten.  



We are living in an age (period of time since the death of Jesus Christ) in which new truths about God have been revealed. Most of the world, however, is ignoring these truths and living in ignorance. How are you living in light of what you have learned?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Corinthians 4:5 – All Knowing Judge

Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one's praise will come from God.

Truth to Learn

Let God be the judge of other people’s ministry.

Behind the Words

The words “judge nothing” are from mē … ti krinete. is the relative negative, which could refer either to ti or krinete. Ti means “a thing” and krinete is the command form of krinō, which means “to make a judicial decision.” So, this phrase could mean “do not judge anything” or “judge nothing.”

Time” is from kairos, which refers to “an occasion.” Given the context, it most likely refers to “until the Lord comes.”

The words “bring to light” are translated from the verb phōtidzō, meaning “to shine light upon” or “to make one see or understand.”

The word translated “hidden” is kruptos, which is based on the verb kruptō, meaning “to keep secret or hidden.” This kruptos refers to that which is secret or hidden.

Skotos is the Greek word translated “darkness.” It can refer either to physical or spiritual darkness.

Counsels” is from boulē, which refers to “will” or “intention,” indicating deliberation and reflection.

Meaning Explained

Having just said that he is not aware of any act of malpractice or negligence regarding his ministry in Corinth and that God will be the judge of such, Paul now gives us all a command. He says, “Don’t judge anyone’s faithfulness in ministry.” After all, the Lord is the only valid judge. He does not simply look at the surface evidence. God, as it says of His word, “is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) When we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, our works done for God will be rightly judged by Him who sees our real motives and intentions.

We all tend to judge the work of others, whether it is holy or selfishly motivated. But, our judgment is flawed because we don’t really know what’s in a person’s heart. A classic example of this is given regarding the Prophet Samuel who was in the process of selecting and anointing the future king of Israel from the sons of Jesse. Upon seeing Jesse’s son Eliab, Samuel thought that surely this must be the one, but God said:

Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

When our day of judgment does come, we will each receive the praise that we deserve. But that praise will not come from those to whom and with whom we minister. It will come from the only one that matters, God Himself.


No matter what your ministry, whether it is “up front” where everyone sees you or “behind the scenes” where no one sees you, do it humbly and for the purpose of giving praise to God. He knows your heart and your motives. Therefore, keep your focus on Him and don’t be concerned about what others think of your service. I suspect that some janitors or nursery workers will get more praise from God than their pastors will.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Corinthians 2:7 – No More Mystery

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,

Truth to Learn

Christians are to openly proclaim the good news to everyone.

Behind the Words

Mystery” is transliterated (a word taken directly from one language to another) from the Greek noun mustērion. It is derived from the verb muō, meaning “to shut the mouth.” In the first century a mustērion involved a hidden “truth” that was only revealed as part of an initiation. In the New Testament, mustērion identifies something which was hidden in the past, but which is now openly revealed to everyone.

The Greek word translated “hidden” is apokruptō. This word is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and the verb kruptō, meaning “to hide.” Thus, apokruptō means “to hide away” or “to conceal.”

Prooridzō is the word translated “ordained.” It is a compound word made up of pro, meaning “before, in position or time” and horidzō, meaning “to determine or appoint.” Therefore, we see that prooridzō literally means “to determine ahead of time.”

Meaning Explained

From the first century BC through the second or third century AD, Greek and Roman societies were heavily influenced by mystery religions. The three most prevalent were the cult of the Syrian goddess Cybele (known as the Magna Mater, or “Great Mother”), the cult of the mother-goddess Isis and her son Osiris (having originated in Egypt), and the cult of Mithra, which began in Persia. All of these religions shared several common themes: the central god of the religious cult was miraculously born, this god provided protection in this world and immortality in the after-life, and full participation was accomplished only after multiple initiations in which hidden knowledge was revealed to the initiates. It is no wonder that many in the Roman world pictured Christianity as simply another of these mystery religions.

In today’s verse and those following, Paul shows how Christianity is different from all of the mystery religions. He starts off his explanation by showing that Christianity also involves a mystery, the wisdom of God. However, in verse ten he will declare that the mystery is now openly revealed through the Spirit of God. This is something that the mystery religions would never do. He also goes on to show that this mystery and its revelation to all of mankind was part of God’s plan from the beginning. The gods of the mystery religions had to perform some act in order to obtain their divine status. They were subject to the workings of fate. Our God is in control of all things. He was divine from the beginning and reveals Himself to all of mankind as part of His eternal plan.

Paul’s purpose seems to be to distinguish Christian faith from cultic devotion by showing that this mystery is fully revealed to all in the person of Jesus Christ. Faith in Christ is the sole requirement for salvation, not a series of ritualistic initiations.


The central truth of Christianity is that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, the sinless one for the sinners. It is not a mystery and we are not to keep it to ourselves. We are commanded to openly proclaim the truth. 

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved