Tag: amen

Romans 15:33 – Peace With God

And the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

Truth to Learn

God is the only source of true peace. You can be at peace with God.


Behind the Words

The word translated “peace” is eirēnē, which means “peace or tranquility.” The root of this word is probably the verb eirō, which means “to join.” Hence, to be at peace with someone implies that you are joined together with them for your mutual benefit. It does not simply imply a passive act (that you leave each other alone) but an active one (that you join together with another person to produce good). So, the God of peace means that God joins together with you to produce goodness and peace.

“Amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew awmane, which properly means “firm.” It is used to express trustworthiness or sureness. In other words, it means “surely, truly, it is so.”


Meaning Explained

The primary object of this epistle to the Romans has been to encourage a bond of peace between the believing Jews and Gentiles in Rome, and to show them their mutual obligations and the infinite mercy of God to them all. Now he concludes with a prayer that the God of peace – He with whom we are joined together, from whom it comes, and by whom it is preserved – might be forever with them, Jewish Christian and Gentile Christian alike.

Paul told the Philippians not to worry but to pray unto God with thanksgiving and that they would, in turn, receive the peace of God that no one can fully understand. Here’s how Paul said it to them:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

In this fifteenth chapter of Romans, the Lord has been named the God of patience and consolation (verse five), the God of hope (verse thirteen), and now the God of peace. He is the source of everything good and of everything a poor sinner needs both now and eternally.



Do you have God’s peace? Are you joined together with Him for your mutual good?

If not, have you ever truly humbled yourself before Almighty God, admitted that you are a sinner deserving the punishment of Hell, and asked God to save you by His mercy? If you have never done this, then you can’t have real peace; you are still in your sins, and you will pay the eternal penalty for them in the flaming fires of Hell. If, on the other hand, you have submitted yourself to God as an undeserving sinner claiming the blood of Jesus Christ as payment for your sins, then you can know this peace that only comes from God, and you will spend eternity in His presence.

May this peace be yours today, and may God receive the glory!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 5:11 – Our Eternal God

To Him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Truth to Learn

God is mighty in position and power, deserving of our worship now and for all eternity.


Behind the Words

Some translations begin this verse with “To Him be the glory and the dominion …” The best Greek manuscripts, however, do not contain the Greek word for glory, so we have left it out in our translation.

The word translated “dominion” is the Greek word kratos, which literally means “strength” or “might,” but it carries more of the meaning “especially manifested power” or “dominion.” It is, again a recognition of God’s superiority in terms of power and authority. It is recognition that God is great and powerful having supreme authority and power, and we are small and weak having little, if any, authority and power.

The expression “forever and ever” comes from the Greek eis tous aionas, which literally means “unto the ages.” An age refers to a period of time or the collection of events within that period of time. The Greek expression, eis ton aionon (unto the ages) is interpreted as “unto eternity” or “until the end of the ages.”

“Amen” is a transliteration (a word brought directly from one language into another) of the Hebrew word meaning, “to be firm, steady, or trustworthy.” It is sometimes translated as “it is truth.” At other times it is translated as “verily,” as in “Verily, verily, I say unto you.”


Meaning Explained

Today’s verse starts with “To Him.” The obvious question is “To whom?” The answer lies in the first part of yesterday’s verse, “The God of all grace.” So, we could read today’s verse as, “To the God of all grace be the dominion throughout all eternity. Amen”

Peter is, as we all should be, ascribing praise, worship, and reverence to the one who is most powerful and mighty and who shall be so throughout all of time and eternity!

He closes his benediction with the word amen, which, as we noted above, is not a Greek word but a Hebrew word. It is not simply a formula type word for ending a prayer as we so flippantly use it today. In the New Testament it is often translated as “verily” or “truly.” Its most basic meaning, however, is, “this is true with absolute certainty!” It is not so much a period on the end of a prayer as it is an exclamation point.

To the God of all grace be the dominion throughout all eternity. Amen



How easily and carelessly we toss about a verse like this. Think about what it means. First of all, we are recognizing that God is supreme and we are but lowly creatures. By implication we are recognizing that He is the one who made everything that exists out of nothing. Next, we are saying that He deserves recognition for who He is, and that recognition includes worship and praise. Finally, in expressing this, we admit that He transcends time and that His exalted position will continue long after time has ceased. This is the truth!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 3:18 – Our Master’s Grace

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Truth to Learn

Jesus Christ is our gracious Lord and Master. He owns us.


Behind the Words

“Grace” is translated from the Greek noun charis, which is from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” Therefore, we see that charis is “that which causes joy, pleasure, gratification, or acceptance as a result of a kindness granted.” It is often translated as grace, thanks, or gratitude.

The word “Lord” is from kurios, which is based on kuros, meaning “might, power, or control.” Kurios refers to someone who has supreme authority or control over someone else.

Christos is the word transliterated “Christ,” which is based on the verb chriō, meaning “to anoint.” Thus, christos literally means “the anointed one.” It is equivalent to the Hebrew word mashiach, or Messiah.

The word “amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew word ‘āmēn, meaning “to be trustworthy, steady, or firm.” It is often translated as “truth,” “verily,” or “it is so.” It is usually appended to the end of a prayer or a hymn. There is some evidence that this word was not included in Paul’s original letter. Some manuscripts have it and others don’t.

Also, some manuscripts have the following appended to the end of this letter, “To the Thessalonians, a second letter written from Athens.”


Meaning Explained

Paul closes this letter with his typical salutation of grace. Probably more than any other characteristic of God, Paul is ever mindful of God’s grace toward us. Every single letter of Paul’s ends with a reminder of God’s grace In fact, the only other writings of the New Testament that end with a mention of God’s grace are Hebrews (which some people believe was written by Paul), 2 Peter, and Revelation. For this reason, it is possible that the “sign” that Paul referred to in the previous verse may be this closing benediction. It appears to be a signature or “sign” of the authenticity of this letter from the Apostle Paul.

God’s grace, as shown in our salvation and the many blessings that result from it, should serve as a constant reminder to us that without it we are dead in our sins (Ephesians 2:1) and destined to receive the wrath of God. It is only by God’s grace that we who deserve eternity in hell being separated from the love of God, should receive His merciful and priceless salvation. With this comes fellowship with Him while on this earth and the promise of eternity in His presence bathed in His love. A thorough understanding of God’s grace should cause every Christian to humbly fall before our Lord with gratitude and thanksgiving.

But, Paul tells us something else here about God’s grace. It is “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This could also be translated as “the grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.” Grace comes, not simply from the godhead (all three persons), but specifically from the second person of the godhead, our Lord Jesus Christ. And Paul tells us that Jesus Christ is not just our God, but our Lord. Jesus Christ has purchased us with his blood (Revelation 5:9). We do not own ourselves, we were bought by, and now are owned by, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20). He is our owner, our Lord, and our Master.



By the grace of God, we will not get what we deserve (eternity in hell); instead, we will get what we don’t deserve (eternal salvation). Let us all fall on our faces with humble thanksgiving and gratitude, and let us strive to do the will of Him who owns us – our Lord Jesus Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:28 – Our Lord and Master

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Truth to Learn

Jesus Christ is our gracious Lord and Master. He owns us.


Behind the Words

“Grace” is translated from the Greek noun charis, which is from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” Therefore, we see that charis is “that which causes joy, pleasure, gratification, or acceptance as a result of a kindness granted.” It is often translated as grace, thanks, or gratitude.

The word “Lord” is from kurios, which is based on kuros, meaning “might, power, or control.” Kurios refers to someone who has supreme authority or control over someone else.

Christos is the word transliterated “Christ,” which is based on the verb chriō, meaning “to anoint.” Thus, christos literally means “the anointed one.” It is equivalent to the Hebrew word mashiach, or Messiah.

The word “amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew word ‘āmēn, meaning “to be trustworthy, steady, or firm.” It is often translated as “truth,” “verily,” or “it is so.” It is usually appended to the end of a prayer or a hymn.


Meaning Explained

Paul closes this letter with his typical salutation of grace. Probably more than any other characteristic of God, Paul is ever mindful of God’s grace toward us. Every single letter of Paul’s ends with a reminder of God’s grace (Romans 16:24; 1 Corinthians 16:23; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Galatians 6:18; Ephesians 6:24; Philippians 4:23; Colossians 4:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:28; 2 Thessalonians 3:18; 1 Timothy 6:21; 2 Timothy 4:22; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:25). In fact, the only other writings of the New Testament that end with a mention of God’s grace are Hebrews (which some people believe was written by Paul), 2 Peter, and Revelation.

God’s grace, as shown in our salvation and the many blessings that result from it, should serve as a constant reminder to us that without it we are dead in our sins (Ephesians 2:1) and destined to receive the wrath of God. It is only by God’s grace that we who deserve eternity in hell, separated from the love of God, should receive His merciful and priceless salvation, fellowship with Him while on this earth, and the promise of eternity in His presence, bathed in His love. A thorough understanding of God’s grace should cause every Christian to humbly fall before our Lord with gratitude and thanksgiving.

But, Paul tells us something else here about God’s grace. It is “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This could also be translated as “the grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.” Grace comes, not simply from the godhead (all three persons), but specifically from the second person of the godhead, our Lord Jesus Christ. And Paul tells us that Jesus Christ is not just our God, but our Lord. Jesus Christ has purchased us with his blood (Revelation 5:9). We do not own ourselves, we were bought by, and now are owned by, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20). He is our owner, our Lord, and our Master.



By the grace of God, we will not get what we deserve (eternity in hell); instead, we will get what we don’t deserve (eternal salvation). Let us all fall on our faces with humble thanksgiving and gratitude, and let us strive to do the will of Him who owns us – our Lord Jesus Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:24 – Eternal Joy

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

Truth to Learn

God’s grace and His love are unfading and eternal.


Behind the Words

“Grace” is translated from the Greek word charis. This is from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” It specifically refers to “an undeserved act of kindness causing joy or gratification, which is done without expectation of anything in return.” Here it is a specific reference to the joy that comes from knowing that God has granted salvation to those who don’t deserve it.

The word translated “Lord” is kurios, which is derived from kuros, meaning “might” or “power.” Thus, kurios refers to “someone who has legal power or supreme authority over you.”

“Sincerity” is from aphtharsia, which is derived from aphthartos, meaning “incorruptible” or “imperishable.” When used as it is here it refers to the way in which we love our Lord. In other words, it refers to a love that does not fade away or decrease, an incorruptible love.

The word “Amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew word amen, meaning “to be firm, steady, trustworthy, certainly, or completely true.” When used at the end of a statement or prayer, as it is here, it means “this is certainly the truth.”

Some translations end this verse with “amen,” but that word is not in the better Greek texts.


Meaning Explained

As we mentioned in yesterday’s verse, Paul is concluding this letter with a benediction, good words expressing his desire for those who read this letter. It is declared here as an implied prayer. In the previous verse he expressed his desire for all Christians to know the peace of God, which is beyond all understanding (Philippians 4:7), the love of God demonstrated by the gift of His only begotten Son (John 3:16), and saving and sanctifying faith which gets us through even the most difficult times (Ephesians 6:16).

In today’s verse he adds to these a joyous heart. Many of us have been taught in the past that “grace” means “unmerited favor.” In a sense that is true when it is referring to the gracious act that God has done for us. However, in its root meaning it really refers to the joy which is produced in our hearts as a result of God’s unmerited favor to us. We are all sinners and the penalty for our sins is death (separation from God for all eternity). For anyone who has accepted God’s gift of salvation, however, there is unspeakable joy in knowing that our sins have been forgiven. That joy can never be taken away from us, even in the face of physical death because we have a joyous hope of being in God’s presence forever.

Finally, in closing this letter Paul tells us something about the love that we Christians have for our God. This love, like our joy, not only will not cease, it will never diminish or fade. 



No matter what kind of difficulty you may go through, if you are a Christian you can rest on the fact that God loves you as if you were His only child, and He has forgiven you all your sins. Paul teaches elsewhere that you can never do anything to lose that salvation because you didn’t do anything to earn it; it is God’s gracious gift. Therefore, you will never be separated from God or from His love. You may suffer heartache or pain, but you will know eternal peace and joy because of His love.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 3:18 – Our Master’s Grace

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Truth to Learn

Jesus Christ is our gracious Lord and Master. He owns us.

Behind the Words

Grace” is translated from the Greek noun charis, which is from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” Therefore, we see that charis is “that which causes joy, pleasure, gratification, or acceptance as a result of a kindness granted.” It is often translated as grace, thanks, or gratitude.

The word “Lord” is from kurios, which is based on kuros, meaning “might, power, or control.” Kurios refers to someone who has supreme authority or control over someone else.

Christos is the word transliterated “Christ,” which is based on the verb chriō, meaning “to anoint.” Thus, christos literally means “the anointed one.” It is equivalent to the Hebrew word mashiach, or Messiah.

The word “amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew word ‘āmēn, meaning “to be trustworthy, steady, or firm.” It is often translated as “truth,” “verily,” or “it is so.” It is usually appended to the end of a prayer or a hymn.

Meaning Explained

Paul closes this letter with his typical salutation of grace. Probably more than any other characteristic of God, Paul is ever mindful of God’s grace toward us. Every single letter of Paul’s ends with a reminder of God’s grace In fact, the only other writings of the New Testament that end with a mention of God’s grace are Hebrews (which some people believe was written by Paul), 2 Peter, and Revelation. For this reason, it is possible that the “sign” that Paul referred to in the previous verse may be this closing benediction. It appears to be a signature or “sign” of the authenticity of this letter from the Apostle Paul.

God’s grace, as shown in our salvation and the many blessings that result from it, should serve as a constant reminder to us that without it we are dead in our sins (Ephesians 2:1) and destined to receive the wrath of God. It is only by God’s grace that we who deserve eternity in hell, separated from the love of God, should receive His merciful and priceless salvation, fellowship with Him while on this earth, and the promise of eternity in His presence, bathed in His love. A thorough understanding of God’s grace should cause every Christian to humbly fall before our Lord with gratitude and thanksgiving.

But, Paul tells us something else here about God’s grace. It is “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This could also be translated as “the grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.” Grace comes, not simply from the godhead (all three persons), but specifically from the second person of the godhead, our Lord Jesus Christ. And Paul tells us that Jesus Christ is not just our God, but our Lord. Jesus Christ has purchased us with his blood (Revelation 5:9). We do not own ourselves, we were bought by, and now are owned by, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20). He is our owner, our Lord, and our Master.


By the grace of God, we will not get what we deserve (eternity in hell); instead, we will get what we don’t deserve (eternal salvation). Let us all fall on our faces with humble thanksgiving and gratitude, and let us strive to do the will of Him who owns us – our Lord Jesus Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2013 Will Krause. All rights reserved


1 Thessalonians 5:28 – Our Lord and Master

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Truth to Learn

Jesus Christ is our gracious Lord and Master. He owns us.

Behind the Words

Grace” is translated from the Greek noun charis, which is from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” Therefore, we see that charis is “that which causes joy, pleasure, gratification, or acceptance as a result of a kindness granted.” It is often translated as grace, thanks, or gratitude.

The word “Lord” is from kurios, which is based on kuros, meaning “might, power, or control.” Kurios refers to someone who has supreme authority or control over someone else.

Christos is the word transliterated “Christ,” which is based on the verb chriō, meaning “to anoint.” Thus, christos literally means “the anointed one.” It is equivalent to the Hebrew word mashiach, or Messiah.

The word “amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew word ‘āmēn, meaning “to be trustworthy, steady, or firm.” It is often translated as “truth,” “verily,” or “it is so.” It is usually appended to the end of a prayer or a hymn.

Meaning Explained

Paul closes this letter with his typical salutation of grace. Probably more than any other characteristic of God, Paul is ever mindful of God’s grace toward us. Every single letter of Paul’s ends with a reminder of God’s grace (Romans 16:24; 1 Corinthians 16:23; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Galatians 6:18; Ephesians 6:24; Philippians 4:23; Colossians 4:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:28; 2 Thessalonians 3:18; 1 Timothy 6:21; 2 Timothy 4:22; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:25). In fact, the only other writings of the New Testament that end with a mention of God’s grace are Hebrews (which some people believe was written by Paul), 2 Peter, and Revelation.

God’s grace, as shown in our salvation and the many blessings that result from it, should serve as a constant reminder to us that without it we are dead in our sins (Ephesians 2:1) and destined to receive the wrath of God. It is only by God’s grace that we who deserve eternity in hell, separated from the love of God, should receive His merciful and priceless salvation, fellowship with Him while on this earth, and the promise of eternity in His presence, bathed in His love. A thorough understanding of God’s grace should cause every Christian to humbly fall before our Lord with gratitude and thanksgiving.

But, Paul tells us something else here about God’s grace. It is “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This could also be translated as “the grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.” Grace comes, not simply from the godhead (all three persons), but specifically from the second person of the godhead, our Lord Jesus Christ. And Paul tells us that Jesus Christ is not just our God, but our Lord. Jesus Christ has purchased us with his blood (Revelation 5:9). We do not own ourselves, we were bought by, and now are owned by, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20). He is our owner, our Lord, and our Master.


By the grace of God, we will not get what we deserve (eternity in hell); instead, we will get what we don’t deserve (eternal salvation). Let us all fall on our faces with humble thanksgiving and gratitude, and let us strive to do the will of Him who owns us – our Lord Jesus Christ.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Ephesians 6:24 – Eternal Joy

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

Truth to Learn

God’s grace and His love are unfading and eternal.

Behind the Words

Grace” is translated from the Greek word charis. This is from the verb chairō, meaning “to rejoice.” It specifically refers to “an undeserved act of kindness causing joy or gratification, which is done without expectation of anything in return.” Here it is a specific reference to the joy that comes from knowing that God has granted salvation to those who don’t deserve it.

The word translated “Lord” is kurios, which is derived from kuros, meaning “might” or “power.” Thus, kurios refers to “someone who has legal power or supreme authority over you.”

Sincerity” is from aphtharsia, which is derived from aphthartos, meaning “incorruptible” or “imperishable.” When used as it is here it refers to the way in which we love our Lord. In other words, it refers to a love that does not fade away or decrease, an incorruptible love.

The word “Amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew word amen, meaning “to be firm, steady, trustworthy, certainly, or completely true.” When used at the end of a statement or prayer, as it is here, it means “this is certainly the truth.”

Meaning Explained

As we mentioned in yesterday’s verse, Paul is concluding this letter with a benediction, good words expressing his desire for those who read this letter. It is declared here as an implied prayer. In the previous verse he expressed his desire for all Christians to know the peace of God, which is beyond all understanding (Philippians 4:7), the love of God demonstrated by the gift of His only begotten Son (John 3:16), and saving and sanctifying faith which gets us through even the most difficult times (Ephesians 6:16).

In today’s verse he adds to these a joyous heart. Many of us have been taught in the past that “grace” means “unmerited favor.” In a sense that is true when it is referring to the gracious act that God has done for us. However, in its root meaning it really refers to the joy which is produced in our hearts as a result of God’s unmerited favor to us. We are all sinners and the penalty for our sins is death (separation from God for all eternity). For anyone who has accepted God’s gift of salvation, however, there is unspeakable joy in knowing that our sins have been forgiven. That joy can never be taken away from us, even in the face of physical death because we have a joyous hope of being in God’s presence forever.

Finally, in closing this letter Paul tells us something about the love that we Christians have for our God. This love, like our joy, not only will not cease, it will never diminish or fade.  


No matter what kind of difficulty you may go through, if you are a Christian you can rest on the fact that God loves you as if you were His only child, and He has forgiven you all your sins. Paul teaches elsewhere that you can never do anything to lose that salvation because you didn’t do anything to earn it; it is God’s gracious gift. Therefore, you will never be separated from God or from His love. You may suffer heartache or pain, but you will know eternal peace and joy because of His love.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 16:24 – Precious, Sacred, and True

Romans 16:24– Precious, Sacred, and True

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Truth to Learn

We have the genuine Word of God.

Behind the Words

Grace” is translated from charis. This is the noun form of the verb chairō, meaning “to be full of cheer” or “to rejoice.” The noun form, charis, means “joy, pleasure, or gratification as a result of an undeserved kindness granted.” In other words, it refers to “an undeserved or unmerited favor done without expectation of anything done in return.” It is sometimes described as “unmerited favor.”

The word “Lord” is from the Greek noun kurios, which is derived from the noun kuron, meaning “might” or “power.” Thus, kurios refers to the one possessing might or power; that is, it refers to “a master or owner.”

Jesus” is transliterated (spelling a word of one language with the letters of another language) from the Greek Iēsous, which is in turn transliterated from the Hebrew Yēshū’a, or Joshua, meaning “Jehovah is help” or “Jehovah saves.”

Christ” is the transliteration of the Greek word christos, which is derived from the verb chriō, meaning “to anoint.” Therefore, christos means “anointed one.” This is the equivalent of the Hebrew word Māshīach, or Messiah.

The word “amen” is transliterated from the Greek word amēn, which in turn is transliterated from the Hebrew āmēn. It literally means “to be firm, steady, or trustworthy.” The Greek word is sometimes translated as “verily” or “truly.” Because we almost always end a prayer with amen, we tend to think of it as meaning “the end” but this is not the proper meaning of the word. At the end of a prayer, it is more appropriately equated to “it is truth” or “it is so.”

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse is almost exactly the same as the second half of verse twenty, except that the word “all” has been inserted. Some of the major Greek manuscripts do not include this verse, so it is omitted in some translations. However, it is included in this translation so let’s look at it briefly.

According to his second letter to the Thessalonians, this is an expression that Paul uses to mark the genuineness of his letter:

The salutation of Paul with my own hand, which is a sign in every epistle; so I write. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (2Thssalonians 3:17-18)

In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul alludes to a forged letter from him (2Thessalonians 2:2), so he may have used this valediction to assure them that it was truly from him. Thus, we see this expression in various forms in 1Corinthians 16:23, 2Corinthians 8:9, Galatians 6:18, Philippians 4:23, 1Thessalonians 5:28, 2Thessalonians 3:18, 1Timothy 1:14, and Philemon 1:25.

As to why it is included in both verses twenty and twenty-four we can only speculate. Perhaps the first was written by his penman and this one was written by Paul himself.


We are so privileged to have God’s truth presented to us in a single book, a book that we know to be genuine. We should treat it as precious, honor it as sacred, and follow it as God’s Holy Word. Amen.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 15:33 – Peace With God

Romans 15:33 – Peace With God

Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

Truth to Learn

God is the only source of true peace. You can be at peace with God.

Behind the Words

The word translated “peace” is eirēnē, which means “peace or tranquility.” The root of this word is probably the verb eirō, which means “to join.” Hence, to be at peace with someone implies that you are joined together with them for your mutual benefit. It does not simply imply a passive act (that you leave each other alone) but an active one (that you join together with another person to produce good). So, the God of peace means that God joins together with you to produce goodness and peace.

Amen” is transliterated from the Hebrew awmane, which properly means “firm.” It is used to express trustworthiness or sureness. In other words, it means “surely, truly, it is so.”

Meaning Explained

The primary object of this epistle to the Romans has been to encourage a bond of peace between the believing Jews and Gentiles in Rome, and to show them their mutual obligations and the infinite mercy of God to them all. Now he concludes with a prayer that the God of peace – He with whom we are joined together, from whom it comes, and by whom it is preserved – might be forever with them, Jewish Christian and Gentile Christian alike.

Paul told the Philippians not to worry but to pray unto God with thanksgiving and that they would, in turn, receive the peace of God that no one can fully understand. Here’s how Paul said it to them:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

In this fifteenth chapter of Romans, the Lord has been named the God of patience and consolation (verse five), the God of hope (verse thirteen), and now the God of peace. He is the source of everything good and of everything a poor sinner needs both now and eternally.


Do you have God’s peace? Are you joined together with Him for your mutual good?

If not, have you ever truly humbled yourself before Almighty God, admitted that you are a sinner deserving the punishment of Hell, and asked God to save you by His mercy? If you have never done this, then you can’t have real peace; you are still in your sins, and you will pay the eternal penalty for them in the flaming fires of Hell. If, on the other hand, you have submitted yourself to God as an undeserving sinner claiming the blood of Jesus Christ as payment for your sins, then you can know this peace that only comes from God, and you will spend eternity in His presence.

May this peace be yours today, and may God receive the glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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