Tag: watch

1 Thessalonians 5:10 – Eternal, Living Faith

who died for us, that whether we should watch or sleep, we should live together with Him.

Truth to Learn

Faith in Jesus Christ means living with Him eternally.


Behind the Words

“Died” is from apothnēskō, which is composed of apo, meaning “from” or “away from,” used as an intensifier, and thnēskō, meaning “to die.” Literally, apothnēskō means “to die off,” but it is often used to refer to death of any kind.

The word translated “for” is huper (or hyper) meaning “over” or “above.” As used here it also means “for the sake of.”

The words “whether” and “or” are both translated from eite. It is composed of ei, meaning “if” or “whether” and te, meaning “both” or “also.” It is used in Greek to set items in contrast or opposition to one another.

Grēgoreuō is the Greek verb translated “watch.” It means “to keep wake” or “to be watchful.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating possibility or probability.

The word translated “sleep” is katheudō, meaning “to fall asleep.” It, too, is written in the subjunctive mood.

“We should live” is translated from the verb dzaō, meaning “to have life.” Like grēgoreuō and katheudō, it is expressed in the subjunctive mood.


Meaning Explained

In the previous chapter of his letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul began his current teaching regarding the rapture and the Day of the Lord. As he introduced the subject of the rapture, he said:

But we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, that you not grieve as others who have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

In this discourse on the rapture and the Day of the Lord, Paul has used the word “sleep” in two different ways. In teaching about the rapture, he used the term to refer to Christians who have died physically. In his teaching about the Day of the Lord, however, he used the word as a reference to those who are spiritually unaware. He contrasted those who are of the day (Christians) with those who are of the night (unbelievers). And, he warned us who are of the day to be awake (aware) and prepared for spiritual battles. In yesterday’s verse Paul reminded us that God did not place us in a situation where we will suffer His wrath (the Day of the Lord), rather in a situation to obtain salvation (raptured off the earth before the Day of the Lord). Also, in yesterday’s verse he reminded us that our salvation is through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Now, Paul says that Christ died for our sake. He didn’t die for Himself because He was without sin and was not facing the death sentence that we were facing. He died so that we could have eternal life. He died for our sake. Why did He die for us? He died for us so that we might live eternally with Him. It doesn’t matter whether we are physically alive or dead at the time of the rapture; all Christians, together, will live with him eternally. This, he tells us in the next verse, should be a comfort to all Christians.



If you are a born-again Christian, you will spend eternity with Jesus Christ. If not, you will be separated from Him forever!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:6 – No Sleep-walking!

Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.

Truth to Learn

Christians need to wake up and stop sleep-walking through life.

Behind the Words

Ara oun are the opening words of this verse in Greek. They are both inferential particles, serving to draw-out a conclusion based on the previous statement. A literal translation of these two words might be “accordingly therefore.”

The word “sleep” is translated from the Greek verb katheudō, meaning “to sleep.” It is used to express literal sleep, but it is also used metaphorically, as in this verse, to refer to those who are not aware of what’s happening around them.

Watch” is from the Greek verb grēgoreō, which means “to watch” or “to refrain from sleep.” It is expressed here in the subjunctive mood, indicating something that may not be happening but that could or should be happening.

The words “be sober” are translated from nēphō. The original meaning of the word was “to not be drunk.” However, over time the meaning was broadened to mean “to be sober minded” or “to be watchful.” This verb is also in the subjunctive mood, indicating something that needs to be happening.

Meaning Explained

In the first part of this chapter we learned that the Thessalonian Christians were fully aware of the Day of the Lord, the time of judgment against those who have rejected God. They learned that it will occur at a time when the people on earth believe that they finally have peace and safety. Unfortunately for them, however, God’s judgment will come on them suddenly and there will be no way for them to escape it.

In verses four and five, Paul reminded the Thessalonians that they were aware of the coming judgment and they are not in spiritual darkness. He told them (and us) that instead of being in darkness, they (we) are filled with the light of God and we understand things that those in darkness aren’t aware of.

Accordingly, therefore, since we are not unaware of the coming judgment, we need to stay awake. We need to be aware of what’s happening, and we need to witness to those who aren’t aware. Unfortunately, today as in Paul’s time, there are a lot of Christians who are sleep-walking through life. Being a Christian gives us peace and comfort, knowing that God will take care of us and He will take us to be with Him for eternity. But, to many Christians that means they live with one foot in the world and one foot in the church. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. We need to look different, act differently, and think differently. We need to be sober minded, not getting caught-up in worldly thoughts and actions and not getting radical or hysterical. Instead, we need to pray and read our Bibles to learn all we can so we can serve Him faithfully while there is still an opportunity to do so.


How is your thought life? How do your actions demonstrate that you are a child of God? If you were arrested today for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We only have one life to live for God and when it is over we will not have any more opportunities to serve Him. Will you spend eternity wishing you had lived differently, wishing you had done more for Him? Now is the time for action!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 4:7 – End-Time Actions

1 Peter 4:7

But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.

Truth to Learn

The end is very near, so be serious about what you do and how you pray.

Behind the Words

The word translated “end” is telos, which is derived from the verb tellō, meaning “to set out for the goal or target.” Hence, telos refers to “the goal, the end, or the completion.”

Is at hand” is from the Greek verb engidzō, which means “to approach or to make near.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense indicating past completed action with an ongoing effect, but the emphasis is on the effect. Hence, it means that the end has approached and, therefore, is now close at hand.

Meaning Explained

There is some disagreement as to what Peter means by “the end of all things is at hand.” There are three predominant views. The first is that Peter is referring to the end of the Jewish temple worship in Jerusalem. In Peter’s mind, as in the minds of many early church believers, Christianity was simply an extension of the Jewish belief system. At the time of the writing of this epistle (around 65 AD), the Roman government was increasingly displeased with the Jewish resistance to Roman rule. As it turns out, not many years after the publication of this letter, the Jewish temple along with much of the city of Jerusalem was, in fact, destroyed by the Romans.

The second interpretation of this phrase is that it refers to the coming of the Messiah to judge the nations. It was the belief of the early church that the return of Christ was not a distant future event, rather something that could occur at any time.

The third interpretation is that Peter simply means the end of earthly life for the suffering believers to whom he is writing. This interpretation seems to lend itself to the subject matter that Peter has been talking about in the previous verses; although, any of the interpretations could be valid.

However you interpret the opening phrase of this verse, the message from Peter is that since time is running short we need to take some specific action. There is something sobering about believing the end is near that causes us to take stock of our lives, knowing how quickly life can end.

Peter is telling us to take stock now, since time is short. Be sober minded and let our sober attitude result in prayers. We Christians have a hope that the world doesn’t understand. We know that existence doesn’t end when we die. In fact, for a Christian, that is when it really begins. What we have here on this earth is simply the preliminary part of our lives when we will determine how the eternal part is spent.

Life on this earth is short; it can end quickly, and Jesus Christ could return at any moment. All the prophetic events that precede His return have occurred with the exception of the rapture of His church. Let us not waste our last remaining days on this earth with frivolous activities. Instead, let us be sober minded and spend our time in watchful prayer, especially for those who have not yet received the gift of salvation.


The end is near! Therefore, let us watch… and pray… and witness, with our lives as well as our mouths!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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