Tag: father

Romans 8:15 – Blessed Adoption

Romans 8:15 – Blessed Adoption

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”

Truth to Learn

Christians have been adopted into God’s loving family forever!

Behind the Words

The word abba is a transliteration; it is brought over from the original language letter for letter, or sound for sound. This is an Aramaic word that means, “father” as a term of endearment, similar to how we might call our earthly father “dad,” “daddy,” or “papa.”

Adoption” is from huiothesia, which is made up of huios, meaning “a son” and a form of tithēmi, meaning “to place.” Hence, huiothesia refers to a son who has been placed in another family. According to the Jewish laws, an adopted child could not be disinherited; it was a permanent placement.

Meaning Explained

In the previous two chapters Paul spent considerable time showing that before we were saved, we were slaves to sin and the condemnation of the Law. In this chapter he has been showing us that we are free from the bondage of the Law and slavery to sin. We who are saved have a free will to sin or not to sin. In other words, we are not forced to sin due to our being ruled by our sin nature. Instead, we are free to resist that temptation to sin. The reason for this freedom is shown to us in the current verse. The Spirit that we have dwelling in us (according to verse 11) is the Spirit of God. What Paul now tells us is that this Spirit is not a Spirit of bondage. Paul has been showing us throughout this letter that there are two states of being: bondage and submission. Bondage implies a condition that is forced on us, whereas submission is a condition we choose. If we are not saved, we walk according to the flesh and we are under bondage to sin. If, on the other hand, we walk according to the Spirit it is because we are saved and have chosen to submit ourselves to God. The Holy Spirit does not hold us in bondage against our will; we received the Spirit because we willingly submitted ourselves to God.

Now for another of the most precious truths of the New Testament! The Spirit that we have received, the Holy Spirit of God, is one of adoption. In other words, when we accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as payment for our sins, we also willingly submitted ourselves to His Lordship (He is our master now, not our sin nature). In response to this we were adopted by God as His child. And, as a seal of that adoption He gave us the Holy Spirit. Once God has adopted us, He cannot un-adopt us because of that sealing Spirit. He is our Spirit of adoption and because of this we can refer to God as our Father, and we can call him papa or daddy.

One of the primary benefits of our adoption by God is that we now can have a close personal relationship with our Heavenly Father because He has chosen to adopt us.


Do you experience that close personal relationship with your Heavenly Father? Do you converse with Him regularly? Do you share your deepest desires and fears with Him? Do you listen to his wise advice? Or … is He more of a stranger than “daddy?”

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 5:11 – Bragging Rights

Romans 5:11

And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

Truth to Learn

We have the right to rejoice and brag about God our Father.

Behind the Words

The word translated “rejoice” is the Greek word kauchaomai. This word is derived from auchen, meaning “the neck,” which vain people are apt to carry in a proud manner. Hence, the meaning has come to be recognized as “prideful or boastful either in a good or a bad sense.” As a result, some interpret this word as meaning to rejoice in a celebratory manner.

The word translated “we have now received” is lambanō, meaning “to take, to accept, or to receive.”

Reconciliation” is from the Greek word katallagē, which is based on the verb katallassō, meaning “to exchange or to restore to a former state.” Hence, katallagē refers to “a restoration or a reconciliation.”

Meaning Explained

Not only have we been justified by the death of Jesus and we will be saved from the wrath of God by the life of Jesus, but we now are rejoicing in God because of it, according to Paul.

My friends, Christians should be the most joy-filled and rejoicing people on the face of the earth! Why? Because we have been justified (declared righteous) by God and have been promised that we will not suffer His wrath in the future. This justification allows us to fellowship with Almighty God right now, and the promise allows us to patiently endure the trials of this life knowing that we will not see His wrath.

But, I believe the root meaning of the word kauchaomai (to boast or to brag) is what Paul is trying to show us. There isn’t a child alive who, because he or she loves his or her father, won’t brag about him to his or her friends. It’s a natural thing to do. Christians, because we no longer have to fear the wrath of God (our Father), will naturally boast or brag about the greatness, the power, the infinite wisdom, the grace, the love … (I could go on for quite awhile) of our Father. And we do so through the person of Jesus Christ who is the visible manifestation of the Father, for Jesus said, “He who has seen me has seen the Father.” (John 14:9)

Finally, Paul says that it is through Jesus Christ that we have received the reconciliation. Don’t miss this, now! The Greek verb lambanō, translated “received,” is in the aorist tense. In Greek that means action that was completed at a point in time in the past. Paul says that now, at the present time, we have already received the reconciliation (completed at a point in time in the past). That’s why we can boast about Him, because we are now, and always will be, reconciled with, and at peace with, our Heavenly Father. And since we are reconciled with Him and will never have to know His wrath, we brag about Him as the greatest there ever was or ever could be!


The next time you sing a song of praise to God, remember that we have eternal bragging rights. We can brag about our Father and rejoice because we have been completely reconciled to Him, forever and ever!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 4:18 – Faithful Expectation

Romans 4:18

who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be.”

Truth to Learn

Abraham’s faith was an unwavering, fully-expectant faith.

Behind the Words

The word translated “hope” is the Greek word elpis, which means “hope” or “anticipation.” In English when we think of “hope,” we think of desiring something but not really expecting it to happen, or at best, thinking that there is a chance of it happening. This Greek word, however, means, “the desire of something with the expectation that it will happen.” It is more than just “simple hope,” it is “expectant hope.” For this reason, this word is often translated as “faith.”

Believed” is translated from the Greek word pisteuō, which means “to believe in something to the point of having complete trust in it. Again, the concept is not “yeah, I suppose I believe,” but “I know because I absolutely believe!”

The word “nations” is translated from the Greek word ethnos, which means “a race, a nation, or a group of people belonging and living together.” When contrasted to Jews, it is often translated as “Gentiles.” Here it is appropriately translated “nations.”

Meaning Explained

Paul now makes a reference again to the events surrounding Abraham’s moment of salvation, the point in time when God declared him as righteous. Here’s how Moses recorded it back in the book of Genesis:

Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness. (Genesis 15:5-6)

Today’s verse is a dramatic statement of the type of faith that Abraham showed when he believed God’s promise that he would be the father of many nations. It says, “Who, contrary to hope …” meaning that it was beyond reason for him to expect it. And yet he, “… in hope believed …” That is, Abraham had complete trust in the fact that this thing would happen without a doubt!

The thing that he believed was that he would be the father of many nations just as God had told him. So why should this be considered beyond expectation? Because Abraham was about 80 years old and Sarah, his wife, was about 70 when the promise was made. They were both beyond child producing years, and yet Abraham fully believed that not only was God capable of doing it, he believed without a doubt that God would do it. Now that’s faith!

What we sometimes overlook here is that Sarah lived thirty-seven years after Isaac was born. And, after Sarah’s death Abraham remarried (at the age of about 140) and had six more sons by his second wife, Keturah (See Genesis 23:1; 25:1,2).


Is the faith of Abraham the kind of faith that you had when you believed that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, thus saving you for all eternity?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 4:17 – Children by Faith

Romans 4:17

(as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the presence of Him whom he believed—God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;

Truth to Learn

God’s promise to Abraham referred to both his physical descendants and to his spiritual descendants.

Behind the Words

The words “I have made” are translated from the Greek verb tithēmi, meaning “to place” or “to put.” The Hebrew word in the passage Paul is quoting (Genesis 17:15) is nathan, which can have several shades of meaning, one of them being “to give or to grant.” The Greek word is expressed here in the perfect tense indicating past completed action with an ongoing effect.

“In the presence” is from katenanti, which literally means “down over against.” It is used to indicate being “in the sight of” or “in a place in front of” someone or something.

Meaning Explained

Like a number of verses we have looked at in the past, this verse must be looked at in connection with the previous verse in order to get its full meaning. Connecting the first part of this verse (a quote from Genesis 17:15) with the previous verse gives us:

so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all (as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”)

The point is that Abraham is the father of all who are saved through faith. In other words, at the time that God said this to Abraham, because of Abraham’s faith, God had already granted to Abraham that he would be a father of many nations.

If we look at the descendants of Abraham, we see that he is the father of the Jews through Isaac (from his wife Sarah), the father of the Arabs through Ishmael (from Sarah’s handmaid Hagar), and the father of numerous other tribes through the six sons with his second wife, Keturah. However, the Apostle Paul evidently understood the promise as referring, not to the physical descendents of Abraham, but to the spiritual descendants (all those who believe in God’s message).

The next phrase, “in the presence of Him” refers back to the first part of the previous verse. Hence, “Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace… in the presence of Him whom he believed—God …” In other words, the faith is demonstrated in the presence of God. It’s not just some ethereal “Yeah, I believe in God” type of experience. Rather, it is a belief in what God says, in His presence, so that there is no doubt either in what is believed or in the reality of that belief.

Paul then says of God that He both has the ability to give life and to call things which do not yet exist as if they already did exist. In other words, this God of ours neither has any bounds on his power nor is he bound by time. He is without limit in both time and space. We will see the significance of this in the next verse.


If you believe the promise that your sins are paid for through the blood of Jesus Christ, then God has declared you as righteous and you are a son or daughter of Abraham through faith.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 4:16 – Foundational Promises

Romans 4:16

Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all

Truth to Learn

God’s promises to you are there for you to build on.

Behind the Words

The word translated “sure” is bebaios, which means “fixed, sure, or certain.” Figuratively it refers to that upon which one may build, rely, or trust. In the New Testament it is never used of people, only objects or ideas.

Meaning Explained

This verse starts off with a connecting clause, “Therefore it is of faith …” The natural question is, “What is of faith?” By backtracking over the previous verses we see that this clause refers to verse 13 which reads:

For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. (Romans 4:13)

Therefore, Paul is saying that righteousness is the result of faith, according to God’s gracious gift and not the result of works. The point we made several verses ago was that Abraham was declared righteous as a result of his believing God’s promise regarding his future son. God’s declaration of Abraham’s righteousness occurred a number of years before Abraham obediently circumcised himself and his household. Therefore it can’t have been because of works of obedience, it must be the result of faith.

Now, Paul reiterates the statement that he has made in the past couple of verses, that since Abraham was declared righteous as a result of faith, he has become the father figure to all who believe. He says in today’s verse that the promise was made sure to all Abraham’s seed, whether they are children of his flesh or children (through faith) by his example. The promise is not conditional, it is not partial, and it is not questionable. It is sure and firm just like a building’s foundation.


Where are you putting your confidence? Are you still trying to keep all the rules and ordinances of your church in order to please God? Or, do you trust in God’s promises for your eternal future? In order to trust in the promises, you have to know what those promises are, and in order to know what those promises are you have to read the Bible, repeatedly and consistently.

Let me encourage you to set aside one half hour every day whether at the beginning of the day, in the middle of the day, or at the end of the day. It doesn’t matter when it is, as long as you are consistent about it. In the first 20 minutes, read your Bible and in the other 10 minutes pray about what you just read. If you don’t know where to begin reading, I would suggest that you start with 1st John (the 5th from the last book in the Bible) or perhaps the book of James or one of the Gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John).

Try it for a week and see if you don’t begin to feel like God is actually talking directly to you as you read. The more you read your Bible, the better you will understand God’s message for you and His promises to you.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 4:12 – Abraham’s Faithful Footsteps

Romans 4:12

and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who also walk in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had while still uncircumcised.

Truth to Learn

Circumcision doesn’t matter. Faith matters.

Behind the Words

The word translated “father” is patēr, which means “father, ancestor, mentor, or model.” Hence, it can be used in a literal sense or it can be used in a figurative sense as it is in this verse.

Walk” is the Greek verb stoicheō. It is based on the noun stoichos, which is a military term meaning “a row, a rank, or a line.” Hence, stoicheō means “to advance in rows or ranks” or “to walk in an orderly manner.”

The word translated “steps” is ichnos, which refers to “the sole of the foot.” By application it refers to a footstep or the impression left by the sole of the foot. Figuratively, it refers to the example that someone else has set for us to follow.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul said that Abraham, through his righteousness of faith, became the father of those who believe even though they are uncircumcised. What Paul means is that Abraham became a father figure to them; that is, an example to all non-Jews. In this way, all non-Jewish people can share in the fatherhood of Abraham, figuratively speaking, through the same kind of faith.

In the current verse the wording of the translation makes it a little hard to understand. Here’s another way of wording what Paul is saying in this verse:

And the father of circumcision to those who are not just circumcised but who are also walking in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham while (he was still) in uncircumcision.

You can see from this wording that Paul is making the point that Abraham also is a father figure to the circumcised. Not to all the circumcised, just to those who (like the uncircumcised of the previous verse) have a saving faith like Abraham did. Paul is not talking about the literal fatherhood (ancestor) of Abraham, but the figurative fatherhood. And he’s not the figurative father of those who simply follow his example of circumcision, but of those who follow his example of faith.

In other words, it is not obedience to the Law or to any other set of rules that produces righteousness. It is the faith that produces righteousness. And, as we said in the previous verse, the point is that faith came well before obedience and as a result of that faith, we all (Jews and Gentiles) can look to Abraham as our spiritual, believing father figure.


It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, whether you are male or female, tattooed or not. It doesn’t matter whether your parents are rich of poor and it doesn’t matter whether you are Asian, African, Caucasian, Baltic, Australian, Indo-European, or Inuit. What matters is that you are following in Abraham’s footsteps, in that you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins! Period!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 4:11 – Signed and Sealed

Romans 4:11

And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all those who believe, though they are uncircumcised, that righteousness might be imputed to them also,

Truth to Learn

Abraham’s circumcision was a seal of his righteousness.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “sign” is sēmeion, which means “a sign, a mark, or a token.” The same word is used of Jesus who performed many signs in the form of miracles which “marked” Him as the true Messiah.

Seal” is translated from the Greek word sphragis, which means, “a signet or a seal which is used as an indication of genuineness.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous two verses we learned that faith was imputed to Abraham for righteousness while he was still uncircumcised. As noted in the previous verse study, it was probably about 15 years after his experience of faith that God reaffirmed His covenant with Abram (exalted father), renamed him Abraham (father of a multitude), and commanded him to circumcise himself and every male in his household who was at least 8 days old (read Genesis 17 for the details).

Why was there such a lengthy period between Abram’s being declared righteous and Abraham receiving the sign of circumcision? Perhaps God did this so that there would be no doubt that faith was imputed well before circumcision. And, according to this verse, circumcision was given to Abraham as a sign that he had a special covenant relationship with God.

In the current verse we see that it was also given to Abraham as a “seal.” It was God’s guarantee that He had proclaimed Abraham righteous through faith. That makes Abraham the spiritual father of everyone who believes without being circumcised.

This righteousness, which God declares for a person as a result of faith, comes regardless of whether a person is circumcised or not. Based on Paul’s line of reasoning and the carefully laid argument and evidence that he has just placed before the predominantly Jewish Christians in Rome, there is no way they could ever again insist that a person had to become a Jew and be circumcised in order to become a Christian.

One more thing to notice from Genesis 17:1: when God gave Abraham the sign of circumcision, he also commanded Abraham to be “perfect” (“blameless” in some translations). The Hebrew word tamiym means “to be without blemish” or “to be morally clean.” This was not commanded of him until well after he was declared righteous. In other words, Abraham didn’t earn his righteousness by being morally pure; it was commanded of him after he was declared righteous. This is another piece of evidence that we don’t earn our salvation (righteousness), it is given to us!


Righteousness and moral purity are things that God expects of us. But, as long as we have this sin nature we will never be righteous or morally pure by ourselves. Praise God that He declares us righteous when we believe the good news about Christ’s sacrifice for us. And He gets all the glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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